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Everything posted by Occulus

  1. I think the main characters in the movies are really as well developed as the books. I actually like them more sometimes.
  2. The pink hooded sweater from Prisoner of Azkaban all the way. I think when the first time the POA trailer came out and they had bit where Hermione is walking down in that pink hoodie the steps and saying "You foul loathsome evil little cockroach!" to Malfoy is when you noticed that she had "matured" I also love the bit where she and Harry first go back in time with the time. Harry touches the time-turner around her neck and she slaps his hand! That was hot.
  3. Maybe the supporting characters have little depth because of lack of screentime but I think the main characters like Harry, Ron and Hermione are as well rounded as the books. You really can't do justice to the entire book even if you had four hours. I think the best way to do the books and get everything in would have been a television show with one season representing an entire book and school year. The great movies that were based on books like The Godfather and Jaws are only better because the books themselves weren't that great to begin. The filmmakers elevated them. For books that were gr
  4. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=98LH9mF2qEc Man they were so young back then.
  5. No that's from DH Pt 2: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HsTkEGMi2HU
  6. What the hell are you talking about? It made $824,123,618 worldwide! It's the FOURTH HIGHEST GROSSING MOVIE OF THE YEAR. I agree. I like that it doesn't follow the schoolyear formula that the previous movies did. And honestly we don't know I saw the first three movies without having read the books and I followed everything okay.
  7. That's Ron holding Hermione's hand and followed by Harry.
  8. Wow, she looks better than the behind-the-scenes led me to believe! That hair looks great! She's also definitely wearing one of those Fifties "bullet bras!"
  9. This part never gets old. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RSlavD4fHnk
  10. I like the pink blouse in the forest scene the most. Where she tells Harry they need to take turns wearing the locket. Second favorite would be the grey winter clothes she had when Ron comes back.
  11. According to JustJared Dan and Emma would love to work together again on another project after HP: http://justjaredjr.buzznet.com/2010/11/29/daniel-radcliffe-emma-watson-want-to-work-together-again/
  12. From an interview with Emma in the Mail Online: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/femail/article-1332654/Emma-Watson-life-Harry-Potter.html
  13. Did Ron say "You're the boss." in the diner to Harry in the book? I don't remember reading it but I thought that was a nice little touch in the movie.
  14. Well Dan definitely seemed to like it! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=13Ak__aZJkE
  15. Yeah I thought Hermione's reaction to Ron's return was perfect. She was the right level of angry IMO. In the book I thought they kind of played it for laughs a bit with Hermione looking like she was all happy and then attacking Ron. In the movie people only laugh when she starts hitting Ron with his bag or demanding Harry give her back her wand. I also don't think like others posted Harry was showing interest in Hermione. I think he was just trying to cheer her up. That look on his face at the end wasn't disappointment. It was that Hermione was still sad. http://www.mtv.com/news/articles/1
  16. There's also a clip of the scene with the Ron and Harry fight online. Definitely don't see it if you don't want to be spoiled!
  17. She didn't really specifically say anything but she looked happy in the pics leaving the screening so I'm going to take it as a good sign.
  18. Um. What language do you want it translated to? I only know English but maybe somebody who speaks your language can do it if you specify.
  19. There's also a literal parody of the video "Total Eclipse of the Heart". Check it out. It's hilarious. If you re-read the book, Bellatrix tortures Hermione for quite a bit before Ron and Harry escape the cellar. If you look closely in the video, Hermione's right sleeve is pushed up from where Bella carves "mudblood" on her arm according to the set report.
  20. They cut out the whole SPEW thing in Goblet of Fire. Honestly I don't think it has to be about house elves to be great. They've already both through so much over the years.
  21. You can check out the filming of Harry and Hermione's dance at 1:29 in this ten minute clip Dutch TV show with interviews of the Trio: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GogN_8CN5E4
  22. A High Quality version of the Malfoy Manor clip at http://www.facebook.com/video/video.php?v=10150312202110463 Poor Hermione's face with Bellatrix's knife to her throat.
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