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Everything posted by SmartGurl12488

  1. There is a screencaps of a photo of Harry/Hermione kissin in the background I didnt know if anyone wanted me to post it here or not since it's a spoiler.
  2. Yeah I have always loved Harry/Hermione together ever since the 1st movie.
  3. I love Pocahontas its good but im not a fan of Hannah Montana & High School Musical.. Since Halloween is comin up who is your favorite Disney Villains?
  4. For me ever since I watched him in Romeo & Juliet then I went to see him in Titantic I have to say he was hott & still is.
  5. I love them I have watched them ever since I was younger which ones were ur favorite & least favorite?
  6. I know I watched 2 of his films 2day. Which are "Yes Man & Batman Forever."
  7. Mine favorite movie besides Pirates Of Carribbean is Sweeney Todd..It's a really good film & He sings really good.
  8. I love Hermione...she is my favorite character & I love Harry too.
  9. I know me 2.. I even heard the sample soundtrack of him & its sad.
  10. I love Jim Carrey too I love all of his roles.
  11. Welcome to the Daniel Radcliffe Thread:
  12. Anyone A Big Fan Of Johnny Depp? I know I am.
  13. Here are some pics of me(some of them are old & others new like the 1st one is new):
  14. Hey it's okay smile I'm 5ft too!! So Go Us!! =)
  15. Welcome Tom! Nice to meet you.
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