Jade Posted September 6, 2011 Share Posted September 6, 2011 (edited) 9/11 This tragic day is coming among us for the 10th time. This year is to be the 10th Anniversary of the Twin Towers. So many people lost their lives and their families are constantly reminded of the terror every time this day comes each year. I started this topic to talk about it and to send out our condolences and maybe talk of our memories of the event. People who witnessed firsthand say they were physically sick as they watched bodies fly out of the towers. Families were on the phone to their loved ones as the second plane hit. Firemen were killed trying to save the people inside, when it was their first day of working for the fire brigade. My prayers are with everyone who has died and to their families; also to people who have been traumatised by this event. I have read about it in newspapers and in magazines, I see it on TV and I don't remember any of it, but it breaks my heart every time I hear about it. This video may not be appropriate, but it made me cry. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Y9w4Wg1mYZ0 This year, actually today is the first day I could bring myself to watch the footage, and it made me cry even harder than when I hear about it. I don't remember this event myself, I was 8 at the time. I remember being in school and we were gathered into the hall as our parents collected us. That's all I remember from that day. Edited September 6, 2011 by Hermione Link to post Share on other sites
I.SetFire2TheRain Posted September 6, 2011 Share Posted September 6, 2011 I was 7 when this happened. It was about 3 weeks before my 8th birthday and remarkably I remember this day very clearly. I remember just being in school and not knowing anything until I got home. My mom and grandmother where standing in the livingroom/bedroom and starring with horror at the TV. So I went over to see what they were looking at, and there it was. I remember just watching the footage on the news in shock. I remember thinking about all those people who lost their lives, their families, friends and all their loved ones. I remember thinking of the fear that everyone near the twin towers must have felt. Honestly I just started crying. I wasn't even 8 years old and still I understood the tragic in this incident. I was angry and sad. And every year when 9/11 comes around I think of all the people who were effected by this tragical incident. PS: On this very same date (but 1 or 2 years later) a swedish politician was stabbed to death. In broad day-light in one of Stockholm's most popular department stores. While she was out with a friend shopping. This incident was also incredibly tragic and it moved the whole nation. A few years ago her husband commited suicide simply because he was so depressed Link to post Share on other sites
wouldwife/10 Posted September 7, 2011 Share Posted September 7, 2011 I was 11 or 12 when it happened. My teachers brought out the TV and we all watched together. I didn't understand the significance of the attack until a few years later. All the firefighters that gave their lives to save others are heroes. All the ones who are still alive today are dying of lung cancer from the smoke inhalation. It is quite sad. Link to post Share on other sites
Arie Posted September 7, 2011 Share Posted September 7, 2011 I was still living in the US at the time and I remember the day so clearly. I was in fifth grade and we were listening to the radio in class for hours. Then slowly everyone's parents came to pick them up. Everyone was terrified that more was going to happen. I remember at the time my dad was in NJ so I was freaking out because he was so close by. He did have plans to go into NY that day but luckily his alarm did not go off that mourning. Thank G-D. I remember not fully understanding what was going on until I saw the footage. It was playing for days!!! Everything we heard and saw was about the attacks. People were terrified. They were buying tons of water bottles and worrying that we would need to be on lockdown in our homes. No one knew what to expect. I have too many friends who have lost family to the 9/11 attacks. My current BF's cousin lost her first husband, she was about 24 at the time. Can you imagine? Horrible. I pray every single day that G-D will protect us from something like this in the future. And, protect all those families who have suffered so much. I remember that day so clearly, I could never forget it. Hearing my dads voice on the phone was amazing. Now, it has become are good luck charm when an alarm doesnt go off when its supossed to. It has happened to us both since then. We always think in the back of our minds that G-D is protecting us through that alarm. To some this might seem silly. But, to anyone with faith this is amazing. PS: On this very same date (but 1 or 2 years later) a swedish politician was stabbed to death. In broad day-light in one of Stockholm's most popular department stores. While she was out with a friend shopping. This incident was also incredibly tragic and it moved the whole nation. A few years ago her husband commited suicide simply because he was so depressed This is horrible. But, thank you for sharing this. I will keep both of their familys in mind when I pray. Link to post Share on other sites
