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New Role for Emma with David Yates

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What did she once say, "I don't choose roles, I choose scripts", or something to that effect. Which may be a cool artsy attitude, and she has fun doing projects she believes in. But some roles are worth being played I think, regardless of the rest of the movie or cast.

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She picks projects based on the director. This project has no director, so she has no reason to stay.


This project and Cinderella are studio driven projects. They don't have a creative leader who is their from the beginning.


I think projects that don't have that focus aren't interesting to her.


It's not about some character who would be really interesting for her play. She just wants to be a part of something greater than herself.

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  • 3 weeks later...

the film don´t sound that bad.


No not Jeanne de Arc. She has done so little. Hold a flag and say "yes we can" and of course was betrayed by her own people and burned by the English.  And of Course England looses all the Land that brace Henry the 5 had won. I couldn´t stand this. No please no.

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i would never question her role choices, because it is her career, her ambitions, her motives, her life. i am content to watch her on the silver screen, or if she wants me to, i'll sit back with a nice glass of sweet ice-tea, and watch her paint that wall.:wub: *of course, i would pour Emma a glass, too.*

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i think it is less critic than wish that appears her.


Of course, at least i, don´t want to say her exactly what to do, but i have wishes, roles i would gladly see her in. And i think many here are the same opinion. That you see it that easy and has no wish is nice.

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Hmmmm, I agree.  We all wish to see Emma in different roles.  But the reality is, she's the one that's making the choices and not us.   :(


yeah. But i think it is nothing sad about it. It makes the whole thing to an riddle.

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  • 3 weeks later...

What a pity she isn't doing it! But I'm sure Emma knows what's good for her. Although this would've been a great role for her, she has already proved she's a great actress :). She'll surely do other great roles!

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