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Monkey Cartwheels

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Posts posted by Monkey Cartwheels

  1. Oh yes, I've heard of the place lol.

    I live in little old Adelaide :)

    Well isn't that snazzy then?

    I've not been to Adelaide before, is it dapper?

    I bet its not as little as were I'm from


    My boyfriend and I. I don't really like getting my photo taken so the photos I have are scarce and mostly contain other people.


    I blame this one on alcohol.

    Looking rad.


    Quit drinking, listen to music with screaming in it, throw punches in the mosh pits, be awesome. - Joe's life tips

  3. Howdy Paige, I am from that other island part of Australia, you know, New Zealand? haha

    Have fun blasting around the forum and what not, its been pretty quiet on the forum lately but make it fun.


    Where in Aussie do you live?

  4. you're so cute!!

    Naw shucks, you've got me all embarrassed now haha.

    Thanks heaps.


    Okay here we go

    I dig your style! It really suits you and looks rad. A+ keep up the good work!


    Looking good, my good looking hubby, looking good (...I suppose I got the point across).


    HAY GUIZE I'm back. And this picture is like, 1.5 years old. Sorry. But hello.



    :blush: You're too kind Sammy, I'm really just your average Joe (lol pun)


    Also you are looking as spiffy as ever I must say!


    You make me jealous of your awesomeness!

    Now come on, you know I'm as dull as dish water!

    Thanks buddy!

  5. Maaaaaaaan what did I say last time?

    Actually just shut up, no one cares. You say you have the right to say what you want and freedom of speech all that crap.

    But have you ever thought

    Just because you CAN say it, SHOULD you say it?


    There is such thing as abusing your rights.


    Next time you make a post, really read it and think "Is it relevant? Does anyone care?". In fact, just don't post it, because I guarantee it will be stupid.

  6. Hey guys, would you be able to throw a bit of prayer my family's way?


    My mum is falling into the world of online chatting. I don't care what anyone says, that stuff ruins people.

    She spends hours on end chatting to people all around the world and 80% of the time they're men. She spends more time talking to them than her own husband.

    Can you guys pray that she sees the dark path that she is headed down before its too late? It would be appreciated 100000%


    Anyone got any requests?

  7. Thanks mate! As manly as I try to act and look, I'm always a sucker for little kids! Cannot wait to have my own one day! :D



    I got two new posts for ya'll.


    First one is called My Nanna’s passing and why my Poppa is the greatest man in the world, its pretty self explanatory.

    But basically my closest nanna finally passed away after a life time of dealing with health issues and my poppa stayed caring for her for a life time.


    The second one is just called Secular Metal, and it follows my usual sort of thought process, which is having an original point and then branching off constantly into different ways and then struggling to try and get them to all meet up at the end. This one is a bit more Christian heavy but is basically why I think there is no harm in Christians listening to secular heavy music which is always called "evil". I'm pretty sure it makes no sense at all....

  8. Given the new popular trend of taking photos with cameras I decided to jump on the bandwagon and take a few more...

    I also decided that I wasn't pro enough so I put watermarks on all the photos. No prizes for guessing what I says.*


    *I have no prizes to give











    That's not all though!

    I got super bored one day and ended up making a photoshoot!

    I would put them up here but it's better with the captions I put on them on facebook.

    My very first photoshoot

    Hopefully you can see them...

    Feel free to add me as well, I don't mind....

  9. I reckon if I was in her position, every time I go out in public that isn't involved with work, e.g Like the above pictures. I would dress up in the most ridiculous outfits ever. Like dressed as a lumber jack or a storm trooper or wear a pregnancy suit to confuse everyone.

    I'd annoy them until they left me alone. Wear stuff that completely covers my face...

  10. I think at the end of the day you have to happy with yourself. Love yourself, love others and live a life that is just happy. I like to think that the Divine rewards us. Peace will reward itself with more peace.


    Is it bad where you are like it is here? I'm just curious because our politicians like to use God as a campaign tool. It really disgusts me.

    Exactly, no body likes an extremest of any belief/lack of belief. If someone doesn't want to believe in something then I am completely fine with that, just don't be a douche about it. Same goes for people that do believe something and think everyone else should believe the same thing.


    Yeah but probably in different ways. You don't really hear anything from the politicians about it, but then again I don't listen to them or follow politics. But there is a lack of teaching of any kind of religion. Schools are getting rid of religious learning because its "bias", so a lot of kids are growing up without any knowledge of any sort of high power at all. Which I think is pretty damn bias. If they wanted to not be bias they would give kids knowledge of God and let them decide for themselves. At least in the States kids are growing up with some knowledge on the subject.

    So many kids here would have never touched a bible in their lives or never stood in a religious building.

    I hate New Zealand, its all about sex, drinking, rugby and swearing and it pisses me right off. People over here are actually genuinely surprised when they find out I'm Christian, Its like we are a bloody endangered species or something.

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