The Dude Posted November 23, 2010 Share Posted November 23, 2010 That's called an Avatar . Click on my name, and you'll see . Ah yes. Didn't bother clicking. You are correct sir. Link to post Share on other sites
Luciana Posted November 23, 2010 Share Posted November 23, 2010 This is your profile pic. Doesn't tell me a whole lot about how you might punch. Seriously though - As much as I didn't feel there was any chemistry between Harry/Ginny I also felt with Ron/Hermione that it just wasn't there. Their "affection" for one another just felt forced. It felt like they were affectionate toward each other because the script told them they were supposed to be. Dan and Emma have always had way more screen chemistry than Rupert and Emma. I'm assuming that this was at least part of the reason for the H/Hr dance. The director and producers saw that the chemistry between Rupert and Emma wasn't going to carry the film emotionally and romantically as the fans have come to expect. In order to solve this problem they put the two people with the best on screen chemistry together in what could've been a touching scene. Unlike some on here, I thought the song ruined the scene. It is not a danceable tune and wouldn't have made them want to dance. I hate when directors can't pick the correct song for a movie scene. I thought the same mistake was made multiple times in Watchmen. Anyway, back to my original point. I think the filmmakers thought without some kind of romantic chemistry a good portion of the movie would be sunk and so latched onto whatever they could get. Over the years of the franchise it is also obvious that Dan and Emma are better and closer friends than Rupert and Emma. This comes through on screen. A question. The scene of H/Hr kissing is obviously digitally enhanced. But how much? It's obvious Dan can't keep his clothes on - just look at him in Equus and the many scenes in Deathly Hallers where he's in his undies, almost nude, in a bra etc. But the question is, were they really nude in the kissing scene or is that all or mostly digital? **EDIT**Forgot to say that the Hermione torture scene affected me the same way Dave. In fact, I did go up and punch the screen and then they got their little movie theater security guards (who altogether weighed about 150 pounds soaking wet) to try and throw me out and I said "You're gonna have to do a lot better than that." So they got this big 6'9" 345 pound guy to throw me out and well...he's breathing through a tube right now. But I just read where Helena Bonham Carter suffered an unexplained broken nose at that very moment and now her nose looks like Voldemort's nose. BTW, can I borrow $10,000 bucks to post bail? I'm not agree. Rupert and Emma have a great chemistry!! Did you feel the relationship between Ron and Hermione forced?? The way they look at each other is pretty intense!!!!!! My heart almost explodes with all their love! The piano scene, the caffe scene, Ron's speech... very subtle moments, but still adorable I'm sorry, but the H/Hr dance was embarrassing. It was very odd and out of characters. At the end of the scene I was like: what was that?? Very awkward. I must say that I loved the scene when Harry and Hermione were at the graveyard, it was very sad but sweet at the same time (these are canon Harry and Hermione).Anyway, I liked the three of them. They were amazing, and together, they are powerful!!! I love the trio!! Link to post Share on other sites
The Dude Posted November 23, 2010 Share Posted November 23, 2010 I'm not agree. Rupert and Emma have a great chemistry!! Did you feel the relationship between Ron and Hermione forced?? The way they look at each other is pretty intense!!!!!! My heart almost explodes with all their love! The piano scene, the caffe scene, Ron's speech... very subtle moments, but still adorable I'm sorry, but the H/Hr dance was embarrassing. It was very odd and out of characters. At the end of the scene I was like: what was that?? Very awkward. I must say that I loved the scene when Harry and Hermione were at the graveyard, it was very sad but sweet at the same time (these are canon Harry and Hermione).Anyway, I liked the three of them. They were amazing, and together, they are powerful!!! I love the trio!! I really wanted the R/Hr relationship and chemistry to work for me. It would've made an already great movie even better for me. I'm glad it worked for you and was an enjoyable experience for you. On the flip side I thought the H/Hr dance would've worked great if not for the poor choice in music. I'm not trying to offend those who like the song but even a good song at the wrong moment can ruin a scene. I'm with you on the graveyard scene. I wished it'd been a little longer and given us and them a little time to linger in the moment and on the emotions and memories on things passed and things that never will be. Link to post Share on other sites
