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Emma Leaving Brown?

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This rumour seems to feed from the fact that she has to promote two films and film another one (and keep in mind that this is still unconfirmed). She managed to film part of two Harry Potter-films (which is like three films at once I guess) and promote one of them while being at Brown, and film much more of Harry Potter while being at school. Why should that suddenly change now? If "Perks of being a wallflower" required her to quit uni (for example due to a different budget that wouldn't allow her to film it during a certain timespan - I guess the delay of the Harry Potter-filming that WB did to allow her being at Brown added a huge sum to the required budget), I'm sure she'd rather refuse the role.

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I kinda doubt this. If she had landed a huge role in a huge movie then I would understand such rumors, but not simply because of DH promotion, an independent film which doesn't take much time to film and a promotion for a tiny role. Also she could always take a free term if things got too busy. I don't think she'd leave the place after all the praise she had for it.

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I was just informed that Emma was spotted today and/or yesterday at the Gallatin building of New York University.


Gallatin is a semi-independent study school of NYU, so Emma would be able to set up a schedule exactly like she wants, film and promote when she needs to, and create a custom major. And there are a lot of Gallatin actors because Tisch (NYU's school of the arts) doesn't allow you to sign on to big projects.


What if she's transferring? Ahhh I'll die, you guys, if you didn't know, I go to NYU, so I want to know the second this rumor is debunked or confirmed! X]

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i unno why she would transfer though. she always speaks so highly of Brown

I'm sure she still loves it, but maybe she's got the acting itch and the films she wants to sign on to would conflict with Brown studies? (NYC would also be more convenient for flying out to Lonon... just sayin. hah)


If she does choose to leave Brown, I just hope she doesn't drop out. i'd like for her to finish her degree.

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DH2 comes out in July. She has stated that she is filming Perks this summer. Her part in MWWM is small. Plus, I don't think they've announced a release date. None of these would interfere with school. She doesn't give the trash (oops, I meant entertainment) media much to talk about. So they have to make stuff up. Though I wouldn't be very surprised if she took a semester off. But plenty of celebrities have done that to accommodate their filming schedules. Julia Stiles would have been the most recent I can think of. She went right back and finished her degree at Columbia.

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Once again, I think Emma would have mentioned leaving Brown if she was going to. So I would recommend ignoring any rumors you hear as most likely they have no clue what they are talking about. We'll see if Emma mentions it but since she hasn't by this point I'm assuming she has no plans on leaving Brown anytime soon.

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One of Emma's close freinds, Roberto, is a student at NYU as I know. So I think she's just there to visit him. And I found some tweets mentioned that Rodney Culter who made her pixie haircut back in last summer would do something for Emma again so maybe she's in NY for new hairstyle.


Anyway, I think she will reture to Brown soon since she's already in US.

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One of Emma's close freinds, Roberto, is a student at NYU as I know. So I think she's just there to visit him. And I found some tweets mentioned that Rodney Culter who made her pixie haircut back in last summer would do something for Emma again so maybe she's in NY for new hairstyle.


Anyway, I think she will reture to Brown soon since she's already in US.

Ah, does he? I was trying to think if she could have a friend who goes to NYU.

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NYU newspaper reported Emma.



Finally, Emma Watson has been spotted on campus. How many of your friends have updated their Twitter/Facebook statuses with Watson sightings? Probably too many to count. Ten points to Gryffindor if you see her! One hundred points to Gryffindor if you manage to strike up a conversation with her and casually insert something about "he who must not be named."


Looks she's everywhere in NYU LOL

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well she's def in NY right now...


Well, this is awkward, that's one of my best friends on my Quidditch team lolololol I've definitely commented on that pic on facebook. :P (Emma looks a bit unhappy, but apparently she was super nice-- she and her mum were a bit lost in finding their way to the Tisch building [which is NYU's arts school for those who don't know]


Yeah, it's true, an insaaane amount of NYU kids have been tweeting and fb'ing about it. Everyone I know is dying for her to transfer.

Edited by emwatsonsuperfan
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