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New Tattoo

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Posts posted by New Tattoo

  1. From my old username Mr. Brownstone:


    An angel lives in England

    She comes from heaven above

    Her eyes are like the stars in the sky

    Her voice takes me to places I want to be

    And she cast a spell on me, which was love at first sight

    And I only want her love tonight.


    I was sitting in a movie theatre, watching Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone. I saw a little girl with curly hair say "Has anyone seen a toad, a boy name Neville lost one?" I was elevan at the time. Ever since then, she's hooked me in, and I can't get out. It was truly "love at first sight," like she cast a spell on my heart and everytime I see her, I keep being pulled back in. I understand I'll probably never meet her in my life, and I already admitted that to myself. Sure, I'll still have dreams, fantasies about her, but they'll probably always remain as that.


    I just want her to live her life to the fullest, and be the lovely girl that has done so much good during her life.


    Sure, I can get married, she could get married. We'll continue to live seperate live's forever, but it'll always be her face that I can never escape.

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