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Posts posted by ShipOfFools

  1. My first job was when I was 20. I worked retail.


    I've only had retail jobs, and I'm convinced that the devil created retail. At least, from an employee point of view. I'm studying at college so that I can get a real job, and never have to work retail again.

  2. I don't know how I stayed oblivious to all of the "peer pressure" stuff. Maybe it's because I had a good role model - my mother - but I didn't drink or do drugs growing up, and I've always made friends who shared my lifestyle (drug and alcohol free.) The few times I've been around someone who's been wasted, I've tried to help them...and if I can't, I simply walk away. I can't let them drag me down.


    I do drink beer and wine, but I didn't try it until I was 21 (and legally able to drink.) A lot of people at college turned up their nose at this, and said I was a prude, but honestly? I don't see the point in getting drunk, and I've never liked alcohol that much.


    I also lost my virginity, and started dating girls, past high school. I wanted to wait until I was older, and better able to handle it, rather than jumping on my urges.


    However, this "kids are growing up too fast nowadays" thing is nothing new. I remember when I was in 6th grade, I heard an 8th grader in the nurses office telling her friend, "Oh, I lost my virginity last night, and I'm so sore." So I expected, hey, when I'm in 8th grade, that's when I will lose my virginity. I was 20, and not disappointed at all, when I lost mine.

  3. My gram is the same way, my grandfather also fought in WW2 but he was never on the South Pacific. It's really difficult because there is a lot of prejudice and because they are so old there is no changing their habits. My gram is also racist against my boyfriend, because he is not white - she still thinks we are living in the 50's. It's nothing against her, that's just how she was raised and there's no changing her habits now. My gram is also a good person - she is very hardworking and religious, but she grew up in a time where it was perfectly acceptable to be racist. It's just how she is.


    Yeah, my Grandma is also slightly racist. She's mellowed out a bit in old age, but she used to use the N word towards some friends of mine (never to their face, privately, but it still made me mad.)


    She voted for Obama, though. And I think she's starting to realize that times have changed. She did change her view towards Japanese people recently, like I said, and she said to me, "those poor people", after seeing the news recently.


    It was a different time, that's for sure.

  4. Triumph - Street Fighter


    Way before my time, but a friend of mine recommended it since Rush is one of my favorite bands.


    They're a good band, but I think sometimes they try a little bit too hard to be like Rush. Just like another band, Starcastle, tried too much to be like Yes.

  5. I am really praying for the people of Japan. This latest thing about the radiation is scary, and it's horrible how many people have lost their lives because of the tsunami.


    I also believe that it might be the end of times, or at least the end of a certain "time." I am Christian, but don't practice it heavily; I'm more spiritual than anything. But I will be praying for these natural disasters to stop.


    I listen to NPR (National Public Radio) everyday, and they're heavily reporting on this.


    I know someone who said exactly that. He's an older person, and VERY conservative and mean. Miserly, actually. This isn't the first time I've heard something like this come out of his mouth. When I heard that, I wanted to be like, I'm pretty sure we "got them" good enough the first time with the TWO nuclear bombs we dropped on them, which I think were completely undeserved. NO ONE should resort to nuclear weaponry and NO ONE deserves to have a nuclear bomb dropped, ever. This is absolutely devastating for the north of Japan, and whenever I see it on the news, I honestly want to cry. I can't even imagine looking for loved ones in the rubble *sigh*.


    I also don't think that this should be an end to nuclear power. There are many issues with nuclear power, but it is the most efficient and of all the energies. Yes, wind, solar, hydro are cleaner, but not as effective. Generally, nuclear power plants are very stable and are built to withstand pretty high earthquakes. No one expected an 8.9 earthquake to hit Japan, ever. So I don't think the engineers even expected it to happen so they thought that the infrastructure was sound enough. Of course, they should have assumed anything is possible, but honestly, who even would have expected this earthquake? That being said, although nuclear energy is very efficient, it is also really hard to store the capsules after they are finished with. In the US, they go to Nevada in the middle of a mountain. But the issue of where to store the stuff after it is finished is the most pressing issue, I think. I don't think nuclear should be gotten rid of, because it works. The engineers who work to make the plants are really, really good. I just think that now, there should be better tests for the infrastructure and stuff.


    My Grandma hates the Japanese, because my Grandpa fought in the war and he had to fight the Japanese. For years, she refused to even eat rice, because she associated it with Japan.


    She's said some pretty nasty things about what's happening in Japan, because of that, but I'm trying to talk some sense into her. She's finally starting to realize that these are PEOPLE being hurt, and not some alien form of species.


    She's a good person, really. She just has a prejudice.

  6. I really hope it's not true. I thought it was admirable that she was going to college, and continuing as an actress.


    She's one of the few popular stars that actually cares about learning and having an education, so I hope she goes back to school.

  7. Hey all,


    I joined the old forum yesterday, and was frustrated by the spammers. So I google searched and found the new one!


    I'm not going to repeat all I said yesterday, but my name is Josh, I'm in my 20's, and I've been a HP fan since the first book. I know I'm a bit older than the typical Emma Watson fan, but I'm a kid at heart - and Harry Potter is for all ages, really.


    I also think Emma Watson is the best actor out of the three main characters, so that's why I'm joining her forum, instead of Daniel or Rupert. I also really enjoyed her work in Ballet Shoes and The Tales Of, and am looking forward to her post-HP films!


    As for me, I am a college student. I have a huge love of music (especially Pink Floyd!), enjoy reading, and watching various tv shows and movies.


    Anyway, that's enough of that! Good to be here. :)



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