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Are there any fans of this brilliant Doctor Who spin off?


While I love Doctor Who, as well as the first two series of Torchwood, I think that Torchwood: Children of Earth has been finest peice of television over the past few years.



I loved how it was shown over five days although I am looking forward to it being a full series again when the forth series Torchwood: Miracle Day starts in July with Captain Jack Harkness and Gwen Cooper returning.


I'm not sure what to make of it becoming a joint venture by the BBC and Starz, with filming taking place both in Wales and America, but we will see. Children of Earth has definitely set the standard though!

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There's going to be a forth season? Lovely! :wub:


I suppose if I had to choose, I'd still prefer Doctor Who. Nevertheless, I've seen all Torchwood episodes and it does have an appeal of its own. "Doctor Who for grown-ups", or "Doctor Who with blood and sex."

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aaa :D you made my day again dazza :D I didn't know theres gonna be a fourth sesason :D can't wait :D



Only, I'm gonna miss Owen :( and Ianto and Toshiko ). But still, can't wait for the season 4.




btw I just got yesterday calendar with pictures of John Barrowman :D (yes, I do know that he's gay in a real life :D but I still love him ^.^ )

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aaa :D you made my day again dazza :D I didn't know theres gonna be a fourth sesason :D can't wait :D



Only, I'm gonna miss Owen :( and Ianto and Toshiko ). But still, can't wait for the season 4.

Yes, there will always be a special place for the old team, but I am looking forward to the new characters and how Torchwood is brought back to life... the last time we saw them, the hub was destroyed, Ianto killed and Jack left Earth leaving Gwen as the sole member of Torchwood.


I want to know what happens to the hub in Cardiff, wether they rebuild it or whether the series is going to be more like Children of Earth, with the story unfolding in various locations.

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Yes, there will always be a special place for the old team, but I am looking forward to the new characters and how Torchwood is brought back to life... the last time we saw them, the hub was destroyed, Ianto killed and Jack left Earth leaving Gwen as the sole member of Torchwood.


I want to know what happens to the hub in Cardiff, wether they rebuild it or whether the series is going to be more like Children of Earth, with the story unfolding in various locations.



maybe they're gonna be in hub1 - the place where they were hiding in children of the earth which was hub for the torchwood 1 (Ianto said that :/ )

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maybe they're gonna be in hub1 - the place where they were hiding in children of the earth which was hub for the torchwood 1 (Ianto said that :/ )

I have just seen an interview with Russell T Davies and reading into that I don't think Torchwood will have a base anymore, I think that Torchwood will be about the team rather than the institute itself. Torchwood 3 in Cardiff was the only branch which remained operational, they were there because of the rift over Cardiff but that was closed by the Doctor along with the other cracks in time.


Apparently in the first episode Captain Jack Harkness returns to Wales, and along with Gwen, Rhys and PC Andy is arrested by the CIA and taken to America, which from what I have read is where I think most of the season will play out.

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