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my friend at school got a detention because his dad had just arrived back fom afganistan, it was lesson time but his dad still called him, to let him know that he was ok, his dad is with the Royal Engineers


do you think my friend should have got a detention, when his dad was fighting for queen and country.


plz post your views

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Chris, I think this would be better posted in the Advice Forum :o


I don't think he should've got detention, some schools should and do allow important phone calls, but if you don't think you change the teachers decision, then you're best to keep quiet unless you want to get one too >.<

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You should probably contact a Mod to move this thread.



Yeah, that's ridiculous that they gave him detention for that. I understand the rule but you have to enforce the spirit of the rule not enforce the rule at all costs. Would they have given him detention if someone called him in class to tell him his father had been killed in Afghanistan? If they were enforcing the rule, then yes. Some exceptions have to be made and I think everyone would understand why he was allowed to break the rules this time.

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I agree it seems very harsh.

he should't have had his phone on but I think waiting for news of his dad is more of a priority. Maybe he should have asked first, explained he was waiting for news, but evenso I dont think detention was called for. At least his dads back safe though

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I get it that in some schools even important calls are not allowed, but if the teacher gave him detention even after him explaining the reason then i think it's stupid and harsh. But still if i was in the kid's place i wouldn't care less about detention if i would have found out that my dad got back home safe.

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My boyfriend is a teacher and says he takes their phones off them if they're caught with them on. He also says he has a problem withparents ringing kids while in lessons, which shows they don't haverespect for their lessons-which I thinkis a good point, he could have text or called the school to pass a message on. Although, still think detentionwas a bit extreme

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Taking the phone away, maybe but detention is a little extreme. In general I agree with Flying Kiwi that the parent should notify the school or call their child during passing period. Yet for something like his dad coming home from Afghanistan is a little extreme, At my school kids are allowed to talk to their parents on their phones if for example the kid raise their hand and says my mom is calling me can I answer, then it is up to the teacher to let the kid go or request that they call her back later. So I think your friend shouldn't have gotten detention, maybe he could have handled it a little better but still.

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