Mr. Pumpkinhead Posted February 28, 2014 Share Posted February 28, 2014 Wise words, Jon. I hope my comment about literary reality didn't come across as if I'm denying anyone their emotional connection. Of course I don't, everyone can ship what they want or feel. But the text is what it is. I guess JKR's words still irk me a bit. Sabine, I feel badly that I did not explain myself better when I took your words about literary reality. Sometimes I'll read a comment from people who I respect completely and I will isolate the comment and it will set me off on one of my rants. What I was saying here could easily have come off that way and yet it was not remotely one of those cases. I'm not a good enough person to acknowledge that I have not had those moments though in the past. Your words regarding literary reality did not bother me in the slightest and I've read enough from you over the years to know that you were not denying (nor would you ever deny) anyone the emotional connections they make to characters or who they might ship. This is going to possibly sound like me trying to save face but it's the honest to God sentiment I had in that my response was not reactionary (as in my being against) the words you used as much as it was a self reflective consideration of the term. I have the same feeling you and many others have about the literary reality in respect to the fact that I'm happy that we have the story we have and that it can't be changed. I'm in complete agreement with that and I know that is what you were saying. I simply chose to expand upon my own feelings about as to why the literary reality (when it comes to the end result) is not the most important concept to me. I qualify (when it comes to the end result) because if the literary reality had Hermione and Harry end up together but had developed all the characters in a vastly different way then obviously it would have changed the way I felt. I apologize for anything that may have been implied by my not better addressing that at the time. Here's Rupes reply to the R/Hr debate. He said it's done unless JKR does a remake. Dee, I think that Rupert was very diplomatic in his comments. He acknowledged that it could have gone differently and his apprehensions over portraying a romantic relationship when he was younger but he truly came across as if he agreed with the end result when he said that Ron and Hermione made sense to him. It was a nice way to express what he thought while also being respectful of what JKR had to say. ROMIONE LIVES FOREVER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ;-) I know isn't it freakin awesome how this thread and the fandom never dies??? Our love for Ron/Hermione is something so strong that it brings our passion out and protection for them and of them full throttle. What everyone here says is so beautiful...ROMIONE was put together for a reason and that reason was LOVE I just have nothing else to add to that novel I wrote a few days ago ;-) ROMIONE FOREVER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ITA Kristin Ron and Hermione as a couple live on forever. Their love for one another and their compatibility has been so wonderfully expressed by so many here. I remember a long time ago I made a post about Hermione seeming to be perfect to me. At the time, many of our fine shippers here did a remarkable and revealing job of describing Hermione's faults, while not raking her over the coals for them. You did that so effectively in your "novel" as well. I think that there are a lot of HP readers who tend to overlook Hermione and Harry's faults or at the very least diminish the things that they needed to work on. Why is that? I think it's because Harry and Hermione's good qualities are shinier and more appealing than Ron's. Harry's a hero and Hermione is a genius. Who do we like to associate ourselves with? The smart/heroic people. We're ego-centric (most of us anyway). What was Ron? He was the great friend. Ummm... so what? Everyone thinks they are a great friend, but the reality is that there are just as few great friends as there are geniuses and heros. Friendship is a highly undervalued commodity. We think, "anyone could be a friend" but not everyone can be a hero or a genius. But heroism is the apex of bravery, and we can probably agree everyone can be brave. A Genius is the apex of intellegence, and we can probably agree that everyone... ummm... well... MOST everyone is capable of doing something intelligent or specializing in something. Ron was the APEX of friendship. YES, everyone is capable of friendship, but not everyone is capable of being the kind of friend that Ron Weasley was/is. I've seen people comment about Hermione being "too smart" for either Harry or Ron. What I love best is when I see people do that