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OrdiNarY BoY

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Everything posted by OrdiNarY BoY

  1. if its true than that is awsome. Waiting to see her
  2. Congratz to everyone. The graphics are rly awsome
  3. bella,jess,emma,elizabeth,maria,noora
  4. Hey!!!welcome back hope u enjoy out here
  5. Now serbia started its mass protest against their current government
  6. ^^^am living in Qatar, i got many arab friends, i have seen that they rly hate him.
  7. what about the innocent life which passes in protest,education is stopped&poor workers arnt able to do business....am not against protest but cant it happen without harming anyone
  8. . It started from Tunis &its going on in Egypt to remove the president.What you guys think that protest is only the way to remove current president's from their power. If the up coming goverment is more worse, so again protest... What you all think
  9. i knw i wnt get an award best of luck for all the members
  10. I few planes... Now: 1.want to score high in SAT 2.Getting admission in aeronautical college Next 5 years: 1. Working in any of the 5 star airline. 2. Returning the money which i would take from bank which I took 4 my college. 3. Building a beautiful house,getting married 4. Marriage at 23. 5. Becoming a father at 25 Thats all,no advanced planning guys
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