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Posts posted by deeplydevoted

  1. I think another thing that still makes interaction with the two groups so volatile is because there is still this 'my ship is better' vibe, even among the home turf of that ship. I've been to many an H/Hr site that bashed R/Hr to no end, but that's because we had a right to, in our own little sanctuaries. It's when people take that sort of mentality OUT of the little hidey holes and start airing it out like dirty laundry that everyone gets snippy. And I mean, you can't help but get the ignorant people who aren't really full out fans but they know the canon shippings and they bash us because they think we're stupid enough to think H/Hr end up together in the end. well DUH mr. ninnyhead, we KNOW they don't. That obviously isn't going to stop us from shipping them anyway! It's annoying and usually encountered on Youtube. I for one try and avoid purposely hostile comments, and only reply in defense of myself when someone decides to be stupid.


    Another point I wanted to bring up is something interesting I experienced recently, back in November in fact. I had the fortune of attending the NYC DH Pt 1 premiere, and spent an entire day surrounded by the diehardest of the diehardest HP fans. We sat through cold and a bit of rain just to be sorely dissapointed (none of the stars save Tom Felton even came near the fans) but, I still count that day as one well spent. I don't know if this was just a coincedence or not but about 90% of people around me SHIPPED H/HR. and these were far from your typical buddy who tags along to see Harry Potter because they're bored. these people had read all the books at least twice, many had wands, hats, scarves, you name it. They were perfectly sane people, who read the same books we all did, and yet, they would turn to me and some would say a bit guiltily "you know what...I always did think Harry and Hermione would end up together." or "I was definitely rooting for them, but unfortunately, R/Hr was always end game.". This shocked me in a way that got me thinking...how many R/Hr shippers out there actually at one point wouldn't have minded H/Hr, but slowly, as the mob mentality took over, grew hostile and a bit bitter towards those who shipped it openly?


    I for one was not always an H/hr shipper. i was driven to H/Hr around the time the 4th movie came out in part due to my disgust for my own fellow shippers, and the way Dan and Emma portrayed the characters as having such a close, sweet bond that R/Hr couldn't hold a CANDLE to, in my opinion. So even back then i was open and receptive to H/Hr and maybe just didn't know it yet.


    It saddens me that R/Hr is persisting so strongly not only because of the fact that it's canon but because peer pressure seems to be tamping out any and all other logical opinions. Lol, it makes it sound like R/Hr is crack and people are forcing you to take it, but that's not really the analogy I wanted to create. I've been in that position where it's either agree with what your friends say or be totally alienated from any further activities that have to do with that topic. It's so easy to just agree and not think about it.


    Now I'm digressing a bit and talking about casual or slightly non-casual fans who don't put as much stock into shipping as I would, say. But it really could go for anybody on the internet who isn't intelligently backing up their arguements like some people on here. That just say R/hr forever!! because that's what they know to be true, and they don't ever bother to think otherwise. I wish more of them were more open-minded and were able to see the alternative's as well.


    I don't really believe H/Hr shippers should be subject to the same mindset however, because we ARE the alternative. We've been force fed the 'real thing' since day one, apparently, and we're tired of hearing about it. We just want to love our ship in peace and harmony (hehe a pun).


    Ok rant done. lol.

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