and then compare themselves to Hermione. I laugh when I see that, because those people totally miss who Hermione is. I've seen the comments where people say Hermione would get bored with Ron or not be intellectually stimulated by him. First off, Ron displayed plenty of intellectual capacity. He was great at Wizard's Chess. He learned how to speak parsletounge as a non-parsletongue (sp?) speaker, just by listening to Harry. *Correct me if I'm wrong here* but didn't he figure out how the basalisk was getting into the school? Ron's problem was not always applying himself more than it was any lack of intelligence. Harry could be guilty of that too. Secondly, in most healthy realionships a couple with have different interests that allow them time away from their spouse. It's not a case of "opposites attract" as much as it is a case of "social freedom" where you spend healthy time apart from each other. I will not deny that there is a degree of change for most people who fall in love. With that said I think that successful relationships are weighted a lot more heavily on accepting and admiring someone's differences from you as opposed to the expectation that they change for you. That doesn't mean that similarities are not neccessary. Just that differences don't have to be relationship killers. I think Hermione unilke a lot of the people who profess to be "like" her was very accepting of differences. The fact that Ron would rather play Quidditch than read a book didn't matter to her. Likewise, the fact that Hermione would rather read a book than play Quidditch didn't matter to Ron. Sometimes it's annoying in a relationship to have someone who likes all the same things you like. Otherwise we'd just all marry ourselves. My writing is thoughts without direction. But hopefully there is some resonating substance in this dizzying arabesque. Link to post Share on other sites
galadriel12 Posted February 28, 2014 Share Posted February 28, 2014 Oh, please don't feel bad, Jon. I did not take any offense in your words or so. So, no need for an apology. *sends Jon a hug* :-) I guess part of the reason I ship R/Hr is that JKR - regardless of the reason - has planned and written them as a couple-to-be right from the beginning. The hints were there. I cought on it in the second book and found it soooo cute. Lol. I guess had she written H/Hr, I would have shipped them. I love all of the trio and, while Ron is my fave character, I would have been okay with a different outcome too, if that had been the what was developped throughout the books. Link to post Share on other sites
Dumbledores Woman Posted March 1, 2014 Share Posted March 1, 2014 Firstly, I love Rupert. Secondly, I applaud Jon's post. I totally agree and you put it far better than I ever could. Also Sabine hit the nail on the head with the fact that many of us shipped R/Hr because they are the pairing that were built up through the books. Had that not been the case, I'm sure I would have supported the alternative pairing (or lack of) just as much. That's the consequence of building strong character relationships - the readers invest in them, because of what's on the page. Lastly... HAPPY BIRTHDAY RON!!!!! Link to post Share on other sites
cbmac12 Posted March 2, 2014 Share Posted March 2, 2014 (edited) HEY!!!! Again LOVE and adore everyone's thoughts here!!!! I saw Rupert's comments and LOVE HIM...I have always believed it too-MEANT TO BE ROMIONE ALWAYS....again the BEST thing about Romione-they are REAL...they are to this day the most realistic couple I have ever seen and maybe that was what was one of a billion reasons that drew me to them in the first place AHHH FORGOT!!! HAPPY BIRTHDAY RON WEASLEY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Sure Hermione n the kids gave him a nice one (especially Hermione ) Edited March 2, 2014 by cbmac12 Link to post Share on other sites
Mr. Pumpkinhead Posted March 3, 2014 Share Posted March 3, 2014 Oh, please don't feel bad, Jon. I did not take any offense in your words or so. So, no need for an apology. *sends Jon a hug* :-) I guess part of the reason I ship R/Hr is that JKR - regardless of the reason - has planned and written them as a couple-to-be right from the beginning. The hints were there. I cought on it in the second book and found it soooo cute. Lol. I guess had she written H/Hr, I would have shipped them. I love all of the trio and, while Ron is my fave character, I would have been okay with a different outcome too, if that had been the what was developped throughout the books. Thanks Sabine! *hugs back* =) Firstly, I love Rupert. Secondly, I applaud Jon's post. I totally agree and you put it far better than I ever could. Also Sabine hit the nail on the head with the fact that many of us shipped R/Hr because they are the pairing that were built up through the books. Had that not been the case, I'm sure I would have supported the alternative pairing (or lack of) just as much. That's the consequence of building strong character relationships - the readers invest in them, because of what's on the page. Lastly... HAPPY BIRTHDAY RON!!!!! Thanks Katharine! Great point about how we (the readers) react to when the writer builds strong character relationships. I'm a bit late to the party >.<, but Happy belated B-day Ron! <----- Weasley's our King! Link to post Share on other sites
