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Emma Watson as Hermione Granger.

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As we all know, Hermione Granger is Emma's first role and is what introduced the majority of us to her. She has been playing this role for a decade and has grown from a cute little girl into the beautiful woman she is today. However with the first part of Deathly Hallows coming out in the very near future and the second part, and final movie, comes out next year, the end of an era is approaching. So I decided to make a topic in order to discuss the role that started it all for Emma and her fanbase. I put a spoiler warning since this does discuss the movies so plot points will most likely be brought up.

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It's her signature role, no doubt about that. ;) But as you said, this will all be over much too soon and I'm excited to see what projects she'll take on next.


She'll always be "my Hermione", though. ;) True, we never saw anyone else play that part, but I think she was an excellent choice.

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It's her signature role, no doubt about that. ;) But as you said, this will all be over much too soon and I'm excited to see what projects she'll take on next.


She'll always be "my Hermione", though. ;) True, we never saw anyone else play that part, but I think she was an excellent choice.



She'll always be "my Hermione" as well. Personally I hope they don't remake the movies though, at least not for a long time.

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Emma is and always will be the perfect Hermione in my eyes. Normally when I watch a movie I can think of other actors who could replace someone in a certain role, but in my opinion no other actress could breathe life into Hermione like Emma did. Just as other people have said, once the HP era ends, I'll be really excited to see her in other projects and continue to grow as an actress. :)

Edited by Sammy
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Emma is and always will be the perfect Hermione in my eyes. Normally when I watch a movie I can think of other actors who could replace someone in a certain role, but honestly Like other people have said, once the HP era ends, I'll be really excited to see her in other projects and continue to grow as an actress.


It's difficult to foresee where she will find herself.I would like that this film would be not less phenomenal than HP.

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When I first saw the philosophers stone I wasn't too sure about Emma as Hermione, however I wasn't a huge fan of Hermione as a character at first either. I've taken a complete U-turn though and think Emma has done a really good job, I also have a lot more respect for the character as well. It is hard to imagine anyone else doing the job, if they had picked someone else I'm sure we'd be saying the same. However, they didn't and I do think Emma was a great choice for the role.


To be honest they did a good job picking all the child actors, they've all grown and improved their skills and are now great actors, which isn't always the case when someone starts something so big so young.


She'll always be "my Hermione" as well. Personally I hope they don't remake the movies though, at least not for a long time.


I really don't think they will remake the films for a long long time. When they do, (if they do) they'll be for a whole new generation so Emma not playing Hermione wont really be much of an issue. If they do remake the films I don't think it will be a bad thing, it will make them accessible to a whole new group of people (our kids kids possibly)

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I didnt come on to the HP scene until a few years after SS so didnt know much about it. I was still in college and didnt think much about HP at the time. With that said when I found HP, I was immediately taken by the cuteness and adorableness of lil Emma back then. The looks she would give, the way she said her lines was way too precious and sweet. Emma was and always will be our Hermione. Btw have yall seen Emma's clips/trailers in DH? WOW the girl will so own it!!! My heart was breaking in some scenes they showed (not gonna spoil it :))...Emma has gone from that cute adorable lil girl to this stunning young woman who I cant wait to see do post Hermione roles. But in the meantime, we have her as Hermione coming up in less than 3 weeks and July still :) Not to mention we will always have her as Hermione on our DVDS :) YOU GO EMMA GIRL!!! No one could ever have played Hermione the way you have.

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I agree with Antares. This role is definatley her signature roll. I mean she's always referred to as 'The girl who played Hermione Granger.'


To be quiet honest, no one could have taken this role better than she did.

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  • 4 weeks later...

Emma deserves an Oscar for her performance as Hermione in Deathly Hallows. She was absolutely brilliant. :) . It's hard to pick out scenes since she was amazing all around, but some examples are when Hermione erased her parents memories, when she cried over Ron's arm getting sliced, the horcrux kissing scene, and especially when Hermione got tortured by Bellatrix(watching Emma crying and hearing her screams made it all the more nightmarish and painful to watch). I will also add that she's always had a beautiful voice, and her reading the Three Brothers story made that scene even more amazing. Just an overall amazing performance from her.