galadriel12 Posted November 24, 2010 Share Posted November 24, 2010 Chemistry, or rather the perception of chemistry, is a very subjective thing, apparently. I always found all three leads have amazing chemistry with each other and I never found anything wrong with Rupert and Emma's chemistry. If there was, I guess it was more lack of opportunity to actually show this chemistry. Ron and Hermione have hardly ever scenes alone, whereas Harry and Hermione have. So that comparison might not even be fair sometimes. However, for DH, I personally can say, I'm completely happy with  how R/Hr was portraied. Rupert and Emma got the love and tenderness across very convincingly. Attention Spoilers below: Apart from that, I loved the movie as a whole. I have minor gripes such as a bit lack of more emotion at Silver Doe and MM. And most notably I'm missing a proper reconciliation between Harry and Ron after the Horcrux destruction. That was such a huge, important and pivotal moment for their friendship. I found Seven Potters hilarious (extra kudos to Dan here), each and every R/Hr scene adorable, the Ministry Break in was brilliant (extra kudos to the adult actors who played the trio). The Splinching scene was exactly as I imagined. The Harry/Ron fight is one of my favourite scenes too. As sad as the whole sequence was, it was so strong, so intense and so brilliantly acted. The Silver Doe and subsequent Horcrux destruction was perfect, except for the resolution or better lack thereof. I enjoyd the whole part at the Lovegood's house and I found the Tale of the Three Brothers was beautifully done. I wasn't bored for one moment and I intend on watching it again in the theatre. Acting-wise, it was also the best HP movie so far. Emma was fantastic, I think her best performance as Hermione. And Rupert nailed Ron. He was the best for me, but then again, I'm a fan and likely biased. Link to post Share on other sites
meandme Posted November 24, 2010 Share Posted November 24, 2010 (edited) I think people who think the H/Hr dance wasn't necessary...Oh plzzz. Harry's "I don't care about Hermione" behaviour in the book was not logical. Sexual love or not...Rowling went IMO too far with her "R/Hr only have to love each other and Harry only has to love Ginny" stuff. Not to mention that two teenagers who are best friends locked in a tent alone for weeks and not even a moment of reconsideration? Sorry but this was just really unrealistic and IMO the films do a much better job at portraying these relationships than the books did. And most people, even critics, believe that Dan and Emma's chemistry is better than Rupert's and Emma's. Just face it people. There's no problem if some people disagree with you. Acting surprised when someone says Emma carries the film when you think it's Rupert (as if someone had sad 1+1 is 3) and acting the same way when someone mentions D/E's chemistry is just ignorant. Thank God we all see the world differently. Edited November 24, 2010 by meandme Link to post Share on other sites
The Dude Posted November 24, 2010 Share Posted November 24, 2010 ^^Agree 100% Link to post Share on other sites
Luciana Posted November 24, 2010 Share Posted November 24, 2010 I think people who think the H/Hr dance wasn't necessary...Oh plzzz. Harry's "I don't care about Hermione" behaviour in the book was not logical. Sexual love or not...Rowling went IMO too far with her "R/Hr only have to love each other and Harry only has to love Ginny" stuff. Not to mention that two teenagers who are best friends locked in a tent alone for weeks and not even a moment of reconsideration? Sorry but this was just really unrealistic and IMO the films do a much better job at portraying these relationships than the books did. And most people, even critics, believe that Dan and Emma's chemistry is better than Rupert's and Emma's. Just face it people. There's no problem if some people disagree with you. Acting surprised when someone says Emma carries the film when you think it's Rupert (as if someone had sad 1+1 is 3) and acting the same way when someone mentions D/E's chemistry is just ignorant. Thank God we all see the world differently. Lol This is funny!The books are much better than the films. Rowling is the author of the books and characters, the films are only "adaptations". I love the films, really, but the characters have suffered some modifications compared to the book, they haven't the same essence. Link to post Share on other sites