cbmac12 Posted March 4, 2014 Share Posted March 4, 2014 I was reading people's comments on other boards and its about time that people see that the bloody blasted media blew JKR's comments out of proportion. ..anyway bottom line, JKR loves R/Hr otherwise she would have never put them together :) Link to post Share on other sites
Mr. Pumpkinhead Posted March 21, 2014 Share Posted March 21, 2014 Here's a bit of an open ended question for Ron/Hermione Shippers. If you had to isolate a favorite trait or personality characteristic of Ron and Hermione relative to their relationship, what would that trait/characteristic for each individual be? For myself regarding Hermione I consider a trait that might be somewhat controversial to some. Her vulnerability in the relationship. I say that it could be controversial because of the potential negative connotation of the word and the fact that I'm associating it with a powerful female character. It's also a bit of a weird trait to pick for Hermione considering that it could be argued that Ron displayed a lot more vulnerability than Hermione. The reason I choose Hermione's vulnerability in the relationship is because of how unique the sense of vulnerability was to her. Ron felt vulnerable about a number of things because of his insecurites. Hermione felt vulnerable in very few things. In spite of her intelligence she felt vulnerable to acedemic failure. Hermione expected herself to achieve at such a high level that when she finished somewhere other than first acedemically she could be hurt. I think that vulnerabilty derived from a sense that she was a high achiever. She knew she worked hard and she knew she was smart, so her expectations were high. So her vulnerabilty acedemically was born of certainties she had to live up to. With Ron, Hermione's vulnerabilty was born of uncertainty. I don't mean to argue that she was not secure in herself. I think she was very confident in who she was and her beliefs. Where she was not confident was in Ron's feelings and compatibility with her. She was certain of her love for him but was unsure of his love for her. I think she was also unsure of their compatibility. So why do I pick that trait for Hermione? Because it humanizes her. Love is such a unique feeling. As outside observers we often times try to figure out why one person loves another. Sometimes it just doesn't make sense to us and yet it makes perfect sense to the person who is in love. Hermione was likely used to being in control emotionally and intellectually. Harry, Draco or any other boy could not upset the equilibrium she posessed. Ron could. The fact that Ron could made Hermione someone who most any of us can relate to. Hermione is such a practical person and yet her love for Ron could seem impractical...even to JKR apparently. Perhaps I'm twisting this a weird way here... but Albert Einstein a verifiable genius who's intelligence is revered world wide is something of an iconic figure that few if any of us can relate to him. And yet... Albert Einstein was head over heals in love... with his cousin. Now don't get me wrong... I'm not saying we're all in love with our cousins or siblings. What I am saying is that we can observe one of the most intelligent and accomplished people in world history and see that when it came to his personal life and love that the puzzle pieces did not fit like a mathematical equation or fall within the logic of a scientific process. Love is not scientific, it's not mathematical, it's not logical it IS ethereal and illogical and unquantifiable. And for Albert Eienstein and Hermione Granger... it is like it is for the rest of us. That is what makes them relateable. That is what makes them human. That is what makes them like you or I. So that's why Hermione's vulnerability when it came to Ron Weasley is my favorite trait of hers. When I consider Ron and my favorite trait/characterist of his at it relates to Hermione I think of his attention to her. In some ways I think his attention to her might be described as excessive. Ron was someone who could be distracted. When it came to schooling or Harry's feelings for his own sister or even the hunt for Horcruxes Ron could be distracted. His thoughts