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Your Strange Habits

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I always look out for cars when Im not driving.

Must have music while doing something.

If I scuff a shoe on the ground I have to scuff the other one.

If one finger gets itchy, so does the other one.

Have to drink something with dinner.

Touch my face when sitting down talking to people.

Cannot sit still while sitting down



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Touch my face when sitting down talking to people.


I do the same thing a lot but not all the time. I would be conversing with someone and I notice either a closed fist over my lips with the thumb riding my chin or an open hand doing the same thing. Just imagine that going "mmhm" every now and then.

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I do the same thing a lot but not all the time. I would be conversing with someone and I notice either a closed fist over my lips with the thumb riding my chin or an open hand doing the same thing. Just imagine that going "mmhm" every now and then.

Thats what I do too. I dont know why I do it

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I also cant look people in the eye while talking to them.

I find it awkward and almost dominating, I have to be facing the same direction as them or sitting next to them, never front on.

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I also cant look people in the eye while talking to them.

I find it awkward and almost dominating, I have to be facing the same direction as them or sitting next to them, never front on.


It would be a good idea to learn how to make proper eye contact with people though. In many occasions it can show that you are confident; in the professional environment, eye contact can make or break a job interview or business deal.


I used to have that habit of not making direct eye contact with anyone but experience showed that something as simple as looking someone in the eye can make all the difference. I've since gotten myself out of that habit and built up a professional body language I use when at work or meeting anyone new.

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- I eat cereal with a teaspoon (and pretty much every sweet thing that comes in a bowl :P )

- I talk to myself and often end up laughing alone on the street

- I can't listen to music and do something else on the computer at the same time :o


there's more, but nothing comes to mind right now :P

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Ok, this may be a long one. They're not all exactly habits, some are more personality traits I guess. I just thought it'd be fun to list as many as I could think of...



- New book smell! :D

- I have to sleep with the door open, otherwise I feel isolated and claustrophobic.

- I have to sleep under the covers, no matter how hot it is.

- I have to rinse every item of cutlery and every glass I use under the tap before I use it. If I'm somewhere where that's not possible, I wipe things as discreetly as possible.

- I look over my shoulder constantly when I'm walking alone, especially when not many people are around.

- If I'm walking in a group, I hate being at the front. I also hate being the first person to enter a public building. I hate walking in to places by myself too.

- I cannot drink water from a glass which has previously contained something else without washing it first. Other drinks I don't mind, but water has to be in a clean glass.

- My phone has to be either off or with its keypad locked, I can't leave the keypad unlocked, even if the phone's right next to me.

- I'm a nightmare when it comes to grammar and spelling. If I see a mistake, I have to correct it, even though I know I'm being annoying. I also can't write/post anything if I'm not sure of the grammar/spelling. dictionary.com is my new best friend :P

- I'm picky about presentation. Everything has to be spaced out evenly.

- I always use full words when I'm texting. I haven't used 'textspeak' in about 5 years because it annoys me.

- I have to arrive everywhere early -usually ridiculously early- and plan my journeys in advance to make sure I'm not late. I hate being late.

- Everything has to be symmetrical or at right angles wherever possible. Everything. Including myself. If I blink with my right eye, I have to blink with my left and vice versa. I can't stand it when the two sides of my body feel inbalanced. Similarly, if I touch the corner of something, I have to touch the other corners too.

- Cups have to be in the exact centre of the coaster and plates have to be in the exact centre of placemats.

- I eat food in order from my least favourite to favourite item.

- I can't listen to music and work at the same time. I also find it difficult to listen to music without singing.

- When I'm nervous, like before a performance, I pace. A lot. In many directions. Either that or jumping up and down going crazy haha.


Um, I think that'll do for now. :unsure::blush:

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- I run from the bathroom when I have flushed the toilet. A habit since I was younger and afraid something would come up.

- I don't close cabin doors. This one I don't know why, I think it's something in the family.

- I can't eat soft fruits, not even the fruits who should be soft, everything must be sort of crunchy.

- I don't mix food. If I eat a salad for example I eat everything a part.

- I need to solve crosswords before I go to sleep.

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  • 1 month later...

-I sniff books before I read them.




And I thought I was the only one who does this, heh, but I actually sniff everything. Including mail, I just like the smell of paper.


-If someone's rings are turned upside down, or if the clasp of their necklace is near the decoration on the necklace, I have to fix it.

-I also do this with people who roll up their shirt sleeves crooked.

-If I step on a crack with one foot, I have to immediately step on a crack with the other foot.

-Every time I go to the bathroom (to shower, other business, etc) I have to check behind the shower curtain before I sit on the toilet seat. You just never know, a deranged serial killer might be standing in my shower.

-I peel off my nail polish, clean my nails thoroughly, and re-polish them.

-I wake up 5 minutes before my alarm goes off.

-I have to set up all of my clothes and make sure my booksack is ready for the next day.

-I only drink out of a Styrofoam cup and it has to be from the bottom of the pack.

-I always have to go to the bathroom at least five minutes before I go to sleep.

-I love using q-tips. I am a q-tip using freak. I guess I like clean ears.

-When I read a novel I find out the ending of it first.

-I blurt out morbid facts like "Did you know a woman in Australia stabbed her boyfriend to death, then cut a chunk out of him and put in some soup, not to eat, but just to amuse herself" And I do that randomly.

-If something can be ordered, it will be. Examples: my dvds are alphabetized and my closet is organized by colors.


Yeah, I think I'm OCD. :P

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  • 5 weeks later...

Okay lets see...


I don't sit like regular indian style. I injured my ankle in a bike accident so now I have a habit of sitting with my right leg on top of the left (so a "modified" indian style.)


I bite my nails when I'm pissed.


I MUST listen to Metallica when I'm pissed. It's the only way I can let go of my anger.


I talk to myself all the time.


That's all I can think of for now lol.

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Hmmm... Let's see


I MUST pickup any trash I may drop no matter where and sometimes other's and throw it away, if not I have a really bad feeling in my chest.

I always am looking up.

When nothing is going on I stare at the ceiling and think about random scenarios.

I always imagine how I would save myself in a certain danger (For exapmle in class if there was a fire where would I go etc.)

When I am angry instead of biting my nails or grinding my teeth I bite my cheeks hard

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  • 4 weeks later...

I just realized that I have a few more habits to add:


-I don't know if I added this one, but I listen to music at all times of the day. People think it's rude I have my earphones in while talking to them, or just believe I cannot hear them when they talk. I can. That thing you said about me yesterday? I heard it LOL.


-If I have coffee in the morning, or tea, at any time of the day, really, and I use a small spoon to mix sweetener into my drink, I *must* leave the spoon in the mug for something to hold onto while holding my mug (think thumb against spoon and fingers around mug handle).


-When I make tea, I leave the tea bag in the water until I'm finished drinking the whole cup of tea. Apparently, my friends think it's weird that I don't remove my tea bag after it steeps. LOL.


-When I cook, I must have an absolutely empty and cleaned and fully equipped countertop. Please do not get in my way while I'm in the kitchen, unless it's to sample my food. If you decide you want to make something for yourself *as soon as I start preparing food*, you're gonna have to wait if it's a small kitchen.


-I think about things a lot and from every perspective I can think of.


-I do not cross a street when I *do not* have the light. I may be from New York City, where jaywalking is the norm, but I'm not *that* jaded to the point where I will just walk through an intersection in the light's of an oncoming taxi cab. I'd love to continue my life unimpeded, thank you. :P

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