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flying kiwi

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Posts posted by flying kiwi

  1. I've just been having a discussion with my boyfriend about batman villains in general and who would make a better fancy dress (for a girl) two face or joker.


    I feel both could be done, with either shorts and waistcoats for a sexier look (if you can be sexy with the make-up) or a full suit for a more classic look. I just wondered what everyone on here thought of this, the fancy dress would actually be for me so if anyone has any ideas then I would greatly appreciate them. I'm leaning more towards two face but might go for joker in the end as he'll be easier to pull off.


    Also as this is in television and film this topic is also for any general batman talk, especially where the bad guys are involved. I love batman baddies...I'm a huge geek. :P

  2. Someone who you explain something to in the simplest terms who then looks at you as if you went a mile a minute and are intentionally trying to make it harder on them, for instance,


    Me: So to take the picture all you do is press this button down (demonstration) =).

    Person: o_O, ok look, you're going to have to slow down, you young people may get this stuff but it's far beyond me (evil look).

    Me: (secretly thinking "fml")


    True story.


    Have you been talking to my mum?


    My mum is like that with everything, she winds me up because she wants to use the internet and can use it but insists on asking me to walk her through everything. The best is when she is on the phone and she'll just say ''what do I do now?'' or ''what does that mean?'' ....I don't know I can't see your screen over the phone!!!

  3. Awhhh too bad we don't celebrate Halloween over here. We miss out on so much fun :(

    Well we have a similar dressing up thing on Feb, but still. Post pics about your Halloween costumes/ partiesss everyone. :D


    Awww that's a shame, I love Halloween.

    There were loads of adults dressed up at this party, I was quite surprised I thought it was more for kids, but there were some amazing outfits.


    Relaxing as always :P.


    Best past time ever

  4. I'm going to jump on the internet laziness band wagon, I hate text speak when someone's typing. There is no need for it, typing doesn't take that much time up and it takes people longer to work out what your trying to say.



    I also can't stand able-bodied people who queue for the lifts when there are stairs close by and people with wheelchairs, pushchairs or young children also wanting to use the lift. I've actually seen someone run to get the lift when it stopped before, seriously if you can run to the lift you can use the stairs.


    People who are rude in general.


    People who can't help but lie. Especially obvious lie's which have no reason as well.

  5. I love Glee, it depends which song as to whether I prefer the original or the Glee version, but the Glee songs are all still amazing, I just pretty much think you can't beat Journey. Although I still love the Glee versions of their songs.


    Sue is amazing

  6. Had a really good night tonight :) went to a Halloween party and had a right laugh....my son is officially fearless (almost) he'll wave at very scary monsters but doesn't like fireworks because they are too loud :P


    What are you all up to?

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