were often sidetracked by his insecurities and self evaluation and when he was not sidetracked by insecurities he was often sidetracked by a lack of interest. Now when it came to Hermione those same insecurities and that same self evaluation still existed, but Hermione was the genesis of that self reflection. Hermione held Ron's attention like no one or nothing else could. Hermione was Ron's interest. While outside influences could pull Ron away from a task, they couldn't pull him away from Hermione, or the things she said or the things that interested her. That was evidenced by Ron's ability to recall things that Hermione had said and his sincere sympathy for issues that were important to her like the plight of the House Elves, even if he might joke about it at times. It was also evidenced by the his actions which were often times a reaction to what Hermione did or what he perceived Hermoine felt. He paid such close attention to her that sometimes he was too close and lacked the perspective neccessary to see her feelings for him. Ron's reactions to Hermione realative to Krum and Cormac blossomed out of that myopia in combination with his own insecurities. To me, while the level of his focus on Hermione might have been faulted, it is also endearing. I think the easy answers here are Hermione's intelligence and Ron's devotion/loyalty. So why did I choose Hermione's vulnerability and Ron's excessive attention? Because they are characteristics that create grey area. They create depth. They creat mystery. It's the beauty we find in a crooked nose or in assymatry. Perfection is intimidating. It's in the imperfect characteristics that we sometimes find warmth, comfort and yes... love. Hermione loves Ron in part fot the excessive attention and Ron loves Hermione in part because of her vulnerability to him. I want to say that there are limits to that. There are points beyond which those characteristics equate effectively to love. But when it comes to Ron and Hermione his attentiveness and her vulnerability are measured in just the right recipe to make love work between them. Link to post Share on other sites
galadriel12 Posted March 22, 2014 Share Posted March 22, 2014 (edited) Again a very insightful and elaborate post, Jon. And a very interesting topic to discuss. I think I understand what you mean by pointing out Hermione's vulnerability with regards to Ron and his love for her. And I agree it's a trait that makes her human, relatable and loveable. As to the question at hand, it's something I need some time to mull over. Spontaneously I'd say for Hermione it's her steadfast trust in Ron. This might sound strange considering how often she admonished and criticised him for EVERYTHING lol. But I think that was not because she didn't consider him quite good enough for her, but because she knew he could do everything, he had it in him. And of course, their fallouts notwithstanding, she knew she could always rely on Ron, trust him, he would always be there for her. For Ron it would be his protectiveness of Hermione, be it from deadly dangers, from the insults of others, or from herself. I consider his endless efforts of lightening her up, of making her less stuck-up, a form of protection too. Ron's protectiveness also had such an almost old-fashioned courteous vibe to it that appealed to Hermione greatly. I think a lot of Ron's insecurity about Hermione and her feelings for him might have stemmed from her concealing her deep trust behind admonishments, eye-rolling and tutting. Over the years after DH, Ron would have derived confidence from Hermione more openly showing and voicing her trust, just like she did in the epilogue. Hermione on the other hand would have been able to work out some of her issues - i.e. her fear of academic failure - knowing that she has a man at her side who will always protect her and their children. Edited March 22, 2014 by galadriel12 Link to post Share on other sites
Mr. Pumpkinhead Posted March 23, 2014 Share Posted March 23, 2014 I know that one of the problems in isolating a trait for each is the probability that for most if not all of us it's the combination of many traits that draw us to Ron and Hermione and to them as a couple. I like the traits you singled out Sabine. Particularly Hermione's trust because when I consider my own relationships and relationships of others I've known one of the real key components when a relationship works is trust. It's difficult if not impossible to foster love where there isn't trust first. I very much like and agree with the point you made about Ron's efforts to lighten Hermione up as a form of protecting her. As an only child who was such a high achiever she could be very socially awkward especially when the group was younger. Ron's teasing could be hurtful at times but his ability to laugh and not take everything so seriously could also be a lesson in social skills. Ron's wanting to lighten up Hermione was in part an effort to assimilate her into the trio. He helped to teach Hermione that you don't always have to follow the rules. Getting back to your point about Hermione's trust. While outwardly she would disaprove of some of the things Ron and Harry did. When she went along with them, while there may have been some aspect of looking out for them by doing so, there was also an implied trust there. It's not like Hermione was going around with Draco or the Slytherin's on their escapades. Link to post Share on other sites
