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flying kiwi

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Everything posted by flying kiwi

  1. Hi everyone, My names Donna, I've been on the old forums for years but haven't been very active in a while. I live in England and have a 2 year old son, Mack. I live with him and my boyfriend Ash. Anyway-hopefully I'll be more active now and get to know some of you more and keep in touch with those I already know
  2. Yeah that's why I don't bother watching things on the laptop. I'm too inpatient for that. I know loads of people who swear its the best way though.
  3. I had a right paddy because we were making gingerbread biscuits and the mix went wrong....I really overreacted and we ended up making it into a cake and then made the biscuits after....but obviously only after I made myself look like a spoilt little brat by kicking off
  4. ^^Yeah, he's a skeleton this year, we're going to a party tomorrow night for him with my friend and her daughter. Me and Ash are off to a party later today but I'm not looking forward to it, we've all been in right moods today which I can get over but Ash will be really mardy all night and itching to go home Have you got any plans?
  5. ^^I can't believe we're only just getting to Halloween weekend, it feels like we should be well past it. Me and Mack just made some gingerbread Halloween biscuits.
  6. I like having the routine of watching it when its on lol, its our Thursday night treat We're going to buy the first and second series before the third one comes on TV here, because we both missed quite a bit of the first one.
  7. lol-I'm quite happy to be a newbie again. Nice fresh start
  8. I've never read the books but would love to, I have a feeling I might get them as a little Christmas present as Ash made a point of saying yesterday we are aloud to buy books but not DVDs (we're both obsessed with horror films so if we bought DVDs for each other they'd be for ourselves as well which seems a bit mean) But I love the series, getting annoying how they keep putting it on later and later.
  9. Right now my sons taken over the TV so we're watching something special on Cbeebies
  10. Hmmm-I'm not sure who my favourite would be, they all have their own special qualities. I think possibly Ron, Fred and George... But yeah. Its quite hard to say
  11. Well I made a huge change, I was flying.kiwi (. are soooooo the old forum)
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