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I'm in love with Emma Watson

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Even though i know this is mission Impossible.

I'm in love with Emma Watson.

I don't care what people think my personalty and hers are almost the same.

The comments that she has i have to.

I'm not in love with her because she is an actress or that she has money or that she was Hermione Granger.

I'm in love with Emma Watson just because it is a good fit!

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I have an interesting question.


How can you fall in love with someone that you only know from the T.V screens :)?

Thats a verry good question.

I only know Emma of her smartness and how cute she is.

Still you get that little feeling that you wanna know her better.

I don't know i just have some feelings for her!

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Na na na mate, youve got it all wrong. Shes all over me

Whaha you guys are funny xD.

But anyway, though I am a girl, I understand your feelings, Emma is a pretty girl and I understand why so many boys are in love with her! Just enjoy the fact that you like her so much and stay a good fan :).

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How can you fall in love with someone that you only know from the T.V screens :)?

Now, that shouldn't be a problem, especially when you're in your teens. :P Of course, it's not "love" in the sense of the word we're talking about, but rather a strong infatuation. A bit like one of those love potions, I imagine. :)

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By how she talks.

You can have a little sense about how she is.


So can you about me, but you and I have never met, so you can't possibly say that you love me.


I am a guy, lol, but I'm trying to make a point! You must be really young, or really naive. Love consists more of than just appearances and "an idea of how someone is."

Edited by ShipOfFools
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Haha no i can't.

I just search more and more info about Emma Watson knowing how she is.

Watching every interview about her and then thinking that she is the one.

Our chemistery is 70% the same, some things that she likes i like them to.

But it is only just a dream that will never happen!

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you can't know if that's how she is all the time though. you know the act she puts on for cameras not how she is in real life with her friends.

everyone knows that once the camera's come on you totally change your personality.

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you can't know if that's how she is all the time though. you know the act she puts on for cameras not how she is in real life with her friends.

everyone knows that once the camera's come on you totally change your personality.


Well, not totally I would think...

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Well, not totally I would think...

With film, yes, obviously. With video (behind the scenes, interviews), I'd think it's not too different from how she'd talk to you in person.


PS This is me agreeing with you, in case I might have been a bit unclear there.

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Now, that shouldn't be a problem, especially when you're in your teens. :P Of course, it's not "love" in the sense of the word we're talking about, but rather a strong infatuation. A bit like one of those love potions, I imagine. :)


That counts me out, 25 years old, don't think that classifies as a "teen" :). I'd say for the topic creator, he is experiencing a HUGE crush. :). Bless.

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