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Status Updates posted by hunnykataria

  1. i m also fine thanx...

    What do u do?

  2. heyy a very happy birthday to u.....

  3. hey would u like to be my frnd???

  4. hey would u like to be my frnd?

  5. i m also fine thanx

    So what do u do??

  6. thanx...

    Howzz u??

  7. hey would u like to be my frnd???

  8. don't u use facebook,gtalk or msn.....?????

    i use to be der most of the time

  9. kkkk

    But i rarely come der.....

    Whatever can u add me....

    My email id is hunnykataria42@yahoo.com

  10. i hv taken admission in college for my engineering nd i also rarely comes here...

    So do u hv facebook,twitter,msn or gtalk as u never come here:(

  11. i m gud.....

    But why u never better???

    Nd u r making thesis on which topic....

    R u doing M.tech..or sumthing else??

  12. thanx for that....

    But u replied too fast lolz.......

    Whatever howzzz u????:)

  13. so whatz going on??

    What r u doing these days?

  14. i m fine thanx

    Howzzz ur flu now???

    Nd u reply so late...

    Everything kkk???

  15. me to college college college....

    Where were u from so many days??

  16. i m also gud....thanx

    Whats going on??

  17. howzz u??

    Remember me??

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