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Posts posted by Emmafan45

  1. Um, Dan does have a mild case of ADHD and some times I wonder about Rupert. Dan does have dyspraxia (not sure if he is also dyslexic) but he's come out with it so people know that there's nothing to be ashamed of. I think Emma would have done the same thing in the same way that Dan has.


    For the record, I have ADHD and I'm dyslexic. I've done pretty well for myself so honestly, there's nothing wrong with it. Just gotta learn what helps you.


    Where did he state it? Never heard it.

  2. I really do think they go after her, with this. Dan was the one with mild ADHD, he spoke about that many times.

    Emma no, she's too bold not to bring it up like 'Yes I had this and I'm a winner' type of thing.


    Dan does not have ADHD, he has dyspraxia. Why can't people accept the possibility that she has ADHD? I know it's hard to change our conception about someone, but you have to face it.

  3. I feel like if Emma did have ADHD she would have come out with it. She views herself as a role model and she understand it well. Its so clear from everything that Emma does. I think she would have already told us in order to be a role model to fans who struggle with ADHD. So the fact that she hasn't to me means that its just a rumor. If this was something Emma was really suffering with, it would have come out from more then just 3 sites.


    People wouldn't list her for fun neither... maybe she doesn't want people to know it, since there are many disinformations about ADHD and it looks really negative? And some people somehow found it or revealed it. Anyway. Who cares, seriously.

  4. http://watsonlove.tumblr.com/tagged/100_facts


    I think it comes from this... no idea if watsonlove is linked with Emma or not.





    Some websites have been claiming it before, too. Could be true, but like I said earlier, I don't believe it's our business. And I don't think Emma will answer this thread neither lol.

  5. Who cares, many people have disorders like adhd, and it's none of our business.


    I highly doubt she has adhd since we known she has done so well in school. I am not saying ppl with adhd can't do well but it is harder. Plus she went to brown which is a top uni. It would have been pretty hard for her to study there.


    There's medications you can take for it.

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