cbmac12 Posted March 23, 2014 Share Posted March 23, 2014 OHHH JON!!!!!! LOVE THIS!!!!!!Ok....Honestly Galadriel took my answers (I will get even my friend ) or should I say great minds think alike ay? LOL Hermione to me was what you said for Ron-she trusted Ron with everything...she believed in him because she KNEW how smart her guy was/is. I think that is what frustrated her mostly. She knew Ron was as intelligent as others and in fact even more intelligent than most of the guys she knew. Ron always sold himself short and this is where the insecurity came into play. Hermione when you think about it was the only one who trusted Ron 100%. I don't think she always trusted Harry 100%- I mean she would question him when he did things. But Hermione had this innate ability to look deep into someone like her Ron to see that he was strong, intelligent, and just this all around amazing guy. The thing I love about Hermione is that she challenged Ron and was not some girl who dumbed herself down for Ron as most girls would do. Hermione I think did in a lot of ways help Ron see that he could be the man that she knew he was all along. As for Ron-completely his protection of Hermione. COMPLETELY. He always would protect those he loves and that is where non Romione would argue. But the thing with Hermione, I agree Galadriel-he did help protect her from herself-she would have ran herself ragged every year like PoA with the Time Turner but Ron helped change her and see that she could have fun. I think he would have defended anyone who was called Mud Blood but I think he would have never cursed someone for it the way he did Draco. As for Malfoy Manor I think he still would have said Take Me had it been Ginny or Harry to be tortured but I don't think there would have been that same anguish. Tbh I think had Ron had to choose between saving Harry or Hermione-he ALWAYS would choose Hermione. He loves Harry like his brother, but Hermione is his life. She's the one who would marry him and become mama to their children. She's the one who he sobbed a billion times over when she was being "interrogated" by Bellatrix. He's the one who went after 2 armed dark wizards (Blaise and Goyle) because they tried to kill her. Ron would die for Hermione plain and simple. Jon as for the vulnerability....I agree with you. Hermione was vulnerable. She was human. The fact that Hermione was not perfect I think had a lot to do with her growing up. She was a Muggleborn witch living in a Muggle world for the first 10 years of her life. I mean I am sure she was bullied for her "strange" abilities and I think for her to be perfect in school was her escape to show people that she was in fact "normal". I love Hermione. I do. She just is the epitome of a true female heroine. She is not perfect....she does have her faults....but she also loves Ron more than life. Hermione could have chosen ANYONE. ANYONE. She CHOSE Ron. She could have stayed single or looked for someone else but she knew (hey she is the brightest witch of her age after all ) that Ron was meant for her. She was coming into a family that had 7 times the amount of siblings she had...was coming into a family that was not huge into studies like her parents. The Weasley family was the best thing to happen to Hermione just as much as it was for Harry. I love and adore RON/HERMIONE. I just do-they are your everything and anything couple who just makes sense. They love each other more than life. Yes they argue as all couples do but they have a passion that says I will never give up on you because I love you. ROMIONE FOREVER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Link to post Share on other sites
