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Harleen Quinzel

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Posts posted by Harleen Quinzel

  1. I won't mention the wait if you don't :)

    (find the * in this chapter to see the mistake I made in the last chapter. Ruby said that she was five when it happened, but she was only four. My mistake)





    "Her siblings?" Jeff's eyes widened as he followed Ruby. They had been walking for an hour and a half now and all he kept saying was 'her siblings' over and over again.

    "I keep telling you, Jeff. They're not like her and haven't been for as long as I have known them..." Ruby trailed off as they approached the first house they had come across for at least half an hour. It was more of a mansion than an ordinary house and it loomed over them, casting a gloomy atmosphere.

    "Only a bunch of vampires could live here," Jeff mumbled. Ruby strode up the path with no hesitation and knocked on the door three times. She looked over her shoulder and saw that Jeff had paused, making no further move to follow her.

    "Honestly, Jeff. You don't need to worry about these three hurting you. They don't bite...much," she grinned as the front door of the house swung open and in the doorway stood, well...Jeff assumed she was a sister of Isabel's although they looked nothing alike. This woman had blonde hair that was just about shoulder length and she had blue eyes like Ruby's, but a lot darker. She neither smiled nor moved aside to let them in, but simply leaned against the doorframe with her arms folded across her chest. Unlike Isabel and Ruby, she wore lighter colours, a soft baby blue instead of the blacks and navy blues Isabel and Ruby both seemed to be fond of wearing. Jeff also noticed that on the middle finger of her right hand, she wore the exact same ring. Of course.

    "Ruby, you know we don't allow humans to be brought back here," the blonde woman rolled her eyes towards Jeff. "Gilbert can only just tolerate them in public places, he still struggles."

    "She has threatened to kill this one, we need to talk..." Ruby looked beyond her into the house. "Besides, I can't sense neither him nor Christa in the house."

    "They're out hunting, I stayed behind to watch the house. Someone had to."



    "Can we please come in?" Ruby looked at Jeff and then around them. "This is important."

    The blonde woman's gaze flickered towards Jeff again, her eyes slightly narrowed. "You know, Isabella threatened to kill pretty much everyone when she was human. I suppose that's why we moved around so much, people tended to take things way too seriously in our time. Come in, then..." She stepped back into the house and to one side. Jeff hesitated only briefly before following Ruby in. The walls inside were a deep red and the carpet they stood on were the exact same colour. It was difficult to tell where the walls ended and the floor began.

    "There's more to the house than the hallway, you know.." Ruby took his hand as they followed Sierra into another room. This one had pristine white walls and a thick black rug covering most of the floor. There was a large l-shaped leather sofa in one corner, also black and the cushions scattered all over it were red, the same shade as the walls and the carpet in the hallway. "This is the lounge," Ruby glanced at Jeff, the corners of her mouth turning up a little. "Every room in the house has this sort of theme. They're pretty organise, huh?"

    "When you live for a long time, you have to find something to do..." Sierra gestured for them to sit down as she took a step forward. "So what did Isabella say to you, Jeff?"

    "I..." Jeff lowered his gaze, not quite wanting to meet the dark eyes of the blonde vampire. "I don't remember."

    "Try to because if you want our help, we'll need to know and you'll need to remember," Sierra twisted the ring on her finger, and Jeff started to wonder if it happened to be something every vampire did.

    "She, um..." Jeff tried to remember everything Isabel had said to him before she had disappeared and Ruby had, well...appeared. "She said she would have made my death quick and painless, but now she's going to take me by surprise and I wouldn't even be safe in my own bed. Isabel's going to kill me, isn't she?"

    "Not if we don't let her," Sierra's eyes darkened briefly, but then returned to their usual colour as she turned away and looked around the room. "This is unusual of Isabella, though. She doesn't pick specific targets, so I do think..maybe you should stay here for a while. At least until we figure out why she's taken an interest in you."

    "Sierra's right, you should stay here for a while. They'll take good care of you..." Ruby tipped her head forward in a nod and started to stand. "Don't worry about your parents, I'll take care of them."

