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Do you think it could be Hannah's mom in the trunk? Or Caleb? Or Jason? >.<


So much I've been expecting, and all we got is a freaking pig. :sweatdrop: 


Nice episode, I feel a bit apathetic towards it, but still nice. Do you guys think that Mona is legit? Same old question :P


Spoby though <3  My babies <3

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I thought it was a great start of for the season! They said it will be a season of questions answered.. Yeah right.


Idk about Mona but the A scene at the end really made me think maybe she is on their side.... Ish.


Big reveal with the melisa and Wildon thing. I'm interested to find out what their deal is.

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  • 4 weeks later...

Hannah, I'm sorry baby I love you, but you're stupid. I was almost certain from the moment she actually touched the gun with her bare hands- fingerprints much- that she would get caught. Wanna see how she's gonna justify that >.<

Nice slow-paced episode overall.

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  • 1 month later...

The most intriguing TV show I've watched since Flash Forward. It rly gets you in. It's not just drama as I thought but also a thriller based on logic and details.

If you think it will be like in the books, I don't think the makers would be so stupid and the secrets would be revealed complitely different. Otherwise everyone would already read the books and there would be no interest to watch. So I expect a completely different and an exciting end! Maybe Alison appears!

I started watching it not so long ago because of Holly Mary Combs. And now I'm at the 3-d season. I think the entire acting is good and it's a pleasure to watch all these creepy exciting scenes.            

As for the girls I like Hannah for her awesome outfits and make up, same for Alison and Mona for their style and Emily, b/c.. idk she's lovely, I just like her character.

For the guys Ezra and Toby.

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Do you remember when Marlene had tweeted stuff like there are small clues from season 1 that were important already and could point to A and stuff?

LOL I don't think it's a coincidence, directors check backgrounds pretty thoroughly but ugh
The only sane person left, you had to involve him too, didn't you? Ugh. At this moment I think the entire town is working for A except for the girls. I mean seriously it's getting tiring. But I don't know with so many twists and turns we've experienced it wouldn’t surprise me if it was just a “wrong place, wrong time†kind of scenario. Remember how things were with Toby last season. Though it'd be showing lack of ideas if they pulled the same card. Maybe he followed them as to protect the girls? But why did he get pissed off at the end? Arrrrgh what if it's for real now? Like that's legit A? And back at A's lair, there were photos of everyone, literally everyone except for Ezra's. I mean he was Aria's bf for a long time, you'd think A would keep tabs on him but NOOOOOO.
And what's Wren's/Mona's/Shana's part in all this? Have we established that Ali is indeed alive or is this old lady coocoo? So many questions I NEED THE NEXT EP/SEASON 5 NOW PLEASE!
Ps The plot is so stupid sometimes lately, like the red coat behind Hannah in Ali's room, or how Cece got up and run away after she fell, like are you kidding me?

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Omg I cried. I love Ezra he is the one person I never concidered. I can't wait to find out that story. Especially since he knew from the second he and aria hooked up in the first episode. I want to know his story! One of the writers or producers. Someone released a statement that this is not going to be like Toby. That Ezra is the real deal. They aren't saying for yet weather he is real A or not but that he is extremely close.


Oh man that was an amazing episode!!!


Also it comes back for Halloween but we don't find out me in that episode then I think 4B starts in January wich blows!

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I didnt realize this was the mid season finale episode!! Aah i need more episodes now!

I was sooo happy to see ezra and aria sorta together again, i love them as a couple. Completely shocked when i saw him turn around in the last scene! I was literally screaming lol cant believe it! Iv read that as well that this is the real deal, not toby all over again.

Amazing episode!

Edited by hobbitses
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Too bad that 'we' can't talk about it.


Omg I cried. I love Ezra he is the one person I never concidered. I can't wait to find out that story. Especially since he knew from the second he and aria hooked up in the first episode. I want to know his story! One of the writers or producers. Someone released a statement that this is not going to be like Toby. That Ezra is the real deal. They aren't saying for yet weather he is real A or not but that he is extremely close.


Oh man that was an amazing episode!!!


Also it comes back for Halloween but we don't find out me in that episode then I think 4B starts in January wich blows!


That was an amazing episode b/c we finally found out whose hand was that. I rly wasn't surprised about Ezra. Not at all, like c'mon A? it just looks untrue. It looks like writers didn't find anyone less obvious and Ezra is like perfect for this role. I think they just wanna shock us at the end again. Although Marlene said it's not a trick this time and Alison DID have sth with him. I've read on wikia that she thought she was pregnant from him and he is the 'Beach Hot' I was like "...what?" How come? Ali loved bad boys but Ezra is such a sweetie. Sth doesn't fit there.


Why would we think he's A? maybe he was just tired that the girls are constantly in danger and he wanted to deal with it himself. He still loves Aria and he wants to protect her. And maybe he was mad at the ending b/c he was angry that the girls get into it again? And he was wearing a hat, not a hoodie. o.o


Another question that rly bothes me, they said there will be no twin story connected with it but then who did they bury? and how come we've never seen the body. And how come they said that dirt was found in her lungs. Sounds like a twin. Confused.





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  • 1 month later...

I swear they're trying to make it so much on the supernatural side lately, that I keep facepalming hard >.> But I really loved the ending of the episode omg and once again I have like a million questions. Why do they have to postpone it until Jan why are they doing this to usssssssss? Ugh.


But you guys, does Ali know who A is and why he's after her? Because if she does she should have warned the girls? Also the newest theory is involving twins again, but this time -you guessed it- Ezra twins. lol the fandom never gets tired.

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Alright, finally watched the translated version! such a long break rly made me forget what happened in the prev. episodes.

Sth we could never suppose is that Ezra had a twin! and Alison prolly doesn't know that Ezra has a twin, and now the girls guess that sth is wrong with Ezra.  Omg when they saw Ali, aaaa!!!! The episode tickled my nerves.


Why do they have to postpone it until Jan why are they doing this to usssssssss? Ugh.



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Aaaaaaa it's getting more and more tricked! I don't want to believe that Ezra is A but logically, all things lead to him and in the last episode Aria looked rly suspicious, so it looks like they work together, besides she lied to girls and was hiding things and in the prev. episode there was a cellar, so seems like Ezra could jump under when Emily and Hannah arrived to help the girls!

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