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Posts posted by Laura
hmm for some strange reason -- the girls bathroom on the second floor - go into the COS anytime haha
but also the gryfindor common room!!
welcome Rose!!! its great to get new people in the thread wooo lets throw you a welcome party
kristens attention to detail is out of this worlddddddd. seriously -- i go see the films just to look for the things that she points out in this thread lol!!
aw man i'd give anything to go back to when the books were still bein released.
highlights of my summer/winter/whenever when i would sit thre for nearly 12 hours in a row just reading and reading ahaha!
I miss it too.
welcome to our wonderful home hahaha
it awesome here
you should stop by the chat again some time
I love this forum, I think its heaps better than the old one, it looks better, theres more features - it runs a lot faster and it hasnt had ANY downtime *touchwood*
yeah im pretty much a fan of this one hehe
i must add in coz i couldnt edit my post again
the pics are taken from HERE the best r/hr tumblr ive come across
i love the picss there so christmassy with our wonderfulllll r/hr
My brother showed me this game the other night
I was like ermmm its a bit low res? and then he showed me it properly like how you collect stuff to make tools and it was really cool.
Love that theres zombies in it haha
in General Chat
Let me just grab my wandddddddd.
actually im secretly hoping it snows more next week so i can have some extra time at home before i fly back to France
r/hr at christmas <33333
just think little Rose and Hugo (4 and 2) will be all excited for father christmas coming tonight!
I know this might not be the appropriate place, and I'm not sure of the "exact" day per se, but I wanted to wish Kristen, our fearless Captain a very HAPPY BIRTHDAY!
I know it's sometime around now!
Accio Cake!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I made you this cake and cupcakes to share with us all! I hope you like it!
You truly are the brightest Witch of your Age!
im going to post the next chapter tomorrow for your present, Kristen xxx
^^ like in order of the phoenix when she says 'i dont understand why you dont want to wear it, Ronald'
hahaha about his jumper he gets for christmas! funny times.
I just got back to ENGLAND! so excited to sleep in my own bed. Terrible drive home tho. a lorry crashed into us ahhh hit the car right into the door where i was sitting!
so surprised we didnt die :|
Little Dave
haha i noticed that
when i saw deathly hallows -- they were like HERM-EE-ON!!
i laughed...
in General Chat
boys like girls - the great escape
omg...some of the comments on that page...people need a smack! 'ron and hermione is sooo fake bella and edwardd!'
makes me so angry. the pair of them, KStew and RPatz are sooooo awkward!
welcome to the boards
@Kristen ok folks new chapter up at me fic
I read your comments and LOVED them...I added my 2 cents as well...ya know what is the only thing that matters? WE R/Hr shippers WON with our couple, H/G shippers won with their couple, and Emma got what she always wanted-her character to end up with Ron
So those morons can blog all they want-bottom line: RON AND HERMIONE WEASLEY
Emma: "She's happily married to Ron, with 2 beautiful children, Rosie and Hugo"
Rupert "we're married now w. 2 kids"
OH DW, I added my own comments about why Harry/Hermione would never work-besides the obvious-I felt that Ron ALWAYS respected Hermione's opinions, even though he could be stubborn (just as much as she can be LOL) but I also felt like Harry thought Hermione was not his equal where Ron did. Besides the fact of their sexual tension (HEEHEE LOVE THEM), Harry and Hermione showed NOTHING with each other.
Read this awesome FF yall- Laura we are missing your next chap!!!
Please update ASAP!!
Anyway this was a take on CoS-REALLY well done... http://www.fanfiction.net/s/6547301/1/If_Tomorrow_Never_Comes
I'm on it my dear --
planned the next 2 chapters while i was in McDonalds yesterday hahah!
I just read on Mugglenet that DH might be released on March 18th (in switzerland) HOW COOL IS THAT? ITS MY BIRTHDAY!
lol kristen im trying to replyto the messageyou sent me on FF.net butthesite wont load!! how irratating!!
au jourd'hui il fait froid, et il y a beaucoup de neige.
today its cold, and theres lots of snow
The Ron and Hermione Thread
in Shipper Forum
i should print a list of all her details and take it to the movies with me --
its good though it means that i get to notice something new everytime i go see the film hehe
I watched DH today with my parents and my dad said to me 'so...does Ron fancy Hermione then?'