Mr. Pumpkinhead Posted March 23, 2014 Share Posted March 23, 2014 I love the comment about the "smartest witch of her age" quoting Harry from the story, Kristin. It should say something that the smartest witch who could have chosen to be with anyone chose to be with Ron. The other point you made in regards to Hermione that I liked a lot was that she did not dumb herself down for Ron. There were going to be times when neither Ron, nor Harry or any wizard or witch were going to be able to understand what Hermione was getting at. Hermione knew that Ron was plenty smart enough to meet her on equal footing most of the time though. She didn't have to try and make Ron love her by being someone she wasn't. She knew that he could love her for who she was. Ron was protective of everyone he loved it's true. Always listening to the radio worrying about Ginny and Fred and George during the hunt for the Horcruxes. Giving himself up as the chess piece. Rescuing Harry from drowning. Standing up for Hermione whenever Draco called her a Mudblood or made fun of her in class. Even looking out for the House Elves during the Battle of Hogwarts. It's almost as if some of Ron's inferiority made him especially intuned to looking out for everyone, making sure no one was left out or forgotten. With Hermione that protective nature was ratcheted up to another degree. Hermione and especially Harry could be so task oriented and that focus is what gave them the strength to deal with the amulet better than Ron. I think the fact that Ron kind of cast his net a bit wider and tended to think more about everyone and everything, wishing he could be there to help protect them is what made him more vulnerable to the locket. Link to post Share on other sites
LumosAsphodel39 Posted March 25, 2014 Share Posted March 25, 2014 Has anyone seen or know anything about this? Looks like a real shoot. Hey guys she just was trolling us!... Link to post Share on other sites
LumosAsphodel39 Posted March 27, 2014 Share Posted March 27, 2014 OMG Rupert is SO cute!! Link to post Share on other sites
cbmac12 Posted March 29, 2014 Share Posted March 29, 2014 (edited) Honestly JKR was totally trolling us is over...the media took it to a whole other is over ROMIONE she knows belongs together. She knows there is a HUMONGOUS ROMIONE shipperdom As for that pic-I think it was looks like the stand in for Rupert. LOL Jon PROPS to allllllllllllllllllllllllllll I mean ALL. Edited March 29, 2014 by cbmac12 Link to post Share on other sites
cbmac12 Posted March 29, 2014 Share Posted March 29, 2014 Just saw a preview for HP on Family Channel (forgot to mention) and what do they show in preview? ROMIONE SEXY PASSIONATE KISS Family knows how to get attention Link to post Share on other sites
cbmac12 Posted March 29, 2014 Share Posted March 29, 2014 Ok I know we said not to harp anymore about the JKR interview but just have to share this....was watching a Noah interview-not sure where these interview guys are from...anyway the 3 guys who interview look like someone on youtube...they asked Emma who do you prefer Team Ron or Team nail in Harmony shippers coffins.... "I say Ron...he's a sweetie (big smile when she said this) BOOYAH RON BABY ;) Link to post Share on other sites
galadriel12 Posted April 21, 2014 Share Posted April 21, 2014 I wish all my fellow Emma-supporters, Herons and HP-fans a Happy Easter. Hope you've all had a successful egg hunt. ;-) Link to post Share on other sites
Mr. Pumpkinhead Posted April 21, 2014 Share Posted April 21, 2014 (edited) Thanks Sabine! Happy Easter to you too! I'm on a different sort of "egg hunt". I was thinking yesterday about how nice it would be even if for just one shipper conversation vida, start.a.revolution., luciana, cbmac12, galadriel12, Dumbledore's woman, pat, 2pints, Joannedern, Lumos, Trixie, Tick Tock, Lolli, Flamemist, Feathersbend, whomever else I'm forgetting and yours truly could reunite. While I know the logistics of that given how long it's been since some of those members stopped frequenting the site means that "ship has (probably) sailed" it's still fun for me to think about. I know that the internet in general is not the most conducive medium for enduring friendships, but I only regularly visit two forums this forum for the past 4 and a half years and a sports forum I've been a part of for the last 15 years now. I'm not a social media guy and don't even have a face book account, so this place has been my "internet family". As such the lovely people I've befriended via this site mean a lot to me and if I ever had the chance to realize my imagined reunification convo, it's something I would not take for granted. Alas it seems that sometimes we're all just "ships passing in the night". Give me any opportunity to throw in a corny play on words and I can't resist. >.< Edited April 21, 2014 by Mr. Pumpkinhead Link to post Share on other sites
