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Posts posted by soulsister

  1. Ummmm....so you think she's only interested in fame and fortune?  I'm talking about her being a good

    role model for little kids/teens and working with the environment. She would be great helping kids to learn to

    become ecologically aware, because she's familiar to them, and they've seen her grow up. 


    She lives green-practices what she preaches. She gives her dresses that she wears to premieres to her friends/resale shops,

    and her favorite dress was the dark blue 1920's vintage dress she got at a resale shop. I think she wore it to the HBP premiere.


    She's on the pedestal, that she deserves, because she's a good role model and a caring, kind person. Not many young actresses out there today can stand on that pedestal.


    If she's not doing the movies you want her to do, why don't you write her the "perfect script", send it to her, and

    see what she thinks?  I'm curious what "things" were you talking about that she can/could learn from her acting abilities?? 

    What type of movie could she do, in your opinion, that would be an A-list movie? What would the character, plot etc be?

    Who would be her costars? Where would it take place?


    Johnny, if you were Emma's agent, what would be your ideal role for her??? What kind of image would you want her to project?? Just curious.

  2. IMO all the movie roles she's been doing post Potter, have been to teach her lessons--in MWWM, she learned 

    about the American tragedy that was Marilyn Monroe. She learned how lonely and used MM really was and couple

    that with drugs/alcohol, she learned how nasty and evil Hollywood is.


    In Perks, she learned about American high schools, and how awkward/lonely those years can be. She saw first hand

    how the American school system is and all the expectations that go hand in hand with growing up in the US. (Brown

    is also teaching her the American college system).


    The Bling Ring she saw first hand--via Paris Hilton, how materialistic, greedy, and nasty Hollywood is. She saw how

    fans want a piece of the action, and will steal to be a part of their favorite stars world. She's seeing how shallow celebrities

    really are.


    All these movies she's seeing close up why JKR didn't want HP filmed in Hollywood--it's full of greedy, lonely, drugged, 

    snotty people, who can never get enough $$$ and fame.


    All 3 are in the same boat, and Dan/Rupert are learning the same lessons. They were all very sheltered in Leavesden,

    and that was their world for over 10 years.


    When she's done sampling the movie world, she's going to do what she's meant to do: BE A FULL TIME ACTIVIST. 


    She's really a beacon of hope for "waking people up", especially little kids and teens. There's so much to be done, and

    so little time. 


    The People Tree paved the way for that and she's also been taking humanitarian and eco classes @ Brown too. That's going

    to be her best role in life!!!

  3. This really looks spectacular!!! I can't wait to get over there and see it.


    I really loved the HP sets/props show when it came to Chicago a few years ago.


    While I was looking at Remus' suit on display, this British guy asked if I was

    done looking at it. I said yes, and then asked why. He said they had to overnight

    it for filming the next day--Bill/Fleurs wedding scene. LOL!!!


    On a sad note, every time we look at these sets, we will remember the brilliance 

    and creativity of the late Stephenie McMillian, who passed in Aug. She along with

    Stuart Craig, created this wizarding world that just makes you want to stay at Hogwarts


  4. Yea, now if they would just do that romantic comedy TOGETHER!! 


    Remember at the opening of Leavesden, when Yates was really excited about working with Emma again? He also said he wants

    to work with all 3 of them again. So why doesn't he direct both R/E in a romantic comedy??? Maybe Dan could be in it too.

  5. Kudos to Emma!!! I've always said that she would be a great activist--and here 

    she is!!! 


    Her fans--especially the little kids/teens, admire and respect her, so it's easy for her to relate

    her message to all of her fans and admirers. All the experience she's had with People Tree

    doesn't hurt either. 


    I love the way she shops at resale shops, and gives her designer clothes to friends and charity. A great

    and refreshing role model. WAY TO GO EMMA!!!

  6. Ummmm...yes there is actual legitimate evidence that GMO's are dangerous to the planet/humans. It destroys the soil

    so nothing else will grow, needs pesticides--can you say Roundup and now they want to use Agent Orange (the same

    chemical that was sprayed in the jungles of Viet Nam, causing millions of troops/civilians sickness/death). Ask any 

    Viet Nam vet what they think of Agent Orange!!! We now have SUPERWEEDS, that are resistant to Roundup, which is

    causing farmers all over the country to develop cancers---one in particular is prostate.


    Monsanto IS the government now, so of course its all about $$$$$. If GMO's are so great, why don't they want to label it??

    They keep meeting with the Grocer's Mfg Assoc--GMA/big food co and politicians, trying to figure out how to circumvent labeling.

    What they're trying to do now is water down the USDA ORGANIC label, so they can mix their GMO's in with Organics, thus

    putting the USDA Organic label on their crap. There is a third party organic verification label and its showing up in lots of stores.


    As I stated earlier, the former CEO of Monsanto said the only way to label GMO's is with a skull/crossbones. 


