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My Week with Marilyn

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It's true.



The first images of Emma in costume for My Week with Marilyn have appeared. They show Emma arriving at the set in 50's era clothing and a brown wig. I've posted them on main site, http://Emma-Watson.net


even though i cant see her face properly i can see that she looks great, cant waaaait to see this film now

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Yeah, I'm surprised there isn't a bit more discussion about this. This is her first feature film role outside of HP. There was Tale of Despereaux, but that was just a voice role.



That's pretty much what I was thinking when the press release came out. It got to the point where I was wondering whether or not the press release made an error since there was hardly anything else on it until we finally got the pictures. Even Emma hasn't really commented on it yet. Maybe we'll find out why when she does talk about the role.

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I cant wait :) you looks like she will suit the role perfectly :D I think this will be the role to really show all those nasty critics out there that she does more than "raise her eyebrows" :P I wonder how big her part is considering she is at uni, what do you guys think?

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I can't wait to see this! I saw some new pictures from the set, they looked (and she, of course) looked great. I love period films, I'm definitely going to be seeing this one, not just because emma's in it. Just like I'm going to see the Woman in Black with D Rads not only cos I love horror but also cos it's a period film, and then because he's in it. Maybe not EXACTLY in that order =P

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I've loved Michelle Williams since she was on Dawson's Creek. I've followed her career, seen all of her movies (even the most indie, low-budget ones) and I genuinely think she's one of the best actresses of her generation.


I cannot wait to see both Emma and Michelle Williams in the same movie. A movie about Marilyn, nonetheless!

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  • 3 weeks later...

You'll definitely see her in many movies after HP ends if she wants to continue LOL.


Emma is beautiful and talent and already had worldwide fanbase, the movie industry wouldn't like to lose her.


she does want to countuie doing movies and growing she said that On regis and Kelly

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Its not a rumor at all she talked about it in a few different interviews recently and she said she filmed it already. You can watch any of the DH interviews on Emma-watson.net.... in most of the recent ones she mentions it.

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Yep there are pics and all :) Emma was in the EW magazine (at the end of the bullseye) and she was on the edge of the bullseye w. her pic that said "if you give up acting, we give up movies" SO CUTE they would say that :) I have to agree- I want to see Emma do more acting- the girl can ACT especially after seeing her in Deathly Hallows!!!!! GO EMMA :) Cant wait for My Week w. Mariyln, even if it is a small part! Good way to get your feet wet so to speak, post Potter :)

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Yep there are pics and all :) Emma was in the EW magazine (at the end of the bullseye) and she was on the edge of the bullseye w. her pic that said "if you give up acting, we give up movies" SO CUTE they would say that :) I have to agree- I want to see Emma do more acting- the girl can ACT especially after seeing her in Deathly Hallows!!!!! GO EMMA :) Cant wait for My Week w. Mariyln, even if it is a small part! Good way to get your feet wet so to speak, post Potter :)



Amen to that. Emma kicked ass in Deathly Hallows and I can't wait to see her in My Week With Marilyn, even if it is a small role.

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This is the perfect post-Potter role. Too many young actors try for a starring role immediately after playing such an iconic role, like Hermione is. Playing a small supporting role to get people used to seeing her as someone other than Hermione is a brilliant move on her part. Especially since this is a movie that, at least from initial appearance, should be well received critically.

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