yorkshire Posted November 25, 2010 Share Posted November 25, 2010 (edited) After a 2nd viewing, I love picking up on the little stuff you miss the first time round. Why George has a toothbrush in his ear i'll never know. I also loved the scene outside Umbridge's office in the ministry, where Harry let off those little walking things with horns on. They were so good! edit: just remembered they're called decoy detonators! Edited November 25, 2010 by yorkshire Link to post Share on other sites
KS987 Posted November 26, 2010 Share Posted November 26, 2010 Deathly Hallows was amazing and I think it's the best film so far. I got stuck with a terrible crowd though. Bunch of people there who came across as jerkasses who never read the books and just whined about how "they didn't accomplish anything. Why did they split it into, like, three movies" while whispering stupid comments the whole time(yet they thought the Kung Fu Panda 2 teaser was a masterpiece. Go figure). There was also a baby crying for a good while. I really prefer watching films at home in peace. Emma gave her best performance as Hermione yet and stole the show. She was just extremely fun to watch and I really hope she continues acting, because she is amazing. The torture scene was painful for me to watch. Let's just say I would have done a lot more than "punch". Definitely an extremely powerful scene that affected the cast, crew, and the audiences. Rupert Grint was hilarious as Ron once again, but he also delivered in his more serious and darker scenes. Hell, the acting in general was one of the movie's strong points, as I felt pretty much everyone did a great job. The trio have great chemistry and it showed here. It's hard to list the scenes since I enjoyed most of them: Hermione erasing her parent's memories(very sad and i thought it was cool that they used actual younger pictures of Emma to portray Hermione in the family pictures), the Seven Potters scene had a nice change with Hedwig having a better death, which also gave a better reason for Voldemort figuring out the real Harry, the Three Brothers scene, the hilarious Ministry scene, the aforementioned Malfoy Manor, etc. It was just a great movie throughout. Link to post Share on other sites
The Dude Posted November 26, 2010 Share Posted November 26, 2010 Just saw it again tonight and like you KS, I had a less than desirable film going experience. A group of girls came in and sat next to me and this black girl set right next to me. I don't know if any of you have ever been in a theater that's predominately black but they tend to like to talk to the screen quite a bit. A lot of "Ooooooh, girl. Don't you go in there. You gonna get hurt all up in there" etc. And besides that she laughed at nearly every frame of film. So you can only imagine her reaction during the H/Hr kissing scene. And then during the three brothers story she answers her phone and begins having a conversation. I turned to her and said "If you're gonna talk on the phone, then go outside." Did she listen? No, she just hung up and then began texting so I had the glow of her phone texting to contend with. I think the R/Hr relationship worked a little better for me this time. Maybe because I just wanted it too so bad and I was looking for it. But when it came to the H/Hr scenes it was just so effortless and natural. At Godric's Hollow when Hermione put her head on Harry's shoulder, she looked like she really wanted to and wanted to be there with him rather than just doing it because it was written in the script that way. They just seem so at ease with each other. Although I have to say I can really empathize with Ron in the scene where he's trying to destroy the horcrux and the vision of Hermione comes out and she's saying all these awful things to him like he's nothing and Harry's better and they were better without him and she keeps repeating that he's nothing. Having the girl of your dreams tell you that you're nothing and that she prefers another guy all the while she's looking more beautiful than ever is just heart wrenching. I've lived that first hand. And could Emma be any more beautiful if she tried? I certainly don't think so. She's just an absolutely gorgeous human being, inside and out. Link to post Share on other sites
yorkshire Posted November 26, 2010 Share Posted November 26, 2010 And could Emma be any more beautiful if she tried? I certainly don't think so. She's just an absolutely gorgeous human being, inside and out. And that, my friend, is the bottom line. Link to post Share on other sites
