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Can a member be transferred from one House to another? If not, can i post everywhere (including the mods' profiles) like 24/7, protesting, crying, sobbing pleading with them to bring I Am Not Purple to my House? :sob: :sob:




You know he's devastated. He told me he would commit suicide if i didn't manage to bring him to the Earth House :sob: He really means it. He's vulnerable and lonely :sob:

hahah, aww. :sob: <3


I did? :mellow:


:sob: It's so sad, nobody like us.


I will hold him as a prisoner, he can't leave.

Two girls fight over me...I like that.


When widu sees this, he is going to have the BIGGEST ego lol

bwahah. XD

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Hour 13 of Pottermore Watch:


Not much to report, little activity on the Pottermore front. The constant refreshing is starting to make my clicking finger hurt, not sure how much longer I can do this (god save me). I have the endurance and strength to press on, but one starts to think "my god, how long will I have to wait?" I shall continue in my endeavors in the hope that I too may soon be registered with Pottermore, I've given up so much already for it, like my wife, my family, my little dog Skipper. At the end of the day though, I know it's worth it.


End Dax's log, Entry 1157.

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Hour 14 of Pottermore Watch:


I'm running low on tea which is quite disturbing. Without sweet lady caffeine I'm not sure I can last the entire night. I've sent runners to see what our tea supplies are like but the initial reports aren't good. Despite this hiccup in my journey, I'm still holding strong. Clearly there is a light at the end of this tunnel, albeit the tunnel is a rather long one. In the end doesn't a long journey make the reward that much sweeter? I'm so close Pottermore...yet so far away...


End Dax's log, Entry 1158.

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Hour 15 of Potter Watch:


My good friend Shadowplay paid me a visit and spoke words of encouragement. Aw if only I could trust her, after not guilt tripping me last night and allowing me to leave right before Pottermore gave out their first clue I'm not sure what to believe. Do I forgive her? I guess, but is there a crater in my heart, definitely. Jeeves, my stereotypically named servant, has informed me now that our food supply is running low. This is equally troubling in regards to my caffeine shortage. Only time will tell if I can survive these trials. I look towards a brighter future.


End Dax's log, Entry 1159.

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