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Backpacking Across the United States

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Hi, all! So, as some of you know, I've been on a backpacking trip for the past few weeks now. I'm originally from Florida and I've come as far as Kansas (which I am currently in as I type this). I live with a backpack and nothing more.


I figure I'd make a kind of "blog" here to share my travels with the board, as this community has been very dearly loved by me for a very long time. So, when I can stop in and use the internet, I'll update on my travels. :) I'm not going to incriminate myself, so take my lizard's experiences with a grain of salt; of course, if anyone would like to inquire about the chemical adventures of my lizard, feel free. Below is a short record of my traveling so far.


Oh, and if anyone has any questions, comments, etc ... about the travels, feel free to pitch in discussion!


Day 1: Unable to catch flight at airport. Saw best friend yesterday; that did me good. Stayed with friend in Atlanta.

Day 2: Atlanta again.

Day 3: Saw a very old friend in Atlanta. My lizard did a ton of hash.

Day 4: From Atlanta to St. Louis and beyond.

Day 5: Sunday with Nazarenes of Wright City, Missouri. Studying, teaching, learning. Very kind hearted people; gave me bed, food, provisions for the night.

Day 6: Said goodbye to Nazarenes. Got a hitch after a short hike all the way to Independence, MO. Sitting outside Lee's Summit in a McDonalds. Met an anon online.

Day 7: Rough night's sleep on cement ground last night. Feet very blistered. Painful to walk. Might take a zero day today. Excited but terrified.

Day 8-11: Stayed with some cool ass gay guys. Got laid several times and my lizard did a good bit of drugs. Stayed high for a while.

Day 12: Hiked out of Bolton, MO and hitched up to Kansas City. Found another nice guy; stayed a night.

Day 13: Lawrence, KS! Total hippie town; I LOVE IT. In with the whole movement here. First day I got on, my lizard smoked it up with some local hippies here.

Day 14: Thought about going home. Nope.jpg

Day 15: Met an amazing hippie guy named Narian. Going to Colorado with him. Lizard does some "incense"; he says it was alright.

Day 16: Slept by a river in Lawrence. Hiking out in the morning. Lizard smoked some tea; surprisingly good.

Day 17: TODAY. Hiking out towards Topeka, KS hopefully.

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Hi Revan, your adventure sounds very interesting.I look forward to reading more about it. When you say you slept on the concrete and next to a river, do you mean to say that you slept out in the open like a homeless person or did you sleep in a tent?

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Hi Revan, your adventure sounds very interesting.I look forward to reading more about it. When you say you slept on the concrete and next to a river, do you mean to say that you slept out in the open like a homeless person or did you sleep in a tent?


Just out in the open. (: Feelsgoodman. At the moment, I have a tent, now.


Speaking of which, updates: I've decided to stick about in Lawrence for a while; I've joined the local protest/hippie movement here. My lizard has continued to "be one with the universe".



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Just out in the open. (: Feelsgoodman. At the moment, I have a tent, now.


Speaking of which, updates: I've decided to stick about in Lawrence for a while; I've joined the local protest/hippie movement here. My lizard has continued to "be one with the universe".




Revan, are you protesting in order to "feel a sense of community" with others?


Or do you actually have a legitimate interest in whatever cause is being championed by the hippie movement in Lawrence?

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Revan, are you protesting in order to "feel a sense of community" with others?


Or do you actually have a legitimate interest in whatever cause is being championed by the hippie movement in Lawrence?


Lol, I actually have a legitimate reason/cause.


Kansas by nature is a very conservative state, as is Missouri (the two tend to get intertwined due to sharing one of the few major cities in the area, Kansas City). Lawrence, KS is one of the few non-conservative (but not necessarily liberal) areas around. For this reason, the interests of the people of Lawrence are normally dominated by the conservative majority.


