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The Rupert And Emma Thread

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It's appropriate to post this pic here:


Aren't they adorable? :wub:


WOW Luciana!!! :ohyeah::wub:


For all shippers who can't understand Portuguese, it says that Emma was hugging Rupert because he was cold. However, Dan was also cold but no one hugged him... ;)

Those pics were taken in May 2009, while in a halt when filming.



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Katniss! Welcome! That was an interesting post ya said about the comparisons between R/E and RP and KS...like vida said, we dont ship other couples here because actually most of us have never done that before. Again like vida said, I watched them in OOTP and fell in love w. their chemistry and only shipped R/Hr at that point. But then I surfed the net and found some RE forums and was like interesting but stayed away as I didnt like to ship RL couples-didnt seem right. Well then I started watching vids, premieres, photoshoots, etc of them together and I slowly started to ship to them. It was really around HBP time that I was like WAIT A MINUTE, ARE THEY TOGETHER? I had never before seen a couple like them- I dont mean in a friendship way and sure as hell not a sibling way. The way Emma gushes about Rupert, smiles WIDEST GRIN when she thinks of him, talks about him, near him, the same w. Rupert now!!! I mean the boy seems like he cant get closer to her when they are together now. I would say that the relationship is very much 2 sided finally and I really believe it is only a matter of time before we find something out about them as a couple... just remember "This is from the Grint, come on, this is from the Grint" ;) and my favorite (slip LOL) "He's in love w. Emma (BLESS YA RUPERT)...

THAT PIC OF R/E BTS IS MADE OF ALL WIN- I am still in shock :whaa: but also :ohyeah::drool:

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Katniss! Welcome! That was an interesting post ya said about the comparisons between R/E and RP and KS...like vida said, we dont ship other couples here because actually most of us have never done that before. Again like vida said, I watched them in OOTP and fell in love w. their chemistry and only shipped R/Hr at that point. But then I surfed the net and found some RE forums and was like interesting but stayed away as I didnt like to ship RL couples-didnt seem right. Well then I started watching vids, premieres, photoshoots, etc of them together and I slowly started to ship to them. It was really around HBP time that I was like WAIT A MINUTE, ARE THEY TOGETHER? I had never before seen a couple like them- I dont mean in a friendship way and sure as hell not a sibling way. The way Emma gushes about Rupert, smiles WIDEST GRIN when she thinks of him, talks about him, near him, the same w. Rupert now!!! I mean the boy seems like he cant get closer to her when they are together now. I would say that the relationship is very much 2 sided finally and I really believe it is only a matter of time before we find something out about them as a couple... just remember "This is from the Grint, come on, this is from the Grint" ;) and my favorite (slip LOL) "He's in love w. Emma (BLESS YA RUPERT)...

THAT PIC OF R/E BTS IS MADE OF ALL WIN- I am still in shock :whaa: but also :ohyeah::drool:


I agree!! It's hard to believe that they aren't dating, they seem a couple sometimes!

And yes, that pic is epic!!!! It's pure love :wub:

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Thanks everyone for the welcome! Very happy to have found you guys.

I suppose I have shipped lots of different couples in the past (it's my thing I guess lol), but have only found RP and KS to be the most like their relationship- real, young love smile.gif

And I see it more from Rupert than Emma, meaning it seems like she tries to hide it more than he does that she actually likes him. She puts on the "we're just like brother and sister" bit more than he does too. Whereas Rupert, he just tends to blurt things out, and then there's the way that he looks at her...aww, it's just that look!

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Your avi is too cute! Is that your lil puppy? So cute!!


As for the whole brother/sister thing, I have not heard Emma use that line in a long while-when she was asked about her kiss w. Rupert, it was this go round was like yeah we were nervous because we know it is the kiss everyone is waiting for...my favorite "do you kiss Ron in this one"...Emma: yesssss ;) Then I love how she follows up immediately w. talking about a scene that she and Rupert do w. Nagini in part 2 LOL...the best was the press junkets round tables "it's written all over Rupert's face when he comes back that shows how much he really loves her" AHHHHH these 2 will be the death of us R/E shippers!! What a way to go though ;)

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Yeah, that's my 'Crazy Daisy' <3


I've been back tracking on a lot of R/E interviews and such since I just recently joined the fandom, so that's probably why I heard Emma say that so often. There were a lot of HBP interviews to go through, which grabbed my attention the most. I cannot wait for DH part 2 for all the cute/epic interviews and moments. I've already seen part 1 purely for R/E (or I guess R/Hr) waaay too many times and might be going to see it again tomorrow because I'm slightly addicted to these two.

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Thanks everyone for the welcome! Very happy to have found you guys.

I suppose I have shipped lots of different couples in the past (it's my thing I guess lol), but have only found RP and KS to be the most like their relationship- real, young love smile.gif

And I see it more from Rupert than Emma, meaning it seems like she tries to hide it more than he does that she actually likes him. She puts on the "we're just like brother and sister" bit more than he does too. Whereas Rupert, he just tends to blurt things out, and then there's the way that he looks at her...aww, it's just that look!


You nailed right there. It's just that look indeed. :wub:

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I really can't wait for part 2 promos, when R/E are free to talk about the kiss again (because I think WB has asked them to tone down that for a bit for part 1, after noticing how often they were asked about it during HBP).

We'll see those dreamy faces all over again. :wub:

I really can't wait.

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I really can't wait for part 2 promos, when R/E are free to talk about the kiss again (because I think WB has asked them to tone down that for a bit for part 1, after noticing how often they were asked about it during HBP).

We'll see those dreamy faces all over again. :wub:

I really can't wait.



:drool::ohyeah::excited: My feelings about when they talk about the KISS.... BRING IT ON baby!!! :)

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Sooo a chance of R/E shoot being released sooner than later I hope yea? :) WB apparently said that there is a shoot of R/E they did recently so they need to RELEASE it!!!! :ohyeah:


Where did they say that? Only Rupert and Emma? Are they together or separated? Gosh... I'm so excited!!!!!!!!!! :ohyeah:

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And... Daniel is getting uncomfortable! :rofl:


I seriously pity Dan... he might be so used to all the weird R/E moments by now...

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and this:




543 signatures by now!

We decided for a even more impressive number like 800 or 1000 to start to send it to magazines, photographers and WB people.

If we got this number in only one day, I'm very optimist it'll be soon!


Hey yall over at R/E forum we are trying to get a petition (twition) signed to get magazines to do MANY R/E or R/Hr photoshoots-if yall have twitter, here it is for you all to sign!! Yes there is a shoot of R/E def out Luciana-Occlumencia confirmed it-part 2--BRING IT ON AS WELL AS ALL PHOTOSHOOTS!! ;)

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