    "Don't you live here too?" The corners of Jeff's mouth turned down as Ruby stepped towards the door.

    "No, I don't. I don't live far from here and you can't come and stay with me because that will be the first place that the She Devil will come looking. You're perfectly safe here, I'll be back later."

    "You might as well pick a room if you're going to be staying here," another voice came from the hallway as Ruby left the house. At first, Jeff thought that she had come back in because of the exact same shade of hair and the exact same ocean blue eyes, but this woman was a good few inches taller than Ruby and her facial features, apart from her eyes, were very different. "It's Jeff, isn't it? My name is Christa, I'm Isabella's other older sister. I overheard everything so I won't need to ask for a repeat. This is...Gilbert, where are you?"

    A short, bark like laugh came from behind the still open door and in walked Isabel's only brother, Gilbert. He was taller than both of his sisters and much stockier. His dark hair was almost black and his eyes...they were neither blue nor red, but were a colour that was sort of in between the two. He looked a lot more like Isabel than Christa and Sierra did, and that alone made him that much more intimidating. Jeff didn't even know him, but he was already frightened of him.

    "I'd say something mean, but I can see that you're already scared of me," Gilbert's eyes lit up in pure amusement. "Don't worry, I'm not going to eat you. Not all vampires are cannibals."

    Jeff shifted uncomfortably, rubbing the back of his neck as his eyes darted around the room.

    "We'd offer refreshments, but we don't eat or drink anything that humans eat and drink..so we don't see the need of stacking up on supplies. Food that you consume is no longer a necessity for us," Christa watched as the look in Jeff's eyes turned to unease. "It'll take a while for you to get used to us. You look tired, why don't you go and find a room upstairs and get some rest?"

    * * * * * *

    Jeff woke again what seemed like an eternity later. His eyes flickered open and he stared at the ceiling, alarmed at first that he wasn't in his own bed, but then he remembered where he was. It didn't make him feel any better as he sat up, running his fingers through his hair. A sound outside the door startled him and he swung his legs over the side of the bed and stood up, cautiously approaching the door. He reached out and pulled it open to find Sierra standing at the top of the stairs with a glass half full of water in her hand.

    "Did I wake you?" Her eyes darkened slightly. Jeff shook his head and she continued, holding the glass out towards him. "We thought you might be thirsty when you woke and I was going to leave it on your bedside table, but since you're already awake...I'm sorry it's nothing more spectacular. We didn't think you'd appreciate the taste of blood. My sister said that we could take you out for anything you might like tomorrow."

    "Thank you," Jeff took the glass, noticing that Sierra was watching his every move and this made him feel more than a little uncomfortable. "You know ever since I stepped into this house, at least one person has had their eyes on me at all times...well, except for when I was sleeping. Are you expecting me to run away or something?"

    "You're more than welcome to try but no, because you wouldn't get further than a few feet. Remember, you're in a house full of vampires-"

    "Vampires related to Isabel."

    "We're not like her," Sierra turned to descend the stairs again. "She was always the odd one out, the black sheep of the family. She will never change, Jeff..." She stopped half way down the stairs and turned to look up at him. "We were afraid that Ruby would turn out like her after what happened all those years ago. For the first century, she was exactly like her. Ruby finally broke free from whatever Isabella had her under in 1911. She came to us in 1936, I don't know where she was or what she did for the twenty five years in between, she has never told any of us. She was terribly difficult to control and it took another twenty six years to get her like she is now. Ruby's only been like us for half a century."

    "How old are all of you?" Jeff's gaze flickered from the glass he was still holding to her.