I also liked that Emma's dad gave some pictures of Emma to portray Hermione in the family photos. Considering that Emma spent ten years of her life portraying Hermione, I thought it was a very nice touch.


If you haven't seen Deathly Hallows, go see it already.

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Emma deserves an Oscar for her performance as Hermione in Deathly Hallows. She was absolutely brilliant. :) . It's hard to pick out scenes since she was amazing all around, but some examples are when Hermione erased her parents memories, when she cried over Ron's arm getting sliced, the horcrux kissing scene, and especially when Hermione got tortured by Bellatrix(watching Emma crying and hearing her screams made it all the more nightmarish and painful to watch). I will also add that she's always had a beautiful voice, and her reading the Three Brothers story made that scene even more amazing. Just an overall amazing performance from her.


I also liked that Emma's dad gave some pictures of Emma to portray Hermione in the family photos. Considering that Emma spent ten years of her life portraying Hermione, I thought it was a very nice touch.


If you haven't seen Deathly Hallows, go see it already.


While I agree the context you put in. I slightly disagree with the option for Oscar. While she acted brilliantly in the film, I didn't think she had the bite for an Oscar like Heath Ledger did (R.I.P dude)

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It was Emma's performance in Prisoner of Azkaban that really impressed me at first. It was then that I started to find out more about her, which lead me to these forums. While there are a few differences between Hermione in the books and Hermione in the movies, I think part of that is down to Emma and her ability, she has made the role he own, to me that is always a sign of a good actor or actress.


I think Emma has been fantastic as Hermione but her performance in Deathly Hallows topped the lot for me, we saw more of Hermione in this and Emma's ability as an actress really shone through.


I hope that Emma isn't typecast as Hermione, while nothing she will probably do ever again will be as massive as Harry Potter, I think that she has the acting ability to go far beyond what she has achieved here. I look forward to seeing her in other roles in the future.

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I guess I would say it was Prisoner of Azkaban that started it for me too. I had liked Emma's performance since that first scene in Philosophers Stone, and I would say I was a fan, but not active at all. If I saw some news item about her I'd read it, but I didn't go looking for forums and such.


I saw PoA with a friend who is a huge fan of HP. She hated it. She was almost in tears at the end of the movie she thought it was so bad. PoA had been her favorite book so far and she though they had ruined it.


I hadn't at that time read any of the books, so I couldn't compare the book with the movie, or see why she was so upset. I started with PS and also started reading more online about HP in general, and about my favorite character Hermione. During the buildup to GoF is when I really became an active fan.



Anyway, I kind of rambled off topic. Hermione will always be Emma to me, but I hope Emma will be much more than just Hermione.

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I love her as Hermione. She will obviously be well known for that role. Her acting is wonderful in it. For me I have always liked her, but, the obsession started at Chamber of Secrets. The frizzy hair had gone and it had turned into waves. I thought she'd matured a lot between 1 and 2. Also even more between 2 and 3. (:

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I like this where we're telling our own little stories.


I rented the first one (not gonna go down that whole Philosopher/Sorcerer path-I'll just call it the first one) on a friend's recommendation who said it was this generation's Wizard of Oz. It had some magic in it and was a cute movie but fell way short of what my friend said. Plus, I hadn't read any of the books yet and didn't quite "get" this whole Harry Potter phenomenon. But I thought the girl who played Hermione was cute but that's about it for her.


I was doing an Internet image search (for what, I don't even remember) and came across a pic of Emma from Prisoner of Azkaban and thought "that's the same girl? She's changed and grown up." I searched the Internet and found some info about this Emma girl and thought she was cute but kinda left it there. I still wasn't into the HP thing and was calling it Prisoner of Uzbekistan (not because I thought that was the title but because I didn't know the title and didn't care to learn it).


Then once I was seeing The Polar Express in IMAX 3D and we had a 45 minute delay because the film got stuck in the gate. So I was wandering around the lobby when I came across the Goblet of Fire IMAX poster that features Emma. I was stunned. I just stood there mesmerized by her. My heart has been lost to her ever since.


