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Posts posted by Luciana

  1. Thank you thank you (takes a bow) ;) I was laughing at some comments I have been reading-Hermione looks pregnant there!! ;) WELLLLLLL it IS possible ;) We dont know if they didnt have anymore kiddies afterall ;)


    Yeah, I like to think that Hermione could be pregnant. We don't know what happen after the epilogue ;)


    Cancel those thoughts out!!! Feel better looking at this above ;)



    Ron looks to be having some impure thoughts ;) LOL...wants to get his wife home, drop Hugo off at his grandma's and Hermione and him to celebrate one down LOL


    Hahaha I like the way you think... :excited:

  3. Not to mention how good they look together, Luciana. Kristen, no problem for beating me to it. :D The awesomeness that it Ron/Hermione can't be posted too soon.


    I hardly can bear the thought that Ron might have died. Can you imagine no happy-end for Ron and Hermione? Can you imagine Hermione and Harry losing their best friend? Can you imagine the golden trio to be... well, not a trio anymore? Can you imagine Hugo and Rosie would've never happened? Can you imagine Ronald Bilius Weasley, wonderful friend, husband, father, brother, son, uncle, auror, not to exist anymore. Can you imagine Hermione wearing another last name than Weasley? UNIMAGINABLE. Good JKR came back from her unhappy place and decided to have the trio live. *phew* OBHWF RULES.


    Nooooooo!!!!!!!!!!! I can't imagine it!!! :sob: I don't know if I could watch the movies or read the books without him.

  4. Ya called it well Luciana ;) HEHE...Soul sister and galadriel sorry I beat yall to it!! ;) For once I got to post something yea!! LOL...buuuuut 100 posts of it would not have bothered me at all ;) Soul sister-love yas!! Mrs. Ronald Weasley/Mrs. Rupert Grint...it does look like Emma is playing with her ring ;) Btw rupertandemmagrint (heehee love it ;)) thanks for posting the real answer-BTS!!!

    Trixie!! I know!!! Their chemistry is to die for... I try not to think of what JKR said-bottom line: MR. AND MRS. RONALD WEASLEY!!!!!!!!!!!!!


    New pic.... hehe....


    LOOK AT THEM....


    Beautiful couple! I'm glad Rupert and Emma played Ron and Hermione, because their chemistry is amazing!! :yesyes:

  5. From Snitchseeker:


    Several new promotional images and studio shots from Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows: Parts 1 and 2 were released online, via Potterpix on Tumblr. Amongst them is behind-the-scenes shot of the Weasley family from the epilogue, with Rupert Grint and Emma Watson chattily happily with each other on the King's Cross set, as well as a wide shot of the Weasley wedding from part 1, Ron and Harry about to attack Wormtail at Malfoy Manor, and studio shots of Harry, Hermione, Luna, Molly and Ginny Weasley. Those can be found in our galleries.


    I think Emma could be playing with her wedding ring too :)


    Yes!!!! I knew it was a BTS!! ;)

  6. I think it is a sweet moment between Rupert and Emma in between takes as well :wub: How adorable does Rupert look smiling at her. And look at Emma, I think she is playing with her *gasp* WEDDING ring ^_^ (You can't really tell, but in my mind that is exactly what she is doing). BTW here is the same pic with another coloring. http://25.media.tumblr.com/tumblr_ltuccurDXO1r3761so1_500.png


    Yes!!! You're right!!! I didn't see it before!

    So cute!! :wub:

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