    "You should come and take a look at our family tree, find out..." The corners of Sierra's mouth turned up a little more and she gestured for him to follow. They descended the rest of the stairs but instead of turning right to go into the lounge, Sierra turned left and opened the door to a room that was almost completely empty, except for some stacked shelves at the back of the room and a large wooden table with chairs surrounding it in the middle. Sierra pulled a rolled up scroll from one of the shelves. "So..." She unravelled it and laid it out on the table. Jeff moved a little closer to look, his head tilted to one side. Damaskinos...Jacinda...Ajax...Johann...Milos...Delphine. There were all sorts of names Jeff had never heard of, but then he came to a few familiar looking ones near the bottom. Christa...Sierra...Gilberto...Isabella.....Ruby.

    "There are four of us, as you can see. Christa Elise, Sierra Lianna, Gilberto Theodore and Isabella Alexandra. Nikita and Cillian were our parents. Joseph and Maureen were our grandparents on our father's side and Lexi and Felix were our grandparents on our mother's side..." Sierra leaned forward, pointing at various names. "Of course, there are a lot of names missing and such, but you sort of have to get on with it."

    Jeff pointed at Ruby's name, then at Isabel's and finally at the name Christopher. "Ruby's dad?"

    "Christopher died in 1815, when Ruby was four years old*. He was a vampire too, killed by a vampire hunter. Ruby was five in 1816, in October, and a little less than a month later, she and Isabella took on Willow Creek. Isabella was born in 1787, which made her twenty nine years old in 1816 but she was twenty four when she was turned into a vampire. Gilbert was born in 1785, I was born in 1784 and Christa in 1783. The three of us were also twenty four when we were all turned into vampires. Pure coincidence," Sierra's fingers lingered on the scroll for a little longer before she turned back to the shelves. "We're the only ones left alive now, of course. Well, we're undead. Not alive, but not dead...dead. Surviving. Do you have any questions?"

    "How have you survived for so long? I mean, you said a vampire hunter killed Ruby's dad," Jeff leaned against the table, the corners of his mouth turning down a little.

    "With great difficulty," Sierra turned back to the table and started to roll the scroll back up. "None of this has been easy for any of us and I am sorry that you're involved at all. There aren't many vampire hunters left. Well, it's either that or they're getting better at disguising themselves, although a vampire can usually tell. We're smarter," she smiled briefly to herself and put the scroll back on the shelf, momentarily lost in her own thoughts.

    "A little less on our family history, I see," Christa stood next to Jeff, making him jump when she spoke. He hadn't noticed her coming in.

    "There's a lot I haven't told Jeff," Sierra turned to face her sister. "It's not like he needs to know everything. It isn't his concern."

    "Considering the situation, he's going to need to know as much as he can.." Christa moved towards the shelves and picked out a box, turning to place it on the table. She lifted the lid and put it to one side before reaching into the box, rummaging through it for a few moments. She pulled out a leather bound journal, a number of photographs and another scroll, or at least that is what it looked like. "This is our family journal, these are old family photographs and this..." She hesitated only briefly before she unravelled the scroll, revealing a very long list of names.

    "Who are those people?"

    "Our baby sister's victims," Sierra tilted her head to one side, her eyes narrowed. "You could say that every vampire's a serial killer, but Isabella takes it to a whole new level. At least we feel remorse for what we have to do in order to survive. She has no feelings. She relishes the fact that she does it all for fun."

    "Why do I need to see a list of all the people Isabel's killed?" Jeff asked, his gaze lingering on some of the names.







    He looked at these names in particular because four had circles around them and two were underlined.

    "We grew up with those six, our seven families were very close. Isabella was the same age as Nora Vanderbilt, Gilbert the same age as Jarvis Montgomery, Lola Hemingway and Emmeline Hayes, I was the same age as Julian Endicott and Christa here was the same age as Colton Devereaux," Sierra noticed him staring. "They're long dead now, of course. Murdered brutally. He knows enough for now..." She took the scroll from Christa and rolled it up before putting it, the journal and the photographs back in the box, placing the lid on top. "Come on, Ruby just got back. Where's Gilbert?"

    "In his room," Christa's gaze flickered momentarily towards Jeff and then towards the door. "We should go and join Ruby, she knows we're in here," she picked up the box and returned it to its place on the shelf.

