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Posts posted by Sacred_Path

  1. The highest caliber of actors in the industry aren't the most famous one's.


    You seem to base an actor's success on box office and general notoriety. I don't think Emma defines it the same way.

    I've never said there's a direct correlation, much less the other way round (= fame generating critical acclaim). What I meant is that it's very unlikely for an movie actor to stay unknown despite being a favorite with critics.


    All of her projects are art for the sake of art.

    AFAIK this has never been stated by Emma. Let's just take Perks and Bling Ring as an example, in both cases Emma has said that their social relevance was something that draw her to these projects.



    was also a child. Since then, she's grown up into an adult who gets to make their own decisions about their life.

    She wasn't (legally and otherwise) a child on her 18th birthday. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NW25dyAEFIc


    She doesn't judge her success based on how much money her projects make or how many people see them. Artistic value doesn't necessarily translate into commercial success.




    That's the entire reason why she stopped all that. Acting is her main focus and she doesn't want to focus on anything else.


    It has nothing to do with her personality, she's just not interested in pursuing that anymore.

    You're taking her current behavior and interpret it in ways you can agree with, it seems. I don't find it convincing to theorize that the lack of information coming from her is directly the result of Emma trying to turn her life around. To me, it seems to be mostly the result of insecurity, along with a bit of cluelessness about who she wants to be and also a dose of rebellion, of which she had none when she was in HP.
  2. She doesn't need to maintain her level of fame, and I don't think she is trying to. If she was, she would be doing a lot more projects than she is now.

    I think she quite likes being hailed as a sort of leading lady at Cannes for example. If she wanted to tone down the level of publicity she gets she probably would have done only theater.


    I don't measure her success as an actress with the level of fame she has.

    In the case of movies, this seems strange. How many very succesful actors whose name no one has heard do you know?


    If in the future she stars in critically acclaimed movies, it doesn't matter if she has a loyal fanbase or not, she will be successful in every way that counts.

    Again, going down rather than up would seem pretty painful. Is she really interested in only doing artsy projects for the sake of art, even if no one but a handful of critics ever praises/ watches them?


    Emma may be an introvert in her daily life, but she rode the rollercoaster of fame quite enthusiastically during her HP years. She never seemed to shy away from publicity - let's remember the video messages she used to do (such a brief but nice way to reach out to your fans too!). And then there were the other side effects of fame like her fashion collaboration, and the opportunity to use that fame to do something good (i.e. in Bangladesh). If Emma is more introverted right now I would blame it on her current situation, in which she doesn't want to give away too much - for what reasons, we can only guess.

  3. Yes, being liked by your public audience is good. Embracing your fan base and communicating with the them as much as possible can definitely help your career.


    I'm just saying that all that stuff is superfluous. It's not what she needs to be focusing on to become a successful actor.

    That depends. Both on what your definition of "succesful" is here, and also depending on the milieu. This may be true for people who exclusively do theater, I wouldn't know. But to stay on the level of fame she has accumulated now in the movie business, she can't just do away with her image and keep on being so succesful at the same time. The nature of the image may change, but you certainly don't want to establish yourself as being completely unsympathetic/ dull.


    Publicity is a part of what an actor needs to do. It just come with the territory.


    That's separate from her communicating with her fans. She doesn't have to do that, but she does anyway through Twitter.

    You're trying to seperate two things that can't be separated in reality. You basically say "an actor has to have an audience, but he doesn't have to do anything to accumulate said audience". The logical error seems obvious. It's much easier to make people cough up the money to watch your movie if they feel there is a bond, however small, between you and them.


    You may think that isn't enough, but she is obviously communicating with them without any media filter.


    She calls the shots on what is communicated through Twitter. 


    If people weren't happy or were put off by that amount of communication, she wouldn't have amassed a following of 8 Million and growing.

    Eh, doesn't follow. I'm unhappy with the amount of information we get from her and yet I follow her on twitter, for the very reason that she may drop some interesting info every now and then.


    I'd take your statement and reverse it; outside of the realm of e-w.net, no one has a problem of seeing why more information would be welcomed by her fans. It's really not baffling.

  4. People like to know more information about their idols. They also can be bigger fans of them if they know that information.


