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Everything posted by Laura

  1. hey cbmac if you want to share those ideas just PM me or something dying to know what they aree! So havent got any ideas for FF atm
  2. that scene was out of this world, she just did it perfectly, i was blown awayyy!!! infact pretty much the whole film emma was amazing
  3. lol it sounds like shes speaking a different language
  4. the first time i saw it it was in Imax - but it was the French version hahah! it was amazing though
  5. buffy was without a doubt my favourite tv show when i was growing up. never liked angel AS much but bought the s1 dvd and thought it was good:)
  6. Laura


    i think ive found my new home here with you guys <3 haha
  7. idk why i just always liked them for some reason. I was a very strange 12 year old...
  8. good. i think i'll have to make a few hundred of them....haha. no doubt it will rain too, knowing england, so bring your umbrella. So excited
  9. i always forget about that dastardly Eurostar -- i need to try it out sometime haha! its gonna be amazing. we should all have team t shirts or something and of course im bringing the cookies
  10. I love that picture of them. I love them so much - they were so ace in this movie
  11. wow youre coming all the way from belgium? thats dedication. I have a feeling this premiere is gonna be huge.......
  12. Ive just bought the DH soundtrack I think its the best one yet. im gonna use it to inspire me to write new R/Hr fics coz i miss writing them hehe
  13. hey folks! Ok so I finally saw the film in English - aha 5 days after seeing the French version! I think it's safe to say that I didn't understand all of the French version - but most of it! My Fave scenes ---- wow where to begin, I love Ron and Hermione after the seven potters --- when she takes his glasses off - it was lovely hehe. The Cafe Scene ---- 'By the way, these jeans - theyre not my favourite' <- hahahaha!!!! i liked the scene where they are in the woods and scabior can smell hermiones perfume - that was sooo well done. the three brothers scene - WOW... amazing.. whoever tho
  14. wow this is a crazyy small world. its freaking me out hahah! I'll go accept
  15. i think it will be around the beginning of July - the one this year was a week before the release of the film. my facebook is http://www.facebook.com/llrafferty
  16. wayhey i love disney films, i have loads of them. I'd say my favourite is probably the lion king. im lucky coz i get to go to disneyland atleast once, if not twice a month with my year pass, and I live so close to it here in Paris
  17. I uesd to be such a big fan of twilight, before they made the movies. Now everybody just obsessses over it and it's not the same Im interested to see how they'll transfer BD onto screen though
  18. between us my brother and I have the Wii, Playstation 3 and Xbox 360. I think out of the lot my fave is the xbox.. but Wii has zelda games, which is my favourite game series of all time so....
  19. last game i played was tetris on my ipod haha. the last proper game i played was Heavy Rain
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