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I have the habit of getting bored with my haircut every now and then...but I rarely have the guts to change it. I have dark blonde hair, currently over my shoulders and with a fringe. The problem and the cause of me not daring to change it radically is that I have quite a large head and sharp jaw line. My head really is quite big; I have a pretty high forehead as well. I'd love to experiment with a short haircut (a bit like Emma's), but I'm just not sure it will fit me. Some people with a good deal of knowledge about hair have said I shouldn't do it, but that of course doesn't satisfy me. The fridge I got 1,5 years ago is an improvement for my looks, but the short haircut is on my mind constantly...there must be a way, right? What do you guys think?

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^Yeah that's good one :). I should go to a good hairdresser's; we have the hairdresser's academy here and they get to cut customers for their education...I went there once because it's very cheap, but I wouldn't let them do something so drastic, haha. Ah I guess this is a luxury problem anyway...

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usually people with high foreheads look really good with bangs

and if you want you can try getting your haircut neck level so it's not too short but if you want to go shorter you can

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First off, hair growns back so you should never be too scared!!


I say if it is something you really want to try, go for it!!!!!!! The more you want it, the more you will love it, and the more beutiful you will look with it.


If you are super nervous I have some small solutions. First, go an get a consultation at any salon. Almost every salon, even the mot expensive, will do a free consultation. The better the place, the more they will know.


Also, there is this website. I have completely blanked on it unfortuantly, but I know it exists. You upload a picture of yourself then you can sort of "place" all sorts of hairsyles on your picture. You can also do so with makeup. My freinds and I used to play around all the time on it. It's not perfect, but it could help give you an idea!


I have had short hair, super long hair, and everything in between. Honestly, I don't think that certain haircuts only look good on certain people. It all depends on the actual quality of the haircut and how you carry yourself. I have never seen anyone with a super short haircut that I thought couldn't pull it off.

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Agree hair grows back quick...I think if you want to see how you look, you could maybe ask for a computer image? I think some salons have these at their places these days. Doesnt hurt to ask :) Or take a risk! Go for it! :)

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Thanks guys! @Arie: yeah, I know of those websites too, they can be really helpful, I might try one again soon! :) And you're all right, hair does grow back of course...mine does grow back really fast, to be honest :).

@Emma_Rules: that's great! Are you happy with it?

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