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The Midnight Q

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Posts posted by The Midnight Q

  1. I tried my first cigarette four years ago when I was 16. (I remember that my younger self had always said she would never ever try smoking. She'd had no idea how wrong she'd been then.) And, well, it was love at first sight. Even that first cigarette didn't taste bad. I'm not addicted. I don't smoke every day, but I have to admit that I love smoking, I really, like really, enjoy doing it. The only thing that keeps me from smoking on a daily basis is my health. What's more, I don't like the whole idea of being addicted. For me, it's a sign of weakness and uhh, I hate feeling weak. So I try to smoke only when I'm partying. (But sometimes I'm not strong enough (especially when I'm depressed which happens quite often) to refrain from smoking.)

    Besides, do you know anything that is better than a cup of coffee and a cigarette in the morning? 



    A cup of coffee and a cigarette after breakfast. I know what you mean but it seems that more and more people say that they "smoke only when they drink" or are "social smokers". A habit is a habit; addiction is a different story but there are tell-tale signs even when someone says they're not addicted.

  2. tbh, I'm about to watch some videos. I feel horny right now.


    ^_-    I'm not going to say a word.






    As much as I didn't want to, I'm finishing up my rather productive Sunday at my usual pub. On my laptop here as well figuring out possibly working abroad.

  3. Woke up and got ready

    Brewed some coffee

    Smoked a cigarette

    Walked to work

    Made more coffee

    Worked some more

    Went out for a smoke break

    Drank more coffee

    Smoked a cigarette

    Took my lunch (last night's leftover pasta)

    Had another cigarette

    Worked a bit more

    Stressed out about falling behind on some of my work <- deadlines... deadlines are a bitch.

    Left the office and had a cigarette

    Walked home and changed into workout clothes

    Took my bike the gym for fencing practice

    Coached my students

    Rode my bike back home

    Smoked another cigarette and went upstairs to take a shower

    Made and ate dinner

    Now I'm on here and surfing the interwebs while getting some last minute work done

    About to have a cigarette, head upstairs, and have a beer before going to bed.


    Living the dream!

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