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Posts posted by dookdookdook

  1. I think she's beautiful and I would like to see her act in something other than Harry Potter, I think she would do really well in other projects.

    She's been in a number of films, mostly French, but her latest ones have been English language films. She is in a new one coming out in January.


    There's an interview here.




  2. The true story is this is a rumor that was copied and pasted on so many sites that people think it must be true. Here are caps from the polyjuice scene. You can see it's just a white sleeve, and not a cast, that's come out from under her robes. Also notice how much her wrist is bent in the second photo.


  3. I wonder what the hell she is smoking? (Literally and metaphorically)



    I wouldn't have a problem if it was, say, an odd cigarette on a night out. But this is just disgusting.



    edit: turns out its salvia


    Yes, which actually isn't illegal for her to do.

  4. Ahh, that explains it all. Thanks. :] It's funny, I've been on these forums for

    7 years now, it feels weird to be called a newbie, haha!


    Is there any way to get your hands on an issue of Marie Claire through the web maybe?

    I've checked my local store where they sell foregin magazines, but I could not find it. :/


    It might not be out in your area yet. In my local stores they still don't have December issues of foreign magazines.


    The only way I know to get single issues is places like ebay or Amazon. If you search Emma Watson Marie Claire on the US Amazon, amazon.com, you'll find some for sale, and a few do international shipping. On Amazon.co.uk I didn't find any.

  5. I think "opening the chamber of secrets" is used figuratively. I mean the entrance to the chamber is just that sink in the girl's bathroom. It opened for Harry, and when they came back out it closed up again. 50 years earlier I imagine Riddle entered and left a number of times. After Hagrid was expelled, Riddle probably didn't go back so the secret would stay safe. And so, the chamber had been closed for 50 years until it was opened again by Ginny when Riddle's diary told her how.

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