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Posts posted by dookdookdook

  1. I liked it well enough that I bought it. And a blind buy on Rule of Thoughts. Both were down to $1.99 on amazon, lowest price they've been. I'm guessing it's to encourage readers for the next book.


    I found the book annoying for about the first half. I kept waiting for Dashner to give some explanation about how things worked. Then I decided to just accept that things worked without knowing how and I enjoyed it after that. I will say that I pretty much figured out the twist at the end early on, and was close on the Kaine mystery. Still,  a good book.



    Eye of Minds is still the last book i read   :rolleye0012:

  2. The Eye of Minds



    Yeah I agree with that opinion for sure. I want to know the original ending now too
    I need to see the movie scorch trails too.
    I hope you get to borrow that series!


    I borrowed it from the library, kindle edition. On the waiting list for Rule of Thoughts. ;) And the waiting list for the third book even though it hasn't come out yet.

  3. Most of the critic reviews I've read so far have been rather negative. In general they like Emma and Bruhls performance, but they can't save Gallenberger's bad script and poor direction.


    I often don't agree with critics though, so if it ever comes out in the US I'll go see it.

  4. I liked them too for the most part. What ruined Death Cure for me was

    I kept waiting for Thomas to grow as a character but he never did. Just stuck his head in the sand. I think by the end I disliked him more than Rat-man. And the death of Teresa. If she had to die, she at least deserved an emotional dramatic death. Instead it was like a couple sentences and Thomas was "Eh, whatever... Hi Brenda, let's go snog on the cliffside." All through the series she was a major character, and it's like Dashner didn't know how to wrap it up, so he just killed her off quickly. Actually, in an interview he hinted that Teresa's fate was changed by his editor. I wonder what the original ending for her was. 



    Yeah, the Fever Code, about the Gladers before Thomas got there. Supposed to come out next year.


    Thanks. The Mortality Doctrine is on my radar. If I can borrow sometime it I'll give it a try.

  5. The maze runner series!!! Did you like it?


    Series or Kill Order?


    Overall I guess I would say I liked the series. Could have been a lot better. I'd rate the individual books:


    Maze Runner - 9 stars

    Scorch Trials - 7 stars

    Death Cure - 3 stars


    and the Kill order prequel - 8 stars

    It actually works pretty well standalone, but as part of the series it makes me like the Death Cure even less.

  6. Any Confirm That Emma Watson will be filming along with Tom Hanks in San Francisco, California Next Month?


    I haven't seen any confirmation, but I have read that Emma said in an interview during the Regression press junket that she would not be at the premiere next month because she would start filming on The Circle.

  7. Helloooo stunners!

    It has been far too long since I've been on here or even bothered to open photoshop up. I had to create a whole new account because I couldnt remember my login for porcelain.skin but I promise I'm still Kella I'm just under another name now. >.

    The login name and display name are the same, porcelain.skin


    If you can't remember your password, and still have access to the email used before, you can request a password reset from the login screen.

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