    That doesn't mean you should assume they are upset if that isn't what is happening.


    A lack of information is not going to elicit the opposite response of an abundance of information.

    You're splitting hairs now. Am I upset? Welp, I can just about contain myself. But I would certainly appreciate more info from Emma.


    People aren't getting that abundance, and they just don't care.

    Again, I have to ask how you know that.



    The movie's audience is vital to an actor. 


    Either the audience likes that actor in the movie, or they don't.


    Everything outside the movie is in no way vital to an actor's career.

    Considering that being accepted/ coveted by the audience raises your status and employment opportunities as an actor, I'd say this isn't true.



    The audience of her personal life doesn't dictate her success as an actor.

    You can embrace your fan base, or you can choose to mostly ignore them.Strictly speaking, you don't have to care about your patients to be a doctor.


    As I said, Emma seems to feel that publicity starts and ends with reporters and paparazzi, when it's really her fans who want to communicate with her.

  5. Are you saying there's evidence that people are upset?


    I'm not going to automatically assume they are, just because of my own unmet expectations.


    If people are upset, I certainly haven't noticed. Until then, I'm going to assume they aren't.

    I think it's more likely that people want to know things about their idols rather than not knowing. I also think people are more likely to be fans of people they like on a personal level. You can disagree with that, but that alone won't sway my mind.


    All an actor has to do is act. Everything else is optional.

    So you disagree that the audience is a vital component of that which makes an actor?


    "I'm an actor. I have acted in front of the mirror many times." Sounds ok to you?

  6. The fans aren't complaining. Outside of this place, nobody is upset that she isn't making enough headlines with her private life.

    where did you get this information?



    Like Emma, I'm also a very private person by nature. I genuinely don't like talking about myself.

    Which is fine when you're not a famous actor (whose job description contains the word audience)
  7. Fans will always appreciate more information.


    There isn't a minimum or maximum threshold of acceptable info. Fans will take what they can get.

    uhm... possibly, but fans aren't raving loonies. I think no one right now would say that Emma allows for much insight, even if you're not a fan. So I think there is a valid reason for complaint on the side of the fans. More is better, yes, but that's not to say that I couldn't be satisfied with just a bit more information; as an example, during her HP years the flow of information was just fine.


    And how is keeping that info private hurting her own quality of life, exactly?

    I think I used the word paranoid, and that might not be too strong a word if you give as many interviews as Emma does but you're determined to never mention any issue that could lead to reporters trying to dig into it. That has to generate a lot of stress.
  8. Possibly she loses more quality of life by being paranoid than she would if she fed reporters some more info. That's for her to decide though. What's not debatable is that fans generally appreciate more info, and therefore it's not about doing paps/ reporters a favor but about rendering a service to your fans.

  9. "I'm not going to ignore people when they say happy birthday [on Twitter]...But what's difficult is that when you've spoken publicly about an area in your life, it's then very difficult to decide when it's okay to talk about it and when it's not okay to. I think it's knowing that that makes me so cautious. I know as soon as I let down the gate it's over really. Then people really do feel entitled because you've let them in."



    I couldn't have said it better myself.

    except that you can still say you don't want to talk about certain things; especially in an arranged interview. Or you can be evasive. Most of us can't choose what questions we're asked so that's what you do. If you're a celebrity but nothing is known about you, that's certainly not gonna make people less prying.


    Or, in the end, it might not matter much either way. People still ask her about Shades anyway after she clearly denied her involvement, just as they did as long as nothing concrete was known.

  10. She's definitely trying to work with specific people in the industry.


    You can call that calculating if you want to, but that doesn't mean that she doesn't care about the work she's doing.


    You must not mistake calculation for a lack of passion.

    yeah, she seems to try to walk a fine line there. Which may be ok as long as she doesn't contradict herself in regards to very recent statements (like, doing Shades after practically ruling it out).
  11. But you forget she mentioned in an interview she'd love to write, direct, or produce. This is it! There is absolutely nothing wrong with her wanting to specialize in different areas of the filmmaking process.

    No, but it seems to be different from what she has said before; something to the effect that she takes roles that touch her or feel important to her. But so far her post-HP choices can be interpreted to be simply the result of calculation.
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