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Posts posted by Luciana

  1. This picture/gif screams GET MARRIED AND HAVE THOSE GINGER BABIES!!!!! This is not a film kiss-that is so realistic it is not funny! :) I have seen on screen kisses and they have been HOT (Leo and Kate in Titanic, Ryan and Rachel in Notebook)and you can see how much acting is def going into these. I mean dont get me wrong, I know R/E are acting a scene but there is just too much chemistry and sexiness to this kiss-I mean they are 18 year olds (supposed to be) kissing and that looks like 2 people who just REALLY know each other as a partner-SEXY couple!!!!! ;)


    YESSSS that hand ahem...do ya see how slowly it moves too.... ;)


    Cbmac, I love so much your icon!!!!!!!!!!!!! It's priceless!!!! :wub:

  2. Thanks, Laura. I don't have much time at the moment anyway and in four weeks time registration is open for everyone anyway, so .... LOL


    As long as I don't end up in Slytherin, I think I'll be fine. I can imagine I'll be put in Ravenclaw. What do you have to do to be sorted? Is it completely random or do you have to answer questions or do a test, i.e. wrestling a Troll ;)




    Is that .... is that a real pic or is it a damn well done manip??? :lostit::drool:


    It's a real pic!!! Do you remember the pic Heyman had at his office? It's the same pic!!! :ohyeah:

  3. Someone commented on Tumblr after Rupert and Georgia pics came out from V Festival that Rupert has more chemistry with Tom in their LA pics together than Rupert and Georgia. Granted, Rupes probably doesn't want to do PDA, especially at a place like V Festival, but I found the comment funny.


    And I agree, I'm not feeling the chemistry/love between Johnny and Emma in their pics. I accept (even if I don't approve) that they're a couple but there's no spark. I know they look tired in the NYC pics but even the LA kissing pics look stiff and awkward to me.


    Now, Rupert and Emma = SO MUCH ELECTRICITY.


    Saw another BTS - yup, Emma always has to touch him doesn't she (she loves his arms!):






    This!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Emma only has chemistry with Rupert. It's crazy, but she seems happier when Rupert is close to her.

  4. What is "Shutter Island"? It sounds vaguely familiar.


    Is Mila Jovovich in it? (I know I spelt her name wrong, but basically the woman who played the main character in the "Resident Evil" Trilogy.


    You are kidding, right? It's a Scorssese film, starring Leo Di Caprio, Mark Ruffalo and Ben Kingsley.

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