    "Hello, waiting here!" Ruby called from the other side of the door, her voice slightly muffled. "You two, stop scaring him!"

    "Relax, I didn't share any gory details..." Sierra opened the door and stepped out, smiling almost mockingly at Ruby as she passed her. "You know, how your mother's a cannibal who eats babies."

    "She doesn't," Ruby reassured Jeff after seeing the look of pure horror on his face. "And neither do we. Are you alright?"

    "Yeah, I'm...I'm fine," Jeff smiled nervously, balling his hands into fists and relaxing them again. "It's just...this is all so overwhelming."

    "We are bloodsucking demons, I'd be surprised if you hadn't reacted like this," Sierra rolled her eyes as she headed for the stairs.

    Ruby took Jeff's hand, nudging him lightly. "Don't worry, she means that in a good way...I think."

    * * * * * *

    He didn't know where he was going, but his feet seemed to be taking him somewhere. It felt like he'd been walking forever, he didn't even remember starting to walk. It was dark at first, almost too dark. Then, suddenly, an old abandoned building appeared out of nowhere. He didn't know why, but something seemed to be drawing him towards this building. He pushed the door open and stepped in, glancing around at his surroundings.

    "You're not welcome here, human..." A figure shifted amongst the shadows, being careful to stay hidden.

    "Who are you?" Jeff took a step forward, trying to make out the face of whoever had spoken.

    "You...are not welcome," the same voice hissed in his ear but when he turned around to catch them, there was no one there.

    "Who are you?" He repeated, his voice shaking as he tried to remain calm.

    "Don't you know? Don't you recognise my voice?" Laughter sent a shiver through Jeff's entire body and he took a step backwards, walking right into the solid figure of whoever was tormenting him. "I know you're staying with them. Do you honestly think that THEY can keep you safe from ME?" She stepped forward to stand next to him. "I can do things that other vampires can't do, I can...get into people's dreams, invade their private thoughts. No one can keep anything from me, I'm far too clever to be outsmarted as quickly as that."

    He noticed that she was no longer wearing the black contacts she had been wearing over her red eyes whenever he'd seen her in a public place and he could now see why she wore them. They weren't the red colour he had expected, they were a lot darker and...he STILL couldn't bring himself to look away when she looked at him.

    "I haven't told you the best part. This building, me...you won't remember any of it when you wake up. I can do that, make you forget. I know what my sisters showed you," she took another step forward and turned to step in front of him. "That scroll with all those names on it, I bet you're still wondering what was with the names with circles around them and the ones that were underlined. I'd tell you but..I don't want you to remember any of this. Where I am, who I'm with..."

    Jeff finally noticed that they weren't alone, that there were other figures emerging from their hiding places. Isabel started to say something else but hesitated, rolling her eyes towards the ceiling. "My brother is waiting for you to wake up. If I were you, I wouldn't keep him waiting. He has a terrible temper."

    * * * * * *

    Jeff's eyes flickered open. The curtains were drawn and the room had been cast into darkness but two eyes, neither blue nor red, were watching him from a corner of the room.

    "Get enough rest?" Gilbert didn't smile or make any movement towards him.

    "Yes.." Jeff sat up, not wanting to meet his disturbing gaze. "Listen, there's uh...this thing that your sisters wouldn't tell me and I was kind of hoping you might share some more details."

    "Details?" Gilbert tilted his head to one side, his eyebrows raised. "What would you like to know?"

    "That scroll with all of those names on it, her victims. There were four with circles around them and two were underlined. Sierra...the blonde one...she said something about you growing up with them, but I don't think that actually explains it. What happened to those six?"

    One corner of Gilbert's mouth turned up in a crooked grin. "Now that is an interesting story."

  2. Nikki AND Faye/Diana? :happydance: :happydance: :happydance: :happydance: :happydance:

    Looooooooove :wub: :wub: :wub: Thank you SO much :P <3333


    Ohh, and thank yoooooooou for my ever so preeeetty Lea wallpaper <3333333333

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