I went to see GoF by myself in the middle of the afternoon one day. I then got the GoF book (yeah, I know, I started in the middle) and read it. I was hooked. I went back and started with the first book and read through them all (up to that point). I looked at Wikipedia for Emma but the entry was weak and very light on info. I started visiting fan sites not wanting to admit that I was a fan and definitely didn't ever want to be a crazy fan. Jo's site was one of the best ones I found. It had good info, archived articles and video of interviews and was a well taken care of site. I began visiting fan forums. This one was not the first one I ever visited. I was on one once where there was this clown saying she was one of Emma's school mates. It was quite obvious she was lying but some poor folks wanted to be close to Emma so bad they believed her and got taken in. She eventually had to admit she was lying and didn't know Emma at all. But that soured me on fan forums for a while.


I've seen Emma go from cute in my eyes to a beauty. She's never seemed to make a wrong step. And I believe that she'll be just as good going forward in choosing her parts and how to handle her career. I like that she embraces Hermione and doesn't want to separate herself from Hermione and is proud of the role. I like that she said that she wouldn't do a nude scene or snort coke on film just to jettison her goody goody Hermione image.


She likes acting but could take it or leave it as she has so many other things she could do. This is why she'll be successful. It's the ones who are desperate for acting and fame that have the problems. This girl has a very level head on her shoulders.


Sorry so long.

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I, like everyone it seems, was taking in when seeing PoA. In the first 2 films I just thought the whole thing was amazing, I didn't really pay attention to any actor in particular as I was only about 10 back then, but I just loved it all. I did love the scenes with Emma in though, especially the "leviosah, not leviosarr" bit. The first time I remember taking quite an interest in the trio was when watching Newsround (BBC children's news) in about 2001/2002, just as they were filming CoS. They did a feature on how the trio were going through puberty and how they were changing quickly, and how that would look in the films. Me being an immature child still thought the idea of puberty was just hilarious, so I took great interest.



It was not until PoA when I came out of the cinema just feeling utterly mesmerised by Hermione, and, in turn, Emma. I did a bit of googling of her, and found out what little info there was about her. I can't remember the first time I came across e-w.net, definitely not as early as most of you guys, but probably around 2006. I know that was when I signed up to Emma's official site; I think 2006 was when the official site came out. I didn't sign up to the forums until the end of 08/beginning of 09 I think, as it was never really my thing back then.


It's great to see so many Emma fans around here. Most people seem to know Hermione, but not the great girl behind it all. At least in the past couple of years that's started to change.

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I, like everyone it seems, was taking in when seeing PoA. In the first 2 films I just thought the whole thing was amazing, I didn't really pay attention to any actor in particular as I was only about 10 back then, but I just loved it all. I did love the scenes with Emma in though, especially the "leviosah, not leviosarr" bit.

I joined these forums during the first week PoA was released and I remember at the time that the forums were pretty crazy, I don't think that it has been as mad as it was for PoA for any of the other movies. I think what it is that attracted people to Emma during that movie is her performance, she had a great releationship with Alfonso Cuaron and I think he allowed her to experess herself more as an actress. Emma had also grown up a lot since the second movie, perhaps even more so than between any of the other movies, she was starting to grow from this cute girl and into a beautiful young woman. Now, when I look back to the first movies I love everything about Hermione.

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I joined these forums during the first week PoA was released and I remember at the time that the forums were pretty crazy, I don't think that it has been as mad as it was for PoA for any of the other movies. I think what it is that attracted people to Emma during that movie is her performance, she had a great releationship with Alfonso Cuaron and I think he allowed her to experess herself more as an actress. Emma had also grown up a lot since the second movie, perhaps even more so than between any of the other movies, she was starting to grow from this cute girl and into a beautiful young woman. Now, when I look back to the first movies I love everything about Hermione.


She did grow up a lot between CoS and PoA. I think that was the biggest gap between movies, and Emma was also the age for a girl's growth spurt. I don't think the public saw a lot of her in that time either. 2003 was a really slow year as far as Emma news. And then 2004 was huge. I think that, and her growing past the cute kid stage, is why so many people noticed her then.

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