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An interview with Emma she said that she only drinks hot water because she doesn't like what tea and coffee does to your insides yet in the american VOGUE the woman said Emma went into the kitchen to make herself a cup of tea?


Can anyone clear this up for me? It's not that i'm overly bothered about it, but it's racking my mind trying to decide whether she does or doesn't. I'm taking Emmas word for it she doesn't, but the woman in VOGUE can't be lying either? :unsure:

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No it was posted on the forum on the set of Deathly Hallows though. I can't remember which it was from but it weren't just her inteview it was a behind the scenes video and she was walking around set with hot water in a cup.

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I know I read something like this too, she said that she doesn´t drink tea and coffee, but I don´t remember anything about hot water, but she said that she likes hot chocolate. I don´t remember where I read it though.

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I hope that she didn't say this! I'm a big coffee fan...in fact, having a cup right now. :)


But I understand some people don't like it. Coffee is actually good for you, so is tea, but not everyone can handle drinking it.

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That looks like a Caramel Frap to me. But she did say she only drank Hot Water because of what it does to your insides. but then again she does look mega tired in that picture. Who knows.

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Maybe she doesn't drink it regularly, the odd frapp wouldn't harm you. Or maybe she's changed her mind on not drinking it, who knows.


If she said she didn't drink it because of what it does to your insides, she probably wouldn't drink it to wake her up either. If she drinks it on the odd occasion it would just be because she likes the odd frappachino i would have guessed. It could also be decaff

Edited by flying kiwi
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An interview with Emma she said that she only drinks hot water because she doesn't like what tea and coffee does to your insides

I read that ages ago. Might have been on the official site when it first opened. I suppose she might have changed her mind since then. Or not. :) How come it's "racking your mind" what she drinks? :mellow:

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I read that ages ago. Might have been on the official site when it first opened. I suppose she might have changed her mind since then. Or not. :) How come it's "racking your mind" what she drinks? :mellow:

It's not because I want to know whether she does. It's racking my mind because I don't know which one's true or false.

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