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Everything posted by Sacred_Path

  1. Knowing Emma, she could probably "look past" such "extraneous detail" and see the lovable being inside. But, she already has enough dogs to walk and probably doesn't need another one
  2. On Letterman she said she was worried that good driving doesn't run in her genes. She said her mom would say things like "this barricade just jumped out at me!" Ok, I'll stop now.
  3. I'm confident a video of you crawling around on the floor naked, face smeared with cake will stand out among all the messages she gets.
  4. I demand the cake equivalent of David Hasslehoff's burger video. It should then be sent to Emma with the caption "this is what happens when you ignore your fans" by Lonely_Fan
  5. That's not satisfying though. I was looking to establish a real cake-eating bond between us.
  6. Probably not. But since I'd send it to her fanmail address the cakes could be tasted by some unimportant PR person and then be forwarded to Emma.
  7. If I sent her a cake (if that's legal in the UK), would she eat it or would it look too suspicious? Serious question is serious.
  8. When she was v. small, she said she wanted to be a mattress. This reminds me of how many useless trivia I've read
  9. it's the one dish she would eat for the rest of her life or smth. I totally hated that when I ate it in GB (not sure if it was Heinz' but still)
  10. Bake her a cake. Should she still refuse to notice you, you have delicious cake to drown your sorrow in. win/win
  11. During the week (when it's not a premiere) most people here dress casually for the theater, he would have fit right in. Then again I'm living in the middle of nowhere so yeah
  12. I have a feeling that we could find a great many Israelis who'd say they won't leave because they were born there. If you're moving to Israel just to make a point, that's one of the dumbest ideas of the century, considering the bloody fighting over settlement space.
  13. That's what I say too, at least about the younger generations of Israelis; those who were born in a state whose founding was a terrible mistake. But they've grown up there, have friends and family and jobs there, who would give all of that up?
  14. that proves my point I guess? That's what I thought too. Looked p. chill.
  15. "ZOMG! Hes wearin one of those ridiculous scarves again! Doesnt take it off in bed either!" I rest my case.
  16. I know, I know. If I had been there I would have torn that obscene thing off his throat lest someone be permanently damaged just from looking at it.
  17. There are pictures of the two from 11/18 and again he's wearing an irregularly colored scarf.
  18. Now you're damaging my fragile ego. I shall retaliate by wearing pink scarves with mint green pants
  19. The choice of color contrast with the scarf does seem a bit feminine. Wether Emma reinforces these style decisions?
  20. I think the first two were the pictures I was referring to.
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