galadriel12 Posted April 22, 2014 Share Posted April 22, 2014 I know how you feel, Jon. There are some people I "met" online over the years who I do miss. I was very active in several HP forums a couple of years ago, but that has cooled down. Nowadays, I'm only active in a Criminal Minds forum, but since some of them started a CM group on facebook, we almost exclusively meet there and only two or three still come to the forum. At least we are still in contact. I don't kid myself into thinking I really know my online friends. It's not comparable to the offline friendships I have. But we connected over a very speciel thing, i. e. R/Hr, and got to know bits and pieces about each other. And I cherish my online friends very much. So, if you manage to find a date and time to gather as many of the people youlisted for an online party, I'm game, Jon. As long as it remotely fits my time zone. Lol Link to post Share on other sites
Mr. Pumpkinhead Posted April 22, 2014 Share Posted April 22, 2014 When I mentioned that I was hoping for a conversation with all the former and current shippers I wasn't even considering a joint conversation at the same time. Too much coordination involved in a conversation like that over several time zones. I simply meant if some of the former members posted some of their shipping memories or something akin to that here. My egg hunt" analogy was probably a bit misleading too in the sense that I don't really have the contact info for many of the former members, simply the ability to make an appeal on the chance they might still occasionally read the shipper forum. The friendships we form online are definitely a different form of friendship than the more personal ones we share with people face to face Sabine. I'm guessing that there are some people here who if they met me in person might even think to themselves, "that's the guy I thought was the coolest Ron and Hermione Shipper and possibly even the coolest PERSON ever???? " And Yes... I quoted an emoticon there. Ha ha! With that said, there is a parculiar sort of uniqueness to the people we meet via online communities that make those bonds special in there own way. Link to post Share on other sites
galadriel12 Posted April 23, 2014 Share Posted April 23, 2014 I agree it would likely be impossible to gather allthose peopoe online at the same time. I misunderstood, Jon, that was purely me being "stupid" not you being misleading. ;-) Sometimes it's fun to think how it would be to meet some of the online people. Would we even have something to talk about besides HP? Would there be embarrassed silence or would wee connectmore easily because you have to be a certain kind of person to become attached to a fictional couple the way we do? Link to post Share on other sites
Dumbledores Woman Posted April 24, 2014 Share Posted April 24, 2014 Did someone mention an online party? I'M HEEEEREEE! I totally agree Jon and Sabine. There are definitely people from the 'old days' whose posting I miss. I'm not ashamed to admit that when I check the shipper forums and see that certain people were the last posters - yourselves included - I always feel a rush of enthusiasm to read those posts. Personally I haven't been one for really talking to forum members much outside the forum threads and the occasional message, but as you've said I still feel a certain attachment to a lot of you. I feel comforted to know that members who have been here a while are still around as much as I love new members coming to share in the community. I know which members I can rely on to make me laugh, to inspire my positivity about the ship (yes, I'm looking at you, Kristin!) and those I can always have an in-depth conversation with and who will present well thought-out arguments. As much as I miss the old forums, where more people posted frequently and the conversation never stopped, it is also nice now that things have got quieter, that I am able to recognise not only the most prominent usernames, but those of the majority of semi-regular posters. It's nice in a way to have a smaller community where not everyone has to fight to be heard. I'm not criticising the shippers of the past by that statement - I loved how it used to be - but at least now it is easier to keep up with more threads and have more general discussion to get to know fellow shippers. I'm not really sure where I'm going with this except that I love you all! But yes, back to the original topic - I would love to see some old members posting again! Let us hunt them down and force them here! Or something that sounds slightly less like the Imperius curse... Link to post Share on other sites
