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The Emma-Watson.net Forum

OrdiNarY BoY

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Posts posted by OrdiNarY BoY

  1. I really want to know about Judism. My question to you Arie is that none of the religion in this world teaches you to opress someone. Nor it asks you to throw people out of there house & start living in there. What the Jewish scriptures says about the occupied Palestine land.

  2. Yes, she's actually from the illuminati group. I'm proud of you to figured it out. Also, I can give you proofs to demonstrate it:


    1. The Illuminati's symbols: Look at the illuminati symbols (this and this) first, and then look at this lovely Emma's picture. Coincidence?


    2. The Illuminati's number: which is the number 23. Emma was born on April 15; and 15 + 8 = 23... Think about it.


    3. Illuminism has two m's: so does Emma.


    4. Their founder: which last name was Weishaupt, and Weishaupt starts with w, so does Emma's last name (Watson)


    Enough coincidences to not know Emma is, in fact, in the Illuminati group.



    "Will" you are awsome dude

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