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^I know dook I mean like the people that were working on the producers and stuff like that like behind the sence and the money Did come from us.. and yeah JK did want that :)! thats what i mean lol



and I just was making the point saying just because It is All British Doesnt really make it At all a birstish movie..


Only Because of warner bros i am not trying to start anything at all :)


i wasn't talking about the cast in the movie i was talking about the producers the warner brother people.. thats all :) I am not trying to start anything but I understand were jade is coming from :)


it is way more birstish but i was just saying it is american money like Dook said

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Truly, I am smitten, you know. You will die of satisfaction with this movie. I can't really describe how wonderful it was.


I'm not gonna spoil anything now but I just as might say that:


After the 6th time I cried, I stopped counting. And 'The Prince's Tale' finished me.

Tears went on till I got home. Really, guys, one in a lifetime experience. <3

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Jade Just Because it is Has British Actors in it.. does not make it A British Movies..



about a good Half the Cast the peopl that were Working on that movie is pretty much all American IF It wasn't for them we would not have a movie to this day

Dook already explained about the actors. But I'm not on about the actors. I am on about how it is a british production. The books are british. The movies are british even if WB are american. The movies are still british.


Why do you think everyone was annoyed that america got the theme park? It's rightful place is in Britain. I'm not saying this because I am british. I actaully don't like this place (beside london) I am actually just stating what nearly every british person thinks.

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Dook already explained about the actors. But I'm not on about the actors. I am on about how it is a british production. The books are british. The movies are british even if WB are american. The movies are still british.


Why do you think everyone was annoyed that america got the theme park? It's rightful place is in Britain. I'm not saying this because I am british. I actaully don't like this place (beside london) I am actually just stating what nearly every british person thinks.



You Got A good Point there.. I mean if i wash bristih I be mad too


i think maybe the only reason why.. because It is A world Wide thing and The best place to put the Wizarding world was in Fl.


Maybe I doubt i am right but who knows

Edited by penguin_girl
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Dook already explained about the actors. But I'm not on about the actors. I am on about how it is a british production. The books are british. The movies are british even if WB are american. The movies are still british.


Why do you think everyone was annoyed that america got the theme park? It's rightful place is in Britain. I'm not saying this because I am british. I actaully don't like this place (beside london) I am actually just stating what nearly every british person thinks.



ok i am biased too being british but yeah i totally agree with you here, good point!

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You Got A good Point there.. I mean if i wash bristih I be mad too


i think maybe the only reason why.. because It is A world Wide thing and The best place to put the Wizarding world was in Fl.


Maybe I doubt i am right but who knows

Yeah. :) I think the only reason the theme park was over there is because of the better weather?


ok i am biased too being british but yeah i totally agree with you here, good point!

Haha thank you. >.<

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Yeah. :) I think the only reason the theme park was over there is because of the better weather?



Haha thank you. >.<



yes and probaly because we have so many other Warner brothers Parks too

and sense hp is part of warner brothers then that may be why

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Oh my god, oh my god, oh my god, it couldn't have been more perfect. Well, a couple of little things had been changed/removed but it was fine. Best movie I've ever seen (out of Harry Potter too of course), even better than my beloved Half-Blood Prince. It was fantastic.

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I liked the film. I think if you enjoyed the DH part 1 you should like this one even more.

What I never liked about HP is the Harry&Voldie encounters. Voldie is a LOL-figure that I can't take seriously. The added scene between them-where Harry graps him and the fall over a clip is just :tongue0020:. I didn't feel that the trio never was in real danger. They got away without really trying.


But I rate a +3. I had higher hopes. But the acting I must say is AWSOME. :excited: . EVERONE is really good. I'm really proud over Emma!

Edited by hailie
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Kim it must be good! But if it beat Half Blood Prince I doubt it will beat my favourite one the 3rd one. Because I don't like Half Blood Prince. (In movie wise) But I'm watching it a midnight tonight!

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Kim it must be good! But if it beat Half Blood Prince I doubt it will beat my favourite one the 3rd one. Because I don't like Half Blood Prince. (In movie wise) But I'm watching it a midnight tonight!

Yeah, the movie for HBP isn't as good as the book but I still love it. POA is one of my favourites too. Arghhh I'm so impatient to see it again already :P

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I have to say it was a great film and it does the film series justice. I would definitely rate it one of the top films. I do have some qualms about things they've changed/added but I expected it as they've changed things in the other movies and it was nothing major. If it weren't for those things I'd say the movie was absolutely perfect. Definitely worth watching and rewatching ^.^, GO SEE IT!!!!!!

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I have to say as a big fan it weren't that good. Fair enough it can't be like the book and a lot of fans that haven't read the book will like it but it wasn't that good. The acting was minimal apart from Alan Rickman who's acting was beyond brilliant. It moved to slow and it wasn't as action pact as it should have been. I'm going to watch it more times but I don't want to. I'll see how I feel after then.


I'm not one of these fans to lie about it and say it was brilliant just because I'm a big fan. This movie did Harry Potter no justice.


The best parts


Was when Snape died and his story. I admit it made me cry because it was shocking to watch. I didn't expect to see him walking up to Lily's dead body but hey. It was brilliant and Alan Rickman did an amazing job. Oh and of course The Ron and Hermione kiss. Though you didn't see much because of Rons head.



The worst parts


Erm a majority of the stuff was dissapointing. The acting and etc. But to the movie I'm going to have to say the deaths scene was terrible they could have made them a lot better. You didn't really get to see much. The only bodys you truelly got to see properly was Lavender Brown and Lupin and Tonks.


The whole first hour was really slow and all the actors looked bored. Whether they were supposed to be serious acting or what? They all looked bored. But I suppose thats what you get for trying to talk out all the missing things they've left out of the book for the past 7 movies.



The decent parts


I'd say the rest of the stuff I haven't complained about. Erm one decent part I can talk about is Neville and the Battle. That was really decent. They blew it up better than the book, by adding in things that don't happen.





Ron and Hermione was brilliant.

Neville and Luna I've always wanted to happen!

Harry and Ginny was alright but could have had some better scenes together.



19 years later





Overall rating 7/10

Edited by Hermione
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Was anyone else a little disappointed that the Voldemort death scene wasn't set in the hall and Harry only said a couple of the quotes he was meant to, with no audience? I wish that had stayed the same, loved that part of the book! Lol it was awesome how Seamus gladly accepted the job of blowing up the bridge, dontcha think? Wasn't expecting that.

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Was anyone else a little disappointed that the Voldemort death scene wasn't set in the hall and Harry only said a couple of the quotes he was meant to, with no audience? I wish that had stayed the same, loved that part of the book!



I was mega dissapointed with this! I was like WTH! I like how they battled because I wanted Voldemort to go out better than the book but I wanted them to end up in the hall again and to see them carry the body into another room. Alas I am with you on this.


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