Mr. Pumpkinhead Posted April 25, 2014 Share Posted April 25, 2014 I agree it would likely be impossible to gather allthose peopoe online at the same time. I misunderstood, Jon, that was purely me being "stupid" not you being misleading. ;-) Sometimes it's fun to think how it would be to meet some of the online people. Would we even have something to talk about besides HP? Would there be embarrassed silence or would wee connectmore easily because you have to be a certain kind of person to become attached to a fictional couple the way we do? Haha Sabine. You are not stupid about anything. Gosh, you simply came to a logical conclusion from my comments. Your mistake was thinking logically. I'm sure we'd all find something else to talk about. YOU ARE ALL American sports fans, listen to alternative rock music and enjoy playing Scrabble.... right? I think that it's easy to think of the forums in terms of their theme and to want to stick to that theme. But maybe we can create something of a shipper forum "bar and grill" thread where the shipping community can discuss life, society, politics, religion, family and friends, hobbies or what ever's on their mind. Of course there are other places on the forum to do that, but the thread could be specific to our shipping community. Of course others would be able to access it as well, but I'm just thinking out loud, well... on paper rather... or on computer screen. As to the "certain kind of person" comment Sabine. C'mon, you can say "crazy". It's okay to drop the political correctness between friends. Did someone mention an online party? I'M HEEEEREEE! I totally agree Jon and Sabine. There are definitely people from the 'old days' whose posting I miss. I'm not ashamed to admit that when I check the shipper forums and see that certain people were the last posters - yourselves included - I always feel a rush of enthusiasm to read those posts. Personally I haven't been one for really talking to forum members much outside the forum threads and the occasional message, but as you've said I still feel a certain attachment to a lot of you. I feel comforted to know that members who have been here a while are still around as much as I love new members coming to share in the community. I know which members I can rely on to make me laugh, to inspire my positivity about the ship (yes, I'm looking at you, Kristin!) and those I can always have an in-depth conversation with and who will present well thought-out arguments. As much as I miss the old forums, where more people posted frequently and the conversation never stopped, it is also nice now that things have got quieter, that I am able to recognise not only the most prominent usernames, but those of the majority of semi-regular posters. It's nice in a way to have a smaller community where not everyone has to fight to be heard. I'm not criticising the shippers of the past by that statement - I loved how it used to be - but at least now it is easier to keep up with more threads and have more general discussion to get to know fellow shippers. I'm not really sure where I'm going with this except that I love you all! But yes, back to the original topic - I would love to see some old members posting again! Let us hunt them down and force them here! Or something that sounds slightly less like the Imperius curse... Thanks Katharine! You expressed my feelings about our shipping community so nicely. I was not a member of the forums during the busiest times of the ship as some of you were... that said... You also made a very good point about how an oversaturation of shippers can cause some great comments/observations to get lost. More isn't always merrier. There is also something that is kind of cool about the exclusivity of our faithful lot. If you all think the bar and grille thread idea might be worth a try we can try it. If it dies, it dies, if it works it works. Or please if anyone has a better idea feel free to express that. I'm open to giving things a try. Hopefully I didn't just plant the seed for the distruction of the Shipper Forums. Link to post Share on other sites
galadriel12 Posted April 25, 2014 Share Posted April 25, 2014 Oh, I love the bar and grill thread idea. Good one, Katherine. I'd start with a steak english style and a cold beer (German beer of course:P ) And, Jon, OF course I love American sports, indie rock and scrabble. Wait the Detroit Bears, is that Baseball or Football! Link to post Share on other sites
Mr. Pumpkinhead Posted April 26, 2014 Share Posted April 26, 2014 Omg Sabine. Don't get me started on the German Beer. I LOVE Dickelacker it's very probably my favorite Pilsner EVER. Unfortunately I heard that they or their international sales were purchased by Spaten, and I can no longer get Dinkelacker in the states. :'( Spaten's good too, but it's no Dinkelacker. >.< I did hear that it's still available on tap in the U.S., but I've yet to find a bar (of course I'm not much of a bar fly anyways) that sells it on tap. Bringing things back to Ron and Hermione. I propose a toast to our favorite shipping couple and the Detroit Bears. Oh crumb... I don't have any Dinkelacker to toast with. Link to post Share on other sites
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