Two major issues are currently being confronted by the local movement here: homelessness and legalization of cannabis. A lot of backpackers and tramps come through Lawrence and stay for a while or even just pass through. There is a single homeless shelter in town that runs via raffle; if you do not make the raffle, you are left on the streets, where there are few places one can legally sleep for the night. We aim to end this by allowing backpackers to camp in city parks, the wilderness surrounding the city, etc... with no legal repercussions. Additionally, Lawrence is entirely a college town and thus there is a good bit of marijuana that comes through. We're simply raising awareness for the legalization movement.


So, yeah, I have a legitimate ideology.




In other news, I've set up a fantastic camp in the woods with some friends! It's a pretty righteous place. A couple of days ago I joined in an Occupy Lawrence happening as well.



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thats so cool, i wish i could do that! this sounds like a fun experience and i've always wanted to backpack (mostly in europe thought).


Go for it. The opportunity is always there.


Not much has happened in the past few days. A lot of writing and thinking, hanging out with the people I've met here in Lawrence. Fellow protestor got arrested for a day, but bailed out. My lizard got really drunk one night, though. >_>



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Learned that one of my best friends is going to be joining me on the trail! I eagerly await them here in Kansas. That means I'm laid over here still for a while, and once we meet up .. mountains.



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Wow this is amazing Revan! I love reading about everything you are doing!


This is going to sound ridiculously stupid but I can't stop my curiosity! How are you getting internet to come an post all these wonderful things? I mean it really sounds like you are out in woods. It must be hard to get internet. Its amazing that you have decided to share it with us!

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  • 2 weeks later...

Wow this is amazing Revan! I love reading about everything you are doing!


This is going to sound ridiculously stupid but I can't stop my curiosity! How are you getting internet to come an post all these wonderful things? I mean it really sounds like you are out in woods. It must be hard to get internet. Its amazing that you have decided to share it with us!


Doesn't sound ridiculously stupid, love. I love your questions .. you know this. :P Questions, comments .. I welcome them all.


I use the Internet at the library. One of the few frivolous possessions I keep with me is my laptop; it's very convenient to still have all of my information and data available.




In other news, GOOD NEWS Y'ALL. I have a ride to Denver, CO! The most amazing thing happened .. I was laying in my tent when I up and decided to go out into town. There's a pizza place that hands out free pizza at around 10:45pm, and I picked up a whole pizza from them. I found some local tramps I knew and shared it with them. Looking for others, I ran into someone else I knew, and we decided to go to a local garden to hang out (now around midnight or so).


On our way, we're stopped by two very obviously inebriated individuals, one of whom asks me, "What would you do if I told you to go f--k yourself?" and I was struck with the simplicity of it. Just, right there. Aha.


These two ended up being very interesting. It was their last night in Lawrence, KS; one of them was giving up his entire life to go and live on a farm down south. The other was going to take the Alabama guy down to where he was moving in, and then was hitting the road to Salt Lake, hitching up through Denver! :D


I ended up hanging out with these guys and my lizard tripped out of his *mind* that night (in a good way). They bought the lizard a beer and a shot, among other things, and I crashed at their place for the night.


SO! We hooked up, took the other guy down to Alabama to his farm where he was moving in to; I'm currently sitting in the farm house typing this now. Within the week, I'll be in the mountains.



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Hey, y'all. Posting an update. I've been headed west through Kansas for some time with my martial arts master buddy. We've made it probably about forty to fifty miles outside of Topeka, at Junction City. The road to Denver has been slow, but we're getting there.



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Junction City was awful. Ended up staying there for three days. There's literally nothing there except a truck stop, a liquor store, and a lake .. we had fun anyway. I did make it to Denver via a *very* good hitch. :D



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I spent some time partying up in Idaho, was a bit fun. I am now in Salt Lake City, UT, and the journey has been .. interesting .. I made it in one day, and definitely met some interesting people.


One guy picked me up and gave me a bunch of provisions, including some that my lizard enjoyed very much. He was a cool dude.


Another guy literally kicked me out of his car in the middle of nowhere in northern Utah; he mentioned Jesus and we got into a conversation, I mentioned how Christ and God are one, and he got *very* angry. A very nice Latter Day Saint lady picked me up not two minutes after that. But, I did indeed make it to Utah. (:



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