    Several of the Monsanto employees said that organic food is the ONLY food served in their cafeterias. Ummmm...wonder why??


    Also, let's see an independent study on GMO's that will be monitored all day/every day for 1 yr:

    Have 1 group of Monsanto employees eat nothing but GMO's--must be all foods.

    The other group eat nothing but organics--must be all foods.

    All vital stats:blood pressure, sugar etc will be evaluated prior to/during/after the study. 


    Let's see what group is still healthy/alive after 1 yr!!! DeltaFoxtrotLima--you might want to sign

    up for this study so you can prove your theory. Good Luck.

  7. Has the trio said that they grew apart?  I guess I've read comments that indicate they might not be close, close friends, but even given that scenario I think that would be fine.  They have all grown up and I believe that most of us develop our truest friendships as adults when our personalities and the personalities of those we are close to, are much more developed.


    I think that all three respect each other.  I know some really good people who I simply don't "click with" as friends.  I've had good friends too where we grew apart from each other.  While differences generally cause that to happen, I can fairly say I could still go for a drink with those people and not feel awkward or uncomfortable.  To me if Dan and Rupert couldn't bare to be around one another, that would be unfortunate.  I doubt that is the case though.  I have casual friends who I have gone years between the times when I've seen them.  They are not the people I would entrust my heart to, or keep something in confidence with, but I can go out and have a good time with them. 


    Hopefully Dan and Rupert are still able to do that, and so long as that is the case, then I still think that is a great thing. JMO on how they might feel about one another.



    Jon, you raise some good points re:Dan. I think that the fact that he's an only child is why he seemed so distant with all the other kids on set.


    When you're an only child, your best friends are your parents. The parents look on the only child as an equal, with whom they can have adult conversations.


    Look at Emma, Rupert, Tom, Bonnie--they all have siblings, and are used to having many brothers/sisters to go to. Dan only has his parents. That's why

    he hung around Gary Oldham and the older cast members. He just probably felt he didn't fit in with the other kids.


    I have several friends that are an only-child, and my one friend just lost her mom last year. Eventhough she's married, her loss was really tragic--she

    did everything with her mom. Her mom was her best friend and confidant. Really sad. :mellow:


  8. Yea, that's my mine too--(the preggers interviewer)!! That poor lady will forever be known as the

    "Preggers British Reporter"!! Loved her surprised response, "A pig"!!!


    I dunno, I can't wait until Emma gets that unicycle, then Rupert can teach her to ride and she can help him

    with his ping pong game. 

  9. I remember the NY premiere where Rupert and Emma were doing interviews with separate reporters, and you literally see Rupert waiting for Emma to finish her interview with the reporter as they both walk off together to the next thing. There is also a very, very cute and sweet hug Emma gives Rupert as he hugs her back as tight when she arrived-she practically  him out awww 



    Trixie-do you have the youtube of this? There weren't many photos/videos of the NY premiere. I was really mad when I saw how NY

    handled the last premiere. Do you remember before they showed the movie, Tom, Matt and Alan Rickman were standing next to each other,

    and they had Dan, Emma and Rupert say a few words. After Rupert finished, he handed the mic over to Tom, and at that point, this guy says,

    "Well start the movie now", and Tom, Matt and Alan never got a chance to speak. I personally would have loved to hear what they had to say,

     and I thought that was just plain rude. It looked to me like they just wanted to get the HP premiere

    over with, as it was the very last one. :mad:   Did any of you others think the same??


    G4EVER--Ummm...5 kids!! I think maybe 2 or 3. Their kids are going to be so lucky, to have such great, fun, magical parents. I've said it before,

    and I'll say it again, I'd love to see their kids--all lined up on the sofa, watching HP for the very first time. That would be priceless!! :yesyes:  


    Rupert also mentioned, that he can't wait to take his/Emma's kids to Wizarding World. That will be too cute!! ;)


    I dunno, I can see a Hannah in their future. However, I don't think the boy would be named Bilbus!! :P


    Kris, I don't go on Twitter--I'm wondering what they did alot of in his dressing room......LOL!! ;)

  10. Welcome aboard Grintsonforever. Always great to add to our ship. We look at this ship as being both optimistic and patient. :kiss:


    Btw, here's something I've been forgetting to mention.

    Wouldn't you love to see R/E on an ancestry show like "Who do you think you are"? JKR was on this show last year, and traced her roots back to France.


    It would give R/E a chance to investigate the Berridges(Grints)/Bonsors(Watsons) from Kilworth. If they don't want to do a show,

    it would be great if they would just go on their own, and investigate for themselves. Just a thought. :yesyes: 

  11. Hey Jon, maybe in the next films---"Leave it to the Weasleys'".


    The basic foundation of Emmaese is talking in SECRET CODE and "The less you reveal, the more people will wonder"!!  Actually she's

    starting to reveal more in all her interviews.


    Shippers it may be earlier like around Christmas!!!







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