Danielle Posted November 26, 2010 Share Posted November 26, 2010 After a 2nd viewing, I love picking up on the little stuff you miss the first time round. Why George has a toothbrush in his ear i'll never know. I also loved the scene outside Umbridge's office in the ministry, where Harry let off those little walking things with horns on. They were so good! edit: just remembered they're called decoy detonators!I also love picking up on those sorts of things when seeing it a second or a third time. I'm not sure when I will go to see it again yet, I want to go this weekend but might give it a few weeks for the hype to die down a little and watch it in peace. Link to post Share on other sites
meandme Posted November 26, 2010 Share Posted November 26, 2010 Lol This is funny!The books are much better than the films. Rowling is the author of the books and characters, the films are only "adaptations". I love the films, really, but the characters have suffered some modifications compared to the book, they haven't the same essence. I think the books are better than the films in many aspects. But honestly think the films handle the relationships better than the books. R/Hr left me cold in the books while I find them cute in the movies bc certain changes were made to the characters (especially Ron) so that I find it a lot more fitting. This is of course only my opinion but it exists. Link to post Share on other sites
yorkshire Posted November 27, 2010 Share Posted November 27, 2010 I also love picking up on those sorts of things when seeing it a second or a third time. I'm not sure when I will go to see it again yet, I want to go this weekend but might give it a few weeks for the hype to die down a little and watch it in peace. I was considering doing that, maybe go on Christmas eve or something, then the Godric's Hollow scene will make me feel nice and festive. Link to post Share on other sites
The Dude Posted November 27, 2010 Share Posted November 27, 2010 Even though I hated the choice of the song for the H/Hr dance I like how it handled their relationship. It put a little doubt in their minds of their relationships with Ginny and Ron as well as their relationship with each other. Which is more true to life. Who among us hasn't been tempted. Especially when you're alone with someone like that, who you know very well and has been your best friend for years. They had no one else but each other and they shared sadness and pain together and trauma can bring people closer together. I like how it made the relationships not so cut and dry. As far as the kissing goes, I know the company line from Dan, Emma and Rupert has been that their kissing scenes were weird, that it was like kissing a sibling etc. I just wonder how true all of this is. I mean they can still be attracted to one another even though they've known each other for so long and know each other so well. I've known girls and have been friends with them for long periods of time that I would not have turned down had they wanted to kiss me. Just because we were good friends didn't mean they weren't attractive. I go back to what Harry said in When Harry Met Sally, that men and women can't be friends because the sex part always gets in the way. Sally Albright: That's not true. I have a number of men friends and there is no sex involved.Harry Burns: No you don't.Sally Albright: Yes I do.Harry Burns: You only think you do.Sally Albright: You're saying I'm having sex with these men without my knowledge?Harry Burns: No, what I'm saying is they all WANT to have sex with you.Sally Albright: They do not.Harry Burns: Do too.Sally Albright: How do you know?Harry Burns: Because no man can be friends with a woman that he finds attractive. He always wants to have sex with her.Sally Albright: So, you're saying that a man can be friends with a woman he finds unattractive?Harry Burns: No. You pretty much want to nail 'em too. Link to post Share on other sites
cbmac12 Posted November 27, 2010 Share Posted November 27, 2010 I would be here all day LOL... my first impression was this : WOW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! LOVED every moment- being a Ron/Hermione shipper, I was VERY pleased and EXCITED to see their relationship develop further. Loved everything about this movie...Seeing it again today at IMAX Link to post Share on other sites
jayhawk Posted November 27, 2010 Author Share Posted November 27, 2010 I think the Harry/Hermione shippers are trying to put emotion that wasn't there into the dance. I saw Harry trying to take his best friends mind off her troubles. There was no little spark, no doubt placed on any other relationships. I think a bunch of people just want to see something that, frankly, wasn't there at all. Link to post Share on other sites
