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Dan :)

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Everything posted by Dan :)

  1. I saw the extended horcruzes tv spot last night also and I have to agree with everyone who are saying that R/E are going to own DH - without a doubt The fight when Ron comes back looks intense yet so good, having went through a similar situation myself (okay so I didn't have a wand but a shoe worked fine ) I can totally relate to Hermione here, but I do adore Ron so I'm not sure whose side to take here! Still, its going to be amazing
  2. I've always wanted to go skydiving so yeh I would erm...if you won £1,000,000/$1,000,000/what ever other currency lol, would you give it up to meet Emma?
  3. http://ihwmedia.net/albums/shoots/2010/mariotestino/mt10-002.jpg
  4. Would it be weird for me to think that the image of Emma jumping on the bed was taken in her dorm room at brown? Maybe I'm just looking into It too much but I believe it was the famous photographer that shot Emma for Burberry that took these stunning photos so it's more likely she would let a friend take a photo in such a private place...just a thought...she looks so beautiful none the less
  5. http://gallery.ewva.net/albums/scans/Cinemania-2010/normal_Cinemania-2010-15.jpg - I really do love her new hair
  6. I'm generally just excited for all[\b] the hermione/Ron moments. I just hope that Ron gets his screen time cos I just feel he's not had a fair amount and I hate how they constantly use him as the "comic relief" when he is a lot more than that but this added piano scene looks brilliant
  7. Hey Vanessa how excited are you, three weeks today!!! me and my other Harry Potter obsessed friends are going to see it on the Friday after school, booking tickets on monday, ARGGGH so much moments for our favourite couple what are you guy's most looking forward to and not really looking forward to in HP7 (P1)? I'm mostly looking forward to when Ron returns and Hermione goes mad because when I read it I just knew that it was going to happen. Also as Ron is my favourite character I'm really looking forward to the locket scene and how he reacts to Hermione been tortured as I howled like a
  8. This is such a fab game Ok lets try... Larry David to Emma Larry David appeared in curb your Enthusiasm in which Wanda Sykes regularly appeared. Whom starred in my super ex-girlfriend along side Uma Thurman Who starred in Robin Hood (1991) along side Edward Fox Who starred in the dresser along side Eileen Atkins Who had a supporting role in Last chance Harvey which starred Emma Thompson Who was married to Alan Rickman's character in Love Actually who has been in every Harry Potter movie with Emma PHEW, that was hard but fun NEXT: Whoopie Goldberg to Emma
  9. Hey guys I'm new to the forums so hello I'm a HUGE Ron and Hermione shipper so I'm looking forward to all the discussions, especially after the movie is realised which btw is THREE WEEKS TODAY
  10. I actually think Emma's involvement with Burberry is fantastic as I both huge fan of Emma (obviously:P) and the designer. I'm far too poor to actually be able to afford anything from Burberry but it is stunning fashion design and looks way better with Emma modelling it so I cant wait for future involvement
  11. This is one of my favourite all time Emma photos I'm Dan btw - new here so Hello
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