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Posts posted by Rena

  1. I agree with what MrsClaus said, using an eyeshadow instead of pencil often gives your brows a softer and more natural apperance.

    Use an angled brush to fill them in with tiny strokes. I know you said you don't like it, but try giving it a go again! The brush you use really makes a huge difference, if you have a brush it will give you more precision. I used a pencil before too, but now I'm all into eyeshadow and brush. As for the plucking, I'm a bit confused. You want to grow them out but still you keep overplucking? :P

    Maybe you should try to imagine your ideal shape, draw it on, and then see which hair straws are growing outside of that shape, and those straws will be the only ones you need to remove. Another suggestion is to go and have them plucked professionally, so that you get a good shape and base to work with. :)


    To make it last longer, I would finish of with an eyebrow gel. If you don't have one, hairspray works fine too. It will make them stay put for longer and also stay in place. :)


    which eyeshadow brand would you recommend?

  2. Have you watched make-up tutorials? From what I watched I saw that they often fill in their brows with eyeshadow instead of gel or wax.

    My faves are PIXIWOO (two british sisters sam and nic). Um the over plucking well well: 1. you say they look fake but you don't stop what makes them look fake? (the over-plucking). Calm yourself down ladee! If you want nice brows LEAVE 'EM ALONE!(chris crocker voice).

    Let the Anastasia stuff do the job(btw the lady who owns this brand is Romanian and is actually called Anastasia).


    yeah i have watched some on youtube before, but can never do what they do lol

    and i know i know but it's easier said then done, i literally think i have a problem lol


    and thanks everyone for your advice i really will look into everything and check out all of these brands!

  3. I thought I'd start a thread where people can ask the beauty questions they might have and maybe people will have

    some tips or advice

    I'll go first


    Ok so my eyebrows are not the greatest I hate to admit, they used to be perfect but then I kept plucking ( I seriously think I have a problem) and I have been coloring them in for years now. I use Anastasia brow pencil. The problem is that they look fake and sometimes the make-up will smear. I'm also using this Anastasia serum to help grow back the hair. Although it works, I just can't stop plucking. I've tried to hide my tweezers from my sight but that doesnt work lol.

    so my question is:

    1) How do I stop myself from plucking??

    2) what can I use so my eyebrows won't look fake and the make-up wont smear? is there something I can like put under the make-up so it can last longer? i really hate re-coloring it in.

    and i'm really used to pencil, i've tried brush and powder but i just dont like it.



    Your tips will be apreciated!

  4. OK. in the beginning, when it is not clear how long it will go.... but after a year I would love it to celebrate my gf's success at certain times. And I would get nuts, sitting at home in front of the tv and Ezra is hugging my gf after winning a award instead of me.....


    pretty sure Ezra is gay so i dont think he'd care

  5. i just think leo needs to win an oscar already. he should have ages ago.

    still suprised jamie isnt nominated.

    i really want joaquin to win this year but if i had to take a guess it'll probably be hugh or daniel..probably hugh..hasnt daniel won 2 oscars already?

  6. I just got the book a few days ago, not quite done with it yet but so far it just seems alright.

    to be honest, the whole council thing is kind of boring and there are some British words i didnt understand but i'm in the middle of it and it's not that bad.



    Definately not greater than harry potter, but i knew it wasnt going to be

    jk rowling is still the worlds best author

  7. i thought it was pretty good as well!

    I loved the actor who played Bilbo(younger version) i thought he did a very good job. And the actor who played Thorin did great as well.

    I always feel so sorry for Gollum-even though he is evil lol


    But i'm confused..i know there is a second part, but is there also a third part as well?

  8. I kind of feel like if Pottermore opened when I was like in fifth grade or in middle school, I'd be on it 24/7 because those were the days I knew EVERY SINGLE THING about harry potter and i was OBESSESSED with it. dont get me wrong i still love harry potter and think it's the best thing it the world. now i kind of need a freshen up. also i just dont have the time for it. when i was younger i had all this extra time.

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