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Posts posted by irene_summer

  1. ah no problem, we buddies right? but emma had pink hair when younger and had to wash it off  eeeeeeeevery day for I dunno how long to get ...well...rid of it.

    i don't need my intuition SHE WILL NEVER EVER DO THAT AGAIN. In her right mind. She can wear a wig/weave, I guess?


    I really like rupert's look as blonde, but emma's hair is a no-No.


    look at you trying to get me a stroke coz I really don't like it LOL(<-----a joke)


    Hah that's cute too :)



    Those games are too cute to play though, no need to feel sorry..


    Haha I've played it once or twice I must say. 


    Thanks for your support guys! It feels good to have some allies  :yesyes: Actually, I started to think that celebrities should play these kinds of games too if they want to know what kind of haircut, or hair color would go with their skin. For example I just figured Emma would look awesome in pink hair!

  3. I loved the Deathly Hallows part 1. It was exactly how I imagined when I was reading the book, man! I remember just being shocked at how this would be possible  :ohyeah: And Harry and Hermoine's little dance in the Nick Cave song was beyond amazing. It was so real. You feel bad for Rupe but at the same time you know how good friends those two are and what kind of a situation they're going through. Oh my lord!!! I just wanna watch it over and over again....

  4. I just don't understand the fuss about living in LA. It's perfectly known that the paparazzi treat the stars just like how they treated to Britney Spears. They are evil. It's their job to make people go insane, you know. I think Emma should stay in England and just be safe!

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