Luciana Posted November 27, 2010 Share Posted November 27, 2010 I think the Harry/Hermione shippers are trying to put emotion that wasn't there into the dance. I saw Harry trying to take his best friends mind off her troubles. There was no little spark, no doubt placed on any other relationships. I think a bunch of people just want to see something that, frankly, wasn't there at all. This!!!!!!There wasn't tension between them, come on!!! They were, are and will be only FRIENDS. Harry loves Ginny and Hermione loves Ron. Is it hard to understand? Gosh... Link to post Share on other sites
The Dude Posted November 27, 2010 Share Posted November 27, 2010 I think the Harry/Hermione shippers are trying to put emotion that wasn't there into the dance. I saw Harry trying to take his best friends mind off her troubles. There was no little spark, no doubt placed on any other relationships. I think a bunch of people just want to see something that, frankly, wasn't there at all. Let's not start a shipper war here. We all realize that Harry ends up with Ginny and Hermione winds up with Ron per the book. But as far as the dance is concerned, I've read where Emma says it looks as if H/Hr are tempted etc. I'll see if I can locate where she said that and post it for you. Link to post Share on other sites
Occulus Posted November 28, 2010 Share Posted November 28, 2010 As far as the kissing goes, I know the company line from Dan, Emma and Rupert has been that their kissing scenes were weird, that it was like kissing a sibling etc. I just wonder how true all of this is. I mean they can still be attracted to one another even though they've known each other for so long and know each other so well. I've known girls and have been friends with them for long periods of time that I would not have turned down had they wanted to kiss me. Just because we were good friends didn't mean they weren't attractive. Well Dan definitely seemed to like it! Link to post Share on other sites
flowerpower Posted November 28, 2010 Share Posted November 28, 2010 Well Dan definitely seemed to like it! dan has admitted to have had a crush on emma, so i'm sure when he kissed her he might have thought at last i will know how it is to kiss her Link to post Share on other sites
padfoot Posted November 28, 2010 Share Posted November 28, 2010 I think the Harry/Hermione shippers are trying to put emotion that wasn't there into the dance. I saw Harry trying to take his best friends mind off her troubles. There was no little spark, no doubt placed on any other relationships. I think a bunch of people just want to see something that, frankly, wasn't there at all.Well Hermione and Ron get together, get married and have children, so why should comments about Harry and Hermione enjoying the dance matter? We all have opinions and hope, right? I'm a H/Hr shipper (although I also thought Ginny and Harry would be cute together because of the first few books, Ginny being obsessed with him) and I thought the dance was sweet but we aren't pushing our opinions onto R/Hr shippers are we? We're just discussing it between ourselves (I hope, in the H/Hr thread anyway ) Where did you hear people say that? From what I've read on this forum and elsewhere we just think H/Hr have better chemistry and R/Hr seem a bit more forced. But yeah you don't have to listen to a word of what we say if you don't believe it That's what shipping's all about anyway, talking about "moments" and scenes/chapters relating to who we would like to see with each other, even if it's not spot on. Link to post Share on other sites
~Imagination~ Posted November 28, 2010 Share Posted November 28, 2010 I watched HP again, omg still so expensive, I was shocked, tho the theater was quite nice but stiiill. -.- and no tickets and a LOT of ppl. When the movie ended, ppl were like "HEY! Nooooo we want the 2-nd paaaart" aww. Link to post Share on other sites
jayhawk Posted November 29, 2010 Author Share Posted November 29, 2010 Let's not start a shipper war here. We all realize that Harry ends up with Ginny and Hermione winds up with Ron per the book. But as far as the dance is concerned, I've read where Emma says it looks as if H/Hr are tempted etc. I'll see if I can locate where she said that and post it for you. Trust me, I'm not on either side. I just didn't see it. But then I'm a little older than most here, and married. So my perspective is quite a bit different. Link to post Share on other sites
The Dude Posted November 29, 2010 Share Posted November 29, 2010 Trust me, I'm not on either side. I just didn't see it. But then I'm a little older than most here, and married. So my perspective is quite a bit different. It's cool. Link to post Share on other sites
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