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Posts posted by Boyd.Faires

  1. Hello, all, I too am a member of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints. Although my beliefs are strong in the Gospel, I have strayed quite far from the straight and narrow path. I can, however, add to the answers to questions posted here. For example: The easiest way that I have found to answer the question "What is the Book of Mormon?" (and has been 100% accepted by all that have asked me this question) is that while the Bible was an ancient record of the people and beliefs on one continent, the Book of Mormon was an ancient record of the people and beliefs on the North American continent. There are ancient writings being found all over the world that mirror both books. If I had to explain further when queried, I would ask them if they truly believed that ancient writings don't exist every where? Doesn't it make sense that people would keep records every where?


    Of course, that is the way that I explain it.


    I often laugh at people's misconceptions of the LDS religion. I often tell them of the 13 Articles of Faith, Joseph Smith's answer to "FAQ's" during that time, specifically "What does your church believe in?"


    When asked about Polygamy, I remind the questioner that at that time in history, men were on short order. The practice of Polygamy started so that the women and children could be taken care of. More like a business arrangement than a harem. Then I refer them to Article of Faith #12 "We believe in being subject to kings, presidents, rulers, and magistrates, in obeying, honoring, and sustaining the law." When it was deemed that Polygamy was unlawful, Latter-Day Saints obeyed, honored, and sustained the law and ceased to practice Polygamy.


    Now, I am no expert on any of this. I just pass on what I have learned myself from studying, and what others have learned by studying and then passing on to me.

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