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The Emma-Watson.net Forum

OrdiNarY BoY

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Everything posted by OrdiNarY BoY

  1. ^^^no worries friends are always there
  2. OrdiNarY BoY


    welcome hope u enjoy ur stay here
  3. I rarely watch movie....hmmm like once in 2 months
  4. i lost my Australian accent completely i guess & reason is America^_^
  5. I miss my dad. God have mercy on his soul. Amen!!! Happy birthday to YOUR DAD "casualobserver "
  6. Nothing just surving through headache...
  7. Na...I am planning to have a wife called Emma
  8. Looking cute^_^...bt who is that guy walking with her?
  9. OrdiNarY BoY

    Katy Perry

    She is quite famous these days....Teenage dream,firework & E.T < 3
  10. Thats great...it was on bbc few days back that they found a way which helps to prevents HIV from spreading...
  11. Hii enjoy your stay here bro
  12. I talk 2 myself When I am listening 2 a song so I act that I am the singer without caring that people are looking at me. Laugh without reason
  13. I live next saudi arabia. Trust me these muslims rly hate him alot.
  14. from emmawatson.net or so called old forum
  15. she looks worried abt being late some where bt still cute
  16. OrdiNarY BoY


    Hey Welcome to the forum
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