sarahelizabeth Posted September 7, 2011 Share Posted September 7, 2011 (edited) i was 10 or 9 i was in 4th Grade!! i remember coming home from school and EVERYONE was crying!! and that wasw the only thing on tv!! my uncle he was in the second tower he was my great uncle and I lost him b.c of that tower and b.c of those people :/ I was kind of close to him but I was crying like a little girl!! i was soo upset hurt nad i was like??what?? and i just ugh1! i cant belive it has been 10 years!! wait i was 10 when it happend so yeah but IT just i remember the day when my teacher said we coudln't go outside for school!! because there was so many beesbut my English teascher told us the real reason b.c the twin twoer and we seen it on the news..and jade watching that video brought back soo many memroies :/ i also remember!! not going home early but we had to stay in school but when i got off i mostly take the bus but my grandpa came to pick me upa nd my mom and my grandma where crying :/and they told me my uncle was in the tower i forgot which one but I lost someone that i cared abotu in that tower .. Edited September 7, 2011 by penguin_girl Link to post Share on other sites
The Midnight Q Posted September 7, 2011 Share Posted September 7, 2011 I was 11 when it happened. Didn't know anything about what was going on save for a classmate of mine saying "Hey did you hear? They bombed New York" at around 8:30 AM. A few classrooms had the TV's on showing coverage of the attacks and footage was being replayed over and over again all day. I only realized what was going on when I went home and actually paid attention to the coverage. It sickened and angered me, I think it did the same thing for everyone. Even today, although I wasn't there, I get chills down my spine and the occasional tear whenever I see any image of the planes hitting the WTC towers and the Pentagon. Whenever I see the face of Osama bin Laden or any of the hijackers that flew the planes, I get filled with anger and rage. Even as a kid, I wanted to be the one to exact justice on bin Laden. I really can't believe it's been 10 years. That event is still a gaping wound for most Americans that probably may never heal. The terrorists that day wanted to strike fear into our hearts and disrupt our way of life. They failed. My deepest condolences to everyone who lost their lives or loved ones during the September 11th attacks. My prayers out to those firefighters, emergency workers and even plain citizens who did their part to save as many lives as they could at the expense of their own; and to the passengers of United Flight 93 of whom during great peril did what needed to be done and became the first who fought back in this age's War on Terror. And my prayers go out to all the men and women out there continuing this fight against the very people who wish to do harm to us. Give them hell. During this 10th year anniversary of the September 11th attacks, take a few moments to remember those who lost their lives and to reflect on your own lives. Do not let this event consume your fear and livelihoods as that is what these terrorists want. Live every day full and well. Link to post Share on other sites
Monkey Cartwheels Posted September 7, 2011 Share Posted September 7, 2011 I was 8 when it happened. Because of the time zone differences it happened in the morning in NZ. Mum let us stay home to watch it. I remember seeing the second plane hitting. Truly awful my prayers go out to the families. I cant stand hearing people talking about how it was a conspiracy by America so they could invade Iraq. Biggest insult to those who died Link to post Share on other sites
I.SetFire2TheRain Posted September 7, 2011 Share Posted September 7, 2011 I was 7 when this happened. It was about 3 weeks before my 8th birthday and remarkably I remember this day very clearly. I remember just being in school and not knowing anything until I got home. My mom and grandmother where standing in the livingroom/bedroom and starring with horror at the TV. So I went over to see what they were looking at, and there it was. I remember just watching the footage on the news in shock. I remember thinking about all those people who lost their lives, their families, friends and all their loved ones. I remember thinking of the fear that everyone near the twin towers must have felt. Honestly I just started crying. I wasn't even 8 years old and still I understood the tragic in this incident. I was angry and sad. And every year when 9/11 comes around I think of all the people who were effected by this tragical incident. PS: On this very same date (but 1 or 2 years later) a swedish politician was stabbed to death. In broad day-light in one of Stockholm's most popular department stores. While she was out with a friend shopping. This incident was also incredibly tragic and it moved the whole nation. A few years ago her husband commited suicide simply because he was so depressed Haha, whoops! I meant that I was 8 and going to turn 9 not 7, turning 8. My bad Link to post Share on other sites
