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The Emma-Watson.net Forum


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Posts posted by dookdookdook

  1. Don't you ever get tired of the constant negativity?


    Emma was appointed ambassador 6 months ago. You don't think in all that time an English lit major couldn't write a speech?


    No, of course not. Emma doesn't really care about women. This is all a PR stunt. Luke made the UN appoint Emma as ambassador.



  2. I really like a couple of her songs, but I guess that's not enough to make me a fan. She's a classy dresser and stays out of the tabloids, mostly just positive stories in the news about her.

  3. I'm no fan of pharmaceutical companies, but this is not about them being greedy. Sales of drugs for ALS don't even make up 0.01% of total sales. It's hardly a moneymaker for them. Also, the money is going to charities which provide patient care and fund research. Why would a greedy "big pharma" want to promote research?

  4. Does clearing the browser cache help?



    Junkie, I guess you are on a PC. What version of windows?


    @Unica, are you on a PC or mobile? And which version of windows, or is it ipad or android if mobile?




    EDIT: I've made a small change and I no longer have the problem when viewed with my tablet. Are things back to normal for you?

  5. Ok, that may help narrow down the problem.


    jigz, yes, that may be from a slow connection. Looks like it is failing to load the css and some images. I get that on some websites occasionally and usually just reloading the page will clear it up.

  6. Is it still flickering for you? Have you tried clearing the browser cache and restarting? I've rebuilt the skins (themes) just a short while ago to see if that will help.


    And is it just on the front page, or any page? Just flickering titles, or everything flickers?

  7. I believe the forum can be set to support different languages. You pick the flag of your country and then things like button labels, etc are in your language. We don't have that setup here.

  8. One other person so far has mentioned a problem with how the forum is displayed. I haven't been able to find anything wrong, or duplicate it for myself. At this point I'm not sure what is happening. My suggestion to the other person was to clear their browser cache and restart the browser.

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