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The Midnight Q

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Status Replies posted by The Midnight Q

  1. Merry Christmas and Happy New Year to you and yours Jer! *I sent you some Duval for the holiday --- hope you like it*

    1. The Midnight Q

      The Midnight Q

      And to you as well, Jon. Merry Christmas! I shall enjoy it then.

  2. Jer... pardon my naivete but what IS the Midnight Q? Can't believe I've never asked before. :/

  3. Happy freakin' birthday, giggidy, giggidy, gig-gi-dy!

    1. The Midnight Q

      The Midnight Q

      Hey, thank you very much Tara!

  4. I'm great. >.< What you been up to lately?

    1. The Midnight Q

      The Midnight Q

      Not too much really. Looking for a job mainly...didn't realize it was a full time effort on its own heh. Whats up with you?

  5. Getting a new car next week!!! Woohoo!!!!

  6. Hopefully, in about 5yrs time, I'll be living in America.

    1. The Midnight Q

      The Midnight Q

      If you do marry an American, she can petition you for citizenship right then and there.

    2. (See 8 other replies to this status update)

  7. Hopefully, in about 5yrs time, I'll be living in America.

    1. The Midnight Q

      The Midnight Q

      ...and live the American Dream haha. You're welcome here!

    2. (See 8 other replies to this status update)

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