flying kiwi Posted September 7, 2011 Share Posted September 7, 2011 I was 13 when it happened, I remember going into my form class and everyone was huddled around a radio (well actually I think it was someones phone and they'd put the radio on it) I realised something was going on as it was a weird situation to walk into, but I didn't get the full extent of what had happened until I got home that afternoon and saw the TV. It's terrible, I get a sinking feeling every time I hear about it or see any footage It's so sad and my heart goes out to all the families of the people who lost their lives. I can't believe its been 10 years. Link to post Share on other sites
Tomâ„¢ Posted September 7, 2011 Share Posted September 7, 2011 I don't remember anything at all..=/ Link to post Share on other sites
trixie Posted September 7, 2011 Share Posted September 7, 2011 I remember when it happened.RIP to all who lost their lives and my thoughts to their families.Yeah 9/11, it still is still chocking to watch the videos of the planes flying into the buildings, the Twins collapsing etc. Link to post Share on other sites
Emmas Friend Posted September 7, 2011 Share Posted September 7, 2011 We listened to some of it on a radio, but it was not till I got home and saw those horrible images on the television, that I knew something really bad had happened. There have been lots of programmes on the tv about it, especially lately, and even now when I see some of the footage, I get upset. It was an awful thing that happened that day, something that will never be forgotten. A hell of a lot of innocent people got killed that day, just because some fanatics wanted to prove a point. There were also a lot of heroes that day, Firemen, Police Officers, and ordinary members of the public, who did as much as they could to save others, despite the dangers. I feel sorry for those who lost loved ones that day, at this time every year, they must feel a lot of pain/anguish. That was a day that changed the world. Link to post Share on other sites
Babba O'riley Posted September 8, 2011 Share Posted September 8, 2011 (edited) I was only in pre-school but i remember everything. When it happened, the teachers were crying and locking windows up because the area that I live in (in Pennsylvania) was under terroristic threat. Although I was only about 5, I was never so scared in my life. People say that war is unnecessary.....9/11 is exactley why it's not. Edited September 8, 2011 by Babba O'riley Link to post Share on other sites
Rena Posted September 10, 2011 Share Posted September 10, 2011 i just get soo sad and depressed watching video's from iti cant imagine what it would have been likeim so sorry for everyone who lost someone from this Link to post Share on other sites
Jade Posted September 10, 2011 Author Share Posted September 10, 2011 It's tomorrow. :/ Need I say more now. ): Link to post Share on other sites
The Midnight Q Posted September 11, 2011 Share Posted September 11, 2011 (edited) Never forget this day. We shall stand taller than those towers ever stood, stand strong America. Edited September 11, 2011 by sirbenedictvs Link to post Share on other sites
Rena Posted September 11, 2011 Share Posted September 11, 2011 my heart goes out to those who died in the towers, on the airplanes, and in the pentagonand lets not forget about the people who saved others by crashing the plane into a field in pennslyvannia Link to post Share on other sites
2 Pints Posted September 11, 2011 Share Posted September 11, 2011 I'll never forget what happened. was in 5th grade, we had just come back from music class to see both of our teachers having the tv on the news channel, and I remember watching the 2nd plane crashing into the South tower and watched as both towers collapsed. I didn't understand what was going on, but I knew it was something bad, and that's when we were gathered into the cafeteria to tell us that we had been attacked, and our parents came and picked us up early from school. Never forget. Link to post Share on other sites
DarkLord Posted September 11, 2011 Share Posted September 11, 2011 one of the most horrible days in the worlds and american history. it should never be forgotten. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qm-N-zAffLE Link to post Share on other sites
Stan'sMommy Posted September 13, 2011 Share Posted September 13, 2011 (edited) I was on the bus ride to school, 7th grade. I remember hearing the news over the radio in the bus and not fully understanding what happened. Then I sat in all 6 classes watching the events all day and well, found out exactly what had happened. We had no homework I believe. It pains me so much to this day. Cannot believe it's been 10 years. Wow. Those TV specials still bring tears to my eyes. I hope all the people who lost someone dear to them are doing as well as they can. Positive thoughts for them. Edited September 13, 2011 by Stan'sMommy Link to post Share on other sites
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