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The Deathly Hallows Film Topic

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Are you for real? I haven't been here in ages and there are only 8 more pages written in this thread?


What has happened? I miss you guys :(


Can anyone tell me a suggestion from which moments is this still?

I can't really figure it out by myself..

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If you want some real nostalgia, check out this clip from the HPDH2 Photocall and Interviews the other day if you haven't already. My real question through this entire thing is, Where is my dearest Alan?


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Yeah, it's a little sad when you check and the only new posts are in the games room.



It's depressing considering the fact that years ago premiere topics used to be packed and the activity on here was at an all-time high. I wonder why it's so low now, especially with the series ending.

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It's depressing considering the fact that years ago premiere topics used to be packed and the activity on here was at an all-time high. I wonder why it's so low now, especially with the series ending.

A-Men I admit I was someone who posted in the Games Section a lot. But now it's boring. I haven't posted there properly for months and it's annoying coming here every afternoon and seeing on the games section posted in and the odd topics around.


The Emma picture topics, and Movie topics were the best and the other movie topics besides harry potter is dead. :/

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I don't know yet. I've just seen advertisements on the TV. It's always on ITV3 though. :) If you miss it it always plays on ITV2. :) I hope that helped. The time for the last 2 movies Behind the Magic though was 7:30pm.

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soooo happy!!! I am now officially going to see DH part 2 at midnight!!!! *12:07 to be exact lol* Got my tickets yesterday. I'm happy I'm excited since A) I've been feeling so nervous and sad that it's ending and B ) I've been really into, and still am, into South Park. But seeing the ticket in my hand... bring on DH part 2 I say!!!! :D :D :D

Edited by Stan'sMommy
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I'm going to wait two weeks, like I always do. :)


It's always a madhouse going to see a film when it first comes out, and with HP, I know it'll be crazy! As someone with a crowd phobia, I'd rather just go to an afternoon showing that's not all jam packed.


But I don't know how I'm going to be able to contain my excitement till then! I really want to go see this movie!

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