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What Language Do You Wish You Could Speak?

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well i understand Italian quite well because the bf is fluent in it but i do want to be fully fluent in Italian. It is such a beautiful language.


But i would looooove to be able to speak/understand Russian and Swedish.

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Russian! It just sounds beautiful when I hear it, almost romantic. However I've been told the Romance languages (Portuguese, Italian, French) would be easier to learn since I already speak Spanish. Another alternative would be Mandarin since it's the #1 spoken language in the world.

Edited by Bagel of Death
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  • 4 weeks later...

I love languages :). I'd like to become fluent in both German and French. I've followed classes at grammar school for seven years and I can speak it reasonably (especially German, which is easier because it looks like Dutch). Reading is the easiest, I guess, though I'm not sure actually...anyway, I'd love to learn Swedish as well, I think it's an amazing language. Apart from that...Greek (because I've had Ancient Greek at grammar school and would love to learn "modern" Greek as well), Hungarian (to be able to speak to my stepfamily) and maybe Russian. I like listening to Russian. Spanish or Italian would be nice too. You see, I love languages :P.

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Gaelic, Arabic, and Danish! Also American sign language. I've always LOVED gaelic for some reason, it is an incredible language and unlike any i've ever heard before but it is super difficult to start learning. If I really truly want to start, I'll need to take a class. I've tried online stuff and all that but I think I definitely need an instructor.


Also, on a side note, if anyone wants to start learning spanish or needs help with tutoring send me a message and I'll make up a lesson or something :)

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why hungarian and not Romanian? c'mon! it's dracula's language!

I am already able to communicate in spanish and some portuguese, and other langs from my busy chat days on the main site.

Ancient greek and hebrew yeah, coz it's